100字范文 > 防火对策 fire prevention measures英语短句 例句大全

防火对策 fire prevention measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-13 15:54:29


防火对策 fire prevention measures英语短句 例句大全

防火对策,fire prevention measures

1)fire prevention measures防火对策

1.The reasons and characteristics of the fire for multi-storey commercial-residential buildings are analyzed,and thefire prevention measures and how to fight the fire at the beginning of the disaster are also discussed.本文分析归纳了多层商住楼火灾事故多发的主要原因及火灾特点,并就其防火对策和初起火灾的扑救进行了探讨。


1.Fire protection situation and fire prevention measures of senior apartment老年公寓的消防安全现状及防火对策

2.The Fire Risk of Tobacco Storage and the Preventive Measures;烟草生产储存火灾危险性及防火对策研究

3.Brief analysis on hazards of the producing glycol and somerelevant fire-control strategies;乙二醇生产火灾危险性及工艺防火对策

4.Talking about the Hidden Dangers of the Fire Hazard of the Heritage Buildings(Temples) in Tibet and Fire Prevention浅谈西藏文物古建筑(寺庙)火险隐患及防火对策

5.The Stuation of Fire Prevention in Public Entertainment Places;公共娱乐场所消防安全现状及防火对策研究

6.Analysis on the Present Situation of Fire Safety of High-rise Buildings and Fire-prevention Countermeasures高层建筑消防安全现状及防火对策分析

7.Enterprise Library Lightning Oil,Anti-static Measures of Fire企业石油库防雷、防静电火灾的对策

8.Analysis on Fire Causes of High-rise Building and Fire Safety Countermeasures高层建筑火灾致因因素分析与防火安全对策

9.The causes of fire conflagrations caused by static electricity of oil and chemical and the countermeasures石油化工静电火灾原因及其防治对策

10.The Problems with the Use of Fire-proof Paints with Steel Frame Structures;钢结构防火材料应用问题及对策探讨

11.The Fire Prevention in a Database Center;数据中心火灾危险性分析与防治对策

12.Causes and Prevention of Collapse from Building Fires;建筑火灾坍塌事故的成因及预防对策

13.Fire Precautions of Stock and Transport of Ammonia and the Treatment Countermeasures of Leak;氨气储运的防火措施及泄漏处置对策

14.On the Fire Characteristics of the Densely-Populated Places and Its Countermeasure Tactics人员密集场所的火灾特性与防控对策

15.The Fire Risk Assessment of Gas Pipelines and Protective Measures燃气管道火灾危险性评价及预防对策

16.Fire safety analysis on the high burning point insulating oil of transformers高燃点绝缘油变压器的防火安全对策

17.Fire risk factor analysis and working recommendations of city某城市火灾危险因素分析及预防对策

18.China"s building energy-saving fire Misunderstandings and Countermeasures我国建筑节能防火安全的误区及对策


fire safety countermeasures防火安全对策

3)fire prevention and countermeasure火灾预防及对策

4)control countermeasure防治对策

1.On the ecological environment status in the source area of Yangtze River and Yellow River and itscontrol countermeasure;试论长江、黄河源区生态环境现状及其防治对策

2.Resistance of Musca domestica and itscontrol countermeasure in Anyang city;安阳市家蝇抗性调查及防治对策

3.Occurrence status andcontrol countermeasure of Bemisia tabaci;烟粉虱的发生危害与防治对策


1.Study on Prevention and Countermeasure of Nitrogen Trichloride Fire Explosion;三氯化氮火灾爆炸防治对策研究

2.Study on Geological Hazards Due to Mining Subsidence and their Countermeasures in Mining Area;矿区开采沉陷地质灾害与防治对策研究

3.Mechanism Analysis and Countermeasures on Partial Wear and Corrosion of Pumping Well in Bonan Oilfield;渤南油田抽油井偏磨腐蚀机理分析及防治对策


1.Influencing Factors of the Health Status of Staff in High Colleges of Our Country and Countermeasures;我国高校教职工健康现状、影响因素及预防对策

2.Research oncountermeasures for road condition causes of traffic accidents;道路交通事故道路条件成因分析及预防对策研究

3.Objective studying student anxiety due to access to internet andcountermeasures.目的探讨和研究深受因特网影响的学生的焦虑问题及预防对策。


