100字范文 > 特别清算 special liquidation英语短句 例句大全

特别清算 special liquidation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-19 02:48:34


特别清算 special liquidation英语短句 例句大全

特别清算,special liquidation

1)special liquidation特别清算

1.In correspendence to the common liquidation,special liquidation is much more different.特别清算,是与普通清算相对应的一种清算制度,其在日本公司法及我国台湾地区的公司法中均有规定,克服了普通清算对债权人利益保护不周的弊端,也避免了破产清算的高额花费,较好地兼顾了当事人自治与社会秩序,均衡了效益与公平。

2.China s presentspecial liquidation system is applicable to foreign-funded enterprises and the system works when the en-terprises are incapable of carrying out the liquidation by themselves and hand it over to the competent authority.《外商投资企业清算办法》规定了适用于我国外商投资企业的特别清算制度。


1.On the Review and Reconstruction of the Legal System on the Special Liquidation of Companies of Our Country;关于我国公司特别清算法律制度的检讨与重构

2.On Special Liquidation;特别清算论——对我国公司法修改中的一点建议

3.On China s Special Liquidation System Concerning Foreign-Funded Enterprises;简论我国外商投资企业的特别清算制度

4.On the Causes of Dissolution and Liquidation of Corporations and Judicial Relief--And on the Improvement of Company Special Liquidation System in Company Law论公司解散清算僵局的成因及其司法救济——兼谈《公司法》公司特别清算制度的完善

5.in the event of Your bankruptcy, commencement of bankruptcy, corporate reorganization, civil rehabilitation, concordat, special liquidation or any other insolvency proceeding with respect to Customer.您之破产、破产程序开始、企业改组、民事再生、特别清算或关于客户之任何其他破产程序,

6.of especially computer output devices; producing images that are sharp and finely detailed; also high-resolution photography.特别是指计算机的输出设备;输出的图片鲜艳、细节清晰;也说“高清晰摄影”。

7.In particular, those members requested information on professional services, educational services, and charges for settlement clearing and transmission services of banks.特别是,这些成员要求提供关于专业服务、教育服务和银行结算、清算和转移服务收费的信息。

8.From what people said, I managed to glean that he wasn"t coming.我从别人说话中总算弄清楚他不来了.

9.The Research of Iris Recognition Preprocessing and Feature Recognition Algorithm虹膜识别预处理和特征识别算法研究

10.the branch of medical science that deals with serums; especially with blood serums and disease.医学中有关血清特别是血清与疾病关系的分支。

11.Especially, the floor also is easy-cleaning, not-fade and wearable.特别是该地板易清洗,不褪色且易安装。

12.Special Committee on the Cleaning Up of Black Spots in the New Territories清理新界黑点特别委员会

13.The graceful hill stands out clearly and distinctly against the blue sky.秀美的小山,映着蓝天,轮廓特别清晰。

14.Special Committee on Clearance of Kowloon Walled City九龙城寨清拆事宜特别委员会

15.Police notice: bicycles will be removed警察特别提示:自行车将被清走

16.Research on Handmetric Recognition and Feature Level Fusion Method;手部特征识别及特征级融合算法研究

17.The speedy penetration into the skin and the cooling action were felt to be particularly pleasant.特别是其对于皮肤的快速渗透和清凉作用特别令人愉快。

18.just let it be.别把得失算得那么清楚, 一切顺其自然吧.


special system of liquidation特别清算制度

3)Special Liquidation Process特别清算程序

4)Research of Special Liquidation Regime特别清算制度研究

5)Special Budget特别预算

6)extraordinary budget临时预算;特别费


