100字范文 > 市区人口 Urban Population英语短句 例句大全

市区人口 Urban Population英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 08:55:12


市区人口 Urban Population英语短句 例句大全

市区人口,Urban Population

1)Urban Population市区人口


1.Most of Shanghai City is thickly settled.上海市大部分市区人口稠密。

2.The Growth and Distribution of Population in Beijing Metropolitan Area(1982-2000);近来北京都市区人口增长与分布

3.Regional Economic Gap and Migration Movement: A Comparison Based on the Population Distribution in Seven Big Cities;地区经济差距与人口流动:基于七国大都市区人口分布的比较研究

4.To bring about the redistribution of(an urban population and industry)to suburban areas.人口疏散把(城市人口和工业)疏散分布至郊区

5.The population suburbanization is a new trend in the population development of big cities in our country.人口郊区化是我国大城市人口发展的新动向。

6.Research on Sustainable Development Population Bearing Capacity of Shahekou Dalian;大连市沙河口区可持续发展的人口承载力预测

7.Analysis of management model for infectious disease prevention among floating population in Hongkou district,Shanghai上海市虹口区流动人口传染病疫情分析

8.relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area.关于城市或人口稠密地区,或与之有关。

9.Studying on Health Care of Internal Immigrants in Shanghai上海市闵行区外来人口卫生服务研究

10.The Health Service Research of the Population of Lowest Life Guarantee in Main City Zone of Chongqing Municipality;重庆市主城区低保人口卫生服务研究

11.The Research of Planing Residential Population Volume in Changsha Center Area;长沙市中心区居住人口容量规划研究

12.Research of Dynamics of the Population Decentralization in Shanghai;上海市中心城区人口疏散的机制研究

13.Research on the City Flowing Population and Harmonious Community s Construction;城市流动人口与和谐社区的构建研究

14.Studies on Floating People s Language Attitudes of Industrial Estate in Dongguan;东莞市工业区外来人口语言态度研究

15.Increase Approach of the Population in the Urban of Hefei and Research on the Corresponding Solutions;合肥市城区人口增长途径及对策研究

16.Study on Population Aging and Patterns of Urban Community Care;人口老龄化与城市社区照顾模式探析

17.Analysis on the Economic Factors of Shanghai s Population Suburbanization;上海城市人口郊区化的经济因素分析

18.Population Aging and Community Health Service in Maanshan;人口老龄化与马鞍山市社区卫生服务


population suburbanization in big cities大城市人口郊区化


4)urban population城市人口

1.GIS basedurban population spatial distribution model and application in Changchun;基于GIS的城市人口空间分布模型与应用——以长春市区为例

2.The paper analyzed a lot of confusion on China s basic urban concepts such as "urban place" , "urban population" , "urban scale" and "urbanization" .主要分析了我国“城市”、“城市人口”、“城市规模”、“城镇化”与“城市化”等一系列基本概念的混乱, 提出我国城市研究的第一科学问题是基本概念的正确性,以强调规范城市基本概念的重要性。

3.The relation of urbanization course and water resources use has been explored fromurban population increase,urban industrial structure and urbanization course,and then the strategy for sustainable use of water resources,which fit in with urbanization development,is set up.分析了新时期天津城市化发展趋向 ,从城市人口增长、城市工业结构、城市化进程等诸方面 ,探讨了城市化进程与水资源利用之间的关系 ,提出了适应城市化发展的水资源可持续利用战

5)city population城市人口

1.Up to the present time, Chinese publications still usecity non-agriculture population and city total popu-lation as the indexes forcity population size.城市人口规模是国内外城市研究使用最多的统计指标。

2.According to the data and materials of gazetteers, this paper is trying to build models of City\|Population Degree of Jiangsu and points out that the percentage ofcity population, which is partly dependent on the number ofcity population, is mainly determined by the number of the total population in the area.江苏城市人口的等级模式与山东城市人口等级模式有较大的差异 ,这表明 ,建立统一的全国城市人口等级模式的设想是错误的。

6)the town population市镇人口


