100字范文 > 直接数字合成器(DDS) direct digital synthesizer(DDS)英语短句 例句大全

直接数字合成器(DDS) direct digital synthesizer(DDS)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 18:17:15


直接数字合成器(DDS) direct digital synthesizer(DDS)英语短句 例句大全

直接数字合成器(DDS),direct digital synthesizer(DDS)

1)direct digital synthesizer(DDS)直接数字合成器(DDS)

2)Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer(DDS)直接数字频率合成器(DDS)


1.Research on The Method of DDS s Precision;直接数字频率合成器(DDS)精度提高方法研究

2.The Simulation Research and Hardware Realization of Direct Digital Synthesis;直接数字频率合成(DDS)的软件及硬件实现

3.direct digital frequency synthesizer直接式数字频率合成器

4.The Application Research on Direct Digital Synthesis Technology Based on Single Chip Microcomputer;基于单片机的直接数字频率合成(DDS)技术的应用研究

5.The Designing of Direct Digital Synthesis Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器设计

6.Design of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on FPGA基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器研究

7.The Realization of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer in PSoC直接数字频率合成器的PSoC实现

8.The Design of DDS Based on FPGA基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器的设计

9.FPGA-based direct digital frequency synthesizer基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器

10.Design of DDS Based on FPGA基于FPGA直接数字频率合成器的设计

11.Analysis of Input Clock Phase Noise of Direct Digital Synthesizer直接数字频率合成器的相位噪声分析

12.Design of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on EP1K30QC208基于EP1K30QC208的直接数字频率合成器设计

13.indirect digital frequency synthesizer间接式数字频率合成器

14.Design of Frequency Synthesizer Based on DDS and PLLDDS与PLL频率合成数字系统设计

15.Analysis of Phase Noise in DDS直接数字频率合成器中的相位噪声分析

16.The Research and Application of DDS Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器的研究与应用

17.Design and simulation of direct digital frequency synthesizer based on FPGA基于FPGA的直接数字频率合成器的设计与仿真

18.Full-custom Layout Design of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer in 0.18μm CMOS0.18μm直接式数字频率合成器全定制版图设计


Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer(DDS)直接数字频率合成器(DDS)

3)Direct Digital Synthesizer(DDS)直接数字频率合成器(DDS)

1.A type of sensor measurement system based on the phase detector is introduced, in which direct digital synthesizer(DDS) acts as the high-frequency signal generator.本文设计了一种利用直接数字频率合成器(DDS)作为频率源,基于相位测量芯片AD8302的气敏传感器测试系统。

4)DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer)DDS(直接数字频率合成器)

1.In this paper,the basic principle of DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer)and PWM(Pulse-Width Modulation)are introduced.文章介绍了DDS(直接数字频率合成器)和PWM(脉宽调制)的基本原理,并且利用DDS芯片AD9833设计了一个DDS电路,可在一块芯片上包含一个采用28位相位累加器的数控晶振、一个正弦ROM以及一个10位数模转换器。

5)Direct digital synthesis(DDS)直接数字合成(DDS)

6)Direct digital synthesis (DDS)直接数字合成(DDS)


