100字范文 > 信息产业化 information industrialization英语短句 例句大全

信息产业化 information industrialization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-20 18:49:59


信息产业化 information industrialization英语短句 例句大全

信息产业化,information industrialization

1)information industrialization信息产业化

1.This paper explains the connotation of the globalization, analyzes on the progress of Chineseinformation industrialization and its faced chances and challenges, and puts forward the countermeasures that should be taken for the development of our country sinformation industrialization.阐释了全球化的涵义,分析了中国信息产业化的进展及其所面临的机遇与挑战,提出了我国信息产业化发展应当采取的对策与措施。


1.The Key of Promoting Industrialization of Sports InformationIs Increasing Information Quality;推进体育信息产业化的关键是提高信息质量

2.Expediting City Information Port Construction,Putting Forward Information Industry Process;加速都市信息港建设推动信息产业化进程

3.To Develop Agriculture Informatization and Bring into Play Agriculture Industrialization;发展农业信息化 以信息化推动产业化

4.Beef up the sense of information value for the development of information industry强化信息价值观念 发展我国信息产业

5.Interactive Relationship between Information Industry and Logistics Industry in Logistics Infomationization;物流信息化下信息产业与物流产业的交互关系

6.Agro informationalization and Its Effect onAgricultural Industrialization;农业信息化及其对农业产业化的影响

7.The Key of Traditional Industry Reforming by Information Technology--Product Informatization;信息技术对传统产业改造的关键——产品信息化

8.Advance the informationization of manufacturing industry and improve industrial competitiveness;推进制造业信息化提升产业竞争能力

9.Product Data Management and Information Service in Manu-Product Data Management and Information Service in Manu-[facturing Enterprises;产品数据管理(PDM)与制造业企业信息化

10.Relevancy Analysis of Information Industry Factors tothe Degree of Informatimalization;信息产业各要素与信息化程度的关联分析

11.Western Information and Developing Information Industry;西部信息化与发展信息产业的战略思考

12.The Development Trend of Information Industry and Strategies of Informationization Construction in China信息产业发展趋势及中国信息化建设战略

13.Measurement Study on Chinese Industrial Informatization Level --Comparative study on Informatization Level among Mechanical Industries;我国产业信息化水平测度研究——机械行业产业信息实证分析

14.The direction is to socialize and industrialize the information service.以信息服务的社会化和产业化为方向;

15.Industrialization: the Continued Motive Force for the Development of IT Application in Rural Area;产业化:农村信息化发展的不竭动力

16.Manufacturing Execution System for Information Integration and Production Optimization in Refining and Petrochemical CompaniesMES与炼化企业信息集成和生产优化

17.A review of the research on the relation between agricultural informatization and agriculture industrialization;农业信息化与农业产业化关系研究综述

18.An Analysis of China-Indian IT Industry Cooperation in the Industry Globalization Environment;产业全球化背景下的中印信息产业合作研究


industrialization of information信息产业化

1.This paper briefly expounds the present situation and developing tendency of information frade in 21 st century, points out the superiority of the library in aspect ofindustrialization of information, and puts forward the developing strategy of industrialization of library information.简述了 2 1世纪信息产业发展的现状和趋势 ,指出了图书馆在信息产业化方面的优势 ,并提出了图书馆信息产业化的发展战

3)informational industrialization信息产业化

1.Industrial informationalization andinformational industrialization are important means in economic growth.信息化是转变经济增长方式的关键 ,产业信息化和信息产业化是转变经济增长方式的重要途径。

4)manufactured affordable housing产业化信息

5)industrial informationization产业信息化

1.Urgency ofindustrial informationization with the background of joining WTO;入世背景下产业信息化的迫切性

6)Industrial informatization产业信息化

1.Measurement Study on Chinese Industrial Informatization Level ——Comparative study on Informatization Level among Mechanical Industries;我国产业信息化水平测度研究——机械行业产业信息实证分析


