100字范文 > 肺血管重构 pulmonary vascular remodeling英语短句 例句大全

肺血管重构 pulmonary vascular remodeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 08:17:12


肺血管重构 pulmonary vascular remodeling英语短句 例句大全

肺血管重构,pulmonary vascular remodeling

1)pulmonary vascular remodeling肺血管重构

1.Role of bcl-2 and bax expressions inpulmonary vascular remodeling of PAH rats secondary to left-right shunt CHDbcl-2/bax表达在左向右分流型肺动脉高压肺血管重构中的作用

2.Objective To explore the relation between the expression of AT1 or AT2 receptors andpulmonary vascular remodeling.目的探讨左向右分流先心病患儿肺血管AT1、AT2受体表达与肺血管重构的关系。

3.Objective:Based on the observation on effect of ACEI and AT_1 receptor antagonist onpulmonary vascular remodeling in rats with pulmonary hypertension, the mechanism of AngⅡrole in the development ofpulmonary vascular remodeling were explored.目的:观察ACEI和AT_1受体拮抗剂对大鼠肺切除加野百合碱诱导肺动脉高压肺血管重构的影响,进而探讨AngⅡ在肺动脉高压肺血管重构的机制。


1.Sildenafil Attenuate Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling and Increase Kv1.5 mRNA Expression in Pulmonary Hypertension Secondary to High Pulmonary Blood Flow in Rats;西地那非逆转高肺血流肺高压大鼠肺血管重构和Kv1.5mRNA表达的机制

2.Role of bcl-2 and bax expressions in pulmonary vascular remodeling of PAH rats secondary to left-right shunt CHDbcl-2/bax表达在左向右分流型肺动脉高压肺血管重构中的作用

3.Effect of Baofei Dingchuan Tang on the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling Rats Induced by Monocrotaline保肺定喘汤对野百合碱诱发肺血管重构大鼠VEGF表达的影响

4.Relationship between hepatocyte growth factor,c-Met and pulmonary vascular remodeling in pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by left to right shunt in ratsHGF、c-Met蛋白与左向右分流型肺动脉高压肺血管重构的关系

5.Effect of Polycythemia on Hypoxia Induced Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Rats红细胞增多对大鼠低氧肺动脉高压及其肺血管重构的影响

6.Effect of angiontensin-(1-7) on development of monocrotaline induced pulmonary arterial hypertension and vascular remodeling血管紧张素-(1-7)对野百合碱诱导的肺动脉高压和肺血管重构的影响

7.Roles of Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-1,-9 in Pulmonary Vascular Reconstitution of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease基质金属蛋白酶-1、9在小儿先天性心脏病肺血管重构中的作用

8.Effects of Intravenous Injection of Cellulose Particles on Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Broilers肺血管重构在静脉注射纤维素颗粒所致肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征中的作用

9.Effects of hypoxia-exercises on pulmonary vascular structural remodeling and expressions of CTGF in rats低氧联合运动对大鼠肺血管重构的保护作用及结缔组织生长因子表达的影响

10.Reconstruction of Pulmonary Vessel Tree Based on Morphology and Local Feature Structure基于形态学与局部特征结构的肺血管树重建

11.Restructure of Pulmonary Vessel in HPH Rats and the Interference Effect of Radix;低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺血管结构重建及黄芪的干预作用

12.Restructure of Pulmonary Vessel in Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension (HPH) Rats and the Interference Effect of Magnesium Agent;低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺血管结构重建及镁制剂对其的干预作用

13.Role of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Vascular Remodeling of Rat Pulmonary Hypertension;结缔组织生长因子在大鼠肺动脉高压血管重构中的表达及作用

14.Effects of Histamine on Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Broiler Chickens Induced by Low Ambient Temperature;组胺在低温诱发的肉鸡肺血管结构重建中的作用

15.The Intensive Monitering on EVLW after Pulmonary Contusion and Fluid Management Strategy肺挫伤血管外肺水的重症监测和液体管理

16.The Experimental Study of High Pulmonary Blood Flow-Induced Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling by Left Pneumonectomy;大鼠左全肺切除致高肺血流肺血管重建的实验研究

