100字范文 > 药源性疾病 Drug-induced diseases英语短句 例句大全

药源性疾病 Drug-induced diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-06 06:21:55


药源性疾病 Drug-induced diseases英语短句 例句大全

药源性疾病,Drug-induced diseases

1)Drug-induced diseases药源性疾病

1.A servey of 165 inpatients with drug-induced diseases;165例药源性疾病的调查


1.Consideration about drug-borne illness in patients with cardiovascular diseases;心血管病患者出现药源性疾病的思考

2.ADRs and Drug-induced Disease Induced by Common Chinese Patent Medicines in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease治疗心血管疾病常用中成药的不良反应及药源性疾病分析

3.Speculations on Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Tract Viral Diseases with Chinese Medicine中医药防治呼吸道病毒性疾病的思考

4.Chinese Medicine Research Advancement of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases慢性阻塞性肺疾病的中医药研究进展

5.Application of Dual Source Computed Tomography in Heart Diseases双源CT在心源性疾病中的临床应用

6.The disease has increased with the spread of ADIS and drug resistance forms of tuberculosis.随着Adis疾病的蔓延,形成抗药性肺结核。

7.She had no past history of affective illness and was not taking any medication.她没有情感性疾病史,也无服药史。

8.Pigs acutely affected with swine dysentery should be medicated via the water.对急性猪痢疾病,猪应饮水服药。

9.Medicinal Charcoal for Chronic Kidney Disease:A Systematic Review药用炭治疗慢性肾脏疾病的系统评价

10.Establishment of the Classification System for Food Borne Diseases and Analysis on the Present State of Food Borne Diseases in Chengdu;食源性疾病分类系统的建立及成都市食源性疾病现状研究

11.Superiority and Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Viral Communicable Diseases中医药治疗病毒性感染性疾病的优势和特色

12.Experience of pharmacists participating in clinical pharmaceutical consultation on infectious diseases药师从事感染性疾病临床药学会诊的体会

13.Examination of bacterial pathogens isolated from the leech,Hirudinaria manillensis Lesson,1842 and medication therapy菲牛蛭细菌性疾病的病原检验及药物防治

14.Pathogenesis of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease and the Related Therapeutic Drug缺血性脑血管疾病的发病机制及治疗药物

15.Having a cause external to the body. Used of diseases.外源性的由于体外原因的,用于指疾病

16.Making Clinical Decision-making of Surgical Treatment in Double-primary Thoracic-disease;胸部双源性疾病外科治疗的临床决策

17.Surveillance of Food-borne Disease in Nanning City during -南宁市—食源性疾病监测分析

18.Surveillance for Food-Borne Disease Outbreaks-United States:1998-20021998-2002年美国食源性疾病暴发监测


drug-induced disease药源性疾病

1.Function of apothecary in diagnosis and prevention ofdrug-induced disease;药师在药源性疾病诊治及预防中的作用

2.Epidemiological analysis ondrug-induced diseases in children caused by traditional chinese medicine injections;中药注射剂致儿童药源性疾病的流行病学分析

3)drug induced disease药源性疾病

1.Occurrence and influencing factors ofdrug induced disease of traditional Chinese medicine;中药药源性疾病的发生与影响因素

4)drug-induced cardiovascular diseases药源性心血管疾病

5)Drug-induced thyroid dysfunction药源性甲状腺疾病

1.Drug-induced thyroid dysfunction refers to the kind of thyroid disease caused by application of certain drugs,incuding hyperthyroidism,hypothyroidism,goiter and subclinical thyroid disease.引起药源性甲状腺疾病的药物种类繁多,不同药物所致药源性甲状腺疾病的发生机制不同,临床表现不一。

6)drug-induced cerebrovascular disease药源性脑血管疾病

1.Drug-induced adverse reactions on the central nervous system, such as drug-induced epilepsy, drug- induced headache, drug-induced cognitive impairment, drug-induced disturbance of consciousness, drug-induced encephalopathy,drug-induced cerebrovascular disease, drug-induced extrapyramidal disease and drug-induced mental disorders are common in clinic.常见药物对中枢神经系统的不良影响有药源性癫痫、药源性头痛、药源性认知功能障碍、药源性意识障碍、药源性脑病、药源性脑血管疾病、药源性锥体外系疾病及药源性精神障碍等。


