100字范文 > 基础施工 foundation construction英语短句 例句大全

基础施工 foundation construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-12 22:27:29


基础施工 foundation construction英语短句 例句大全

基础施工,foundation construction

1)foundation construction基础施工

1.A summary offoundation construction for the transfer bridge at north bank of Yangtze River on Xinyi\|Changxin Railway;新长铁路长江轮渡北岸栈桥基础施工综述

2.Thefoundation construction is a key part of transmission line project construction.基础施工是送电线路工程施工重要环节。

3.According to the construction of bridge foundation,it illustrates the whole procedures and technique points about steel sheet pile cofferdam construction approximate to five meters under water surface,generalizes the focal points and difficult points about thefoundation construction in deepwater.从桥梁基础施工的角度出发,对在5 m左右深水中,如何用钢板桩围堰进行施工的全过程作一详细介绍,阐述了钢板桩围堰施工的技术要点,对深水基础施工的重点与难点进行总结。


1.Quality Control of Pile Foundation Construction Surveying in Construction Engineering建筑工程桩基础施工测量的质量控制

2.Construction Difficulties and Techniques of Deep-water Foundation in Anqing Changjiang Bridge安庆长江大桥深水基础施工难点及其施工技术

3.It briefly introduces foundation construction of Boluo Bridge.简要介绍博罗大桥基础施工情况。

4.The Crack Control Study of the Mass Concrete Foundation Construction;大体积混凝土基础施工裂缝控制研究

5.Key Techniques Used in Deep Foundation Construction of Wubu Yellow River Bridge吴堡黄河桥深埋置基础施工关键技术

6.Taking about the Foundation Construction Technology of Rock-socketed Pile in Karst Region喀斯特地质嵌岩灌注桩基础施工技术

7.On deep foundation construction supervision safety control杭州某深基础施工监理安全控制初探

8.the industrial base of Japan.日本的工业基础设施。

9.The first phase (stage) of the infrastructure project基础设施工程第一期

10.Basic industries and infrastructure continued to develop.——基础工业和基础设施继续发展。

11.Continually strengthening basic industries and construction of infrastructural facilities./ infrastructure construction.继续加强基础工业,基础设施建设。

12.Construction Enterprise Quota,the Basis of Construction Item Management;施工项目管理的基础—施工企业定额

13.Technique of Construction of Mirror Concrete for Base,Post and Beam基础、柱和梁的镜面混凝土施工工艺

14.Discussion on Quality Control of Survey in Stake Foundation Construction;浅谈桩基础工程施工测量的质量控制

15.Burial and construction methods of anchor bolt burying in substation construction foundation变电站施工基础地脚螺栓埋设施工方法

16.Concentrating strength on supporting the construction of key in-frastructure projects.集中力量援建基础设施重点工程。

17.Understrcture Design and Applied Research in Construction of Huluding Bridge;葫芦鼎大桥基础设计及施工技术研究

18.Designing, Engaging in Construction and Inspection of Some Tall Building;某高层建筑筏板基础设计、施工与检测


base construction基础施工

1.By introduce three methods ofbase construction of anear bridge railway to enhance safe technic pledge of it, consequently ensure construct can run favoring.通过对近铁路基础施工的三种方法的介绍 ,进一步加强公铁立交桥基础工程施工的安全技术保证 ,从而保证了公铁立交桥施工的顺利进

3)basic construction基础施工

1.This article discusses thebasic constructional methods of man-made lawn gym ground and the fixing methods of man-made lawn which has a important directional meanings how to construct high-quality man-made lawn gym ground in school.对人造草坪体育场地的基础施工方法和人造草坪铺装方法进行了较详细的论述,对学校高质量地修建人造草坪体育场地有一定的指导意义。

4)deep foundation construction深基础施工

1.All of these are the difficult problems in the field ofdeep foundation construction.在介绍规范施工一章内容的同时,亦补充了一些国内外的有关资料和经验,使读者能够对深基础施工问题有较全面的认识。

5)pile foundation construction桩基础施工

bined with the geological conditions of Sanyu anli interchange project thepile foundation construction technology in limeston e area is introduced as well as the points needing attention in practice.结合三元里立交的工程地质状况 ,介绍了石灰岩地区进行桩基础施工的技术 ,提出了施工过程中的注意事项 ,指出只要合理利用该技术 ,合理管理 ,就能较好地保证桩基础的工程质量和施工工

6)foundation engineering基础工程施工