17.The Research of Enalapril on Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Vascular Structural Remodeling Induced by High Pulmonary Blood Flow in Rats;依那普利对高肺血流量大鼠所致肺动脉高压、肺血管重塑的研究

18.Effect of the BMP-2 on Pulmonary Vascular Remodelling in Rats with Acute Lung Injury by Endotoxin and Interventional Role of Intravenous Anesthetic;BMP-2对内毒素致急性肺损伤大鼠肺血管构型重建的影响及静脉麻醉药的干预作用


pulmonary vascular remodeling肺血管结构重建

1.Effects of Histamine on Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Broiler Chickens Induced by Low Ambient Temperature;组胺在低温诱发的肉鸡肺血管结构重建中的作用

2.Objectives To investigate whetherpulmonary vascular remodeling in rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension(HPH)could be prevented by treatment with Rho kinase inhibitor fasudil.目的探讨Rho激酶抑制剂法舒地尔对大鼠低氧性肺动脉高压(HPH)及其肺血管结构重建的影响。

3)pulmonary vascular remodeling(PVR)肺血管构型重建

1.The pulmonary vascular remodeling(PVR)in hypoxia was based on the pathological development of the hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (HPH).本文认为,缺氧性肺血管构型重建是低氧性肺动脉高压持续发展的主要病理基础,通过对临床和病理改变的分析,提出形成肺血管构型重建的中医病因病机为:气虚是始动因素,又是基本病机,是肺气虚向肺肾气虚的演变,血瘀、痰阻是继发的病理改变,肺络不通是局部的病理结果;治疗应以补益肺肾、活血消痰、疏通肺络为基本原则。

4)hypoxic pulmonary vascular remolding缺氧肺血管重构

5)pulmonary vascular remolding肺血管重建

1.This article examines the causes ofpulmonary vascular remolding in congenital heart disease with pulmonary hypertension,and also focuses on the effects of nitric oxide,endothelin and endothelin receptors,cardiovascular regulating peptides and vascular endothelial growth factor.详尽论述了先心病并发肺动脉高压的肺血管重建发生机制及研究进展,以及一氧化氮、内皮素及内皮素受体、心血管调节肽及血管内皮生长因子四种血管活性物质在肺血管重建中的作用。

6)Pulmonary vascular remodeling肺血管重建

1.Objective:To explore the effect of high pulmonary blood flow on pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension in rats by left pneumonectomy, and the possible effects of hypoxia, hypoxia inducible factor-lα(HIF-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) in the mechanism of high pulmonary blood flow-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension.目的:探讨大鼠左全肺切除术后余肺高血流量是否导致肺血管重建和肺动脉高压,以及低氧,缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)和血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)在肺血管重建和肺动脉高压形成过程中可能的作用机制。

2.Part 1 THE EFFECT OF ESTROGEN ON THE HYPOXICPULMONARY VASCULAR REMODELINGOBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of estrogen on the hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling.雌激素对低氧性肺血管重建的作用目的:观察17-β雌二醇对低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺血管重建的作用。

3.According to many reseaches, pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vascular remodeling (PVR) are the characterastics of pulmonary hypertension.大量研究证实:肺血管收缩反应性增强和肺血管结构重建(pulmonary vascular remodeling,PVR)是肺动脉高压形成的血管变化特征,其中肺血管重建(PVR)不但是肺动脉高压持续发展的关键因素,而且是血管对扩张降压药物产生抵抗的主要原因之一,因此,如何阻止及逆转肺血管重建亦是有效防治肺动脉高压近而防治高原肺水肿的关键环节。


肺错构瘤肺错构瘤pulmonary hemartoma肺正常组织在胚胎发育过程中,过度生长形成的瘤样畸形。为良性肿瘤,极少恶变。主要由软骨形成,内含有上皮、平滑肌组织、纤维组织和脂肪等。多位于肺边缘,呈孤立性结节,少数发生于气管内。多数无症状,仅在X线检查时被发现。肿瘤较大且靠近肺门,可有咳嗽、气急和胸痛等症状。治疗主要是肺叶切除。
