100字范文 > 光子数 photon number英语短句 例句大全

光子数 photon number英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-07 16:31:06


光子数 photon number英语短句 例句大全

光子数,photon number

1)photon number光子数

2)photon counting光子计数

1.Estimating the best discrimination voltage in single-photon counting system;确定单光子计数系统中最佳甄别电压的实验研究

2.Design and application of time-resolvedphoton counting system;时间分辨光子计数系统的研究和应用

3.Based onphoton counting mode,a multi-channel continuous-wave(CW) diffuse optical tomography(DOT) system is designed for galactophore inspection.基于光子计数原理,研发了一套用于乳腺检测的多通道连续光(CW)扩散光学层析成像(DOT)系统。


1.Afterpulse Measurement and Correction in Photon Counting;光子计数中后脉冲概率的测量与修正


3.A Calibration system of X-ray Fluorescence Efficiency Based On Single-photon Counting基于光子计数测量的X射线荧光效率标定系统

4.Means of Selecting a PMT Fit for Photon Counting System光子计数系统中光电倍增管的选取方法

5.Working Circuit of PMT in Photon Counting Systems光子计数用光电倍增管的外围工作电路

6.160mm Computerized Telescope Control System and Portable PMT Photometer;地平式自动望远镜控制系统及光子计数型光度计研制

7.Design of Multichannel Photon Counting System for Breast Diffuse Optical Tomography;用于乳腺扩散光学层析成像的多通道光子计数系统的设计

8.An Experimental Observation and Study of the Abnormal Effect on photon Counting Characteristics光子计数特性反常效应的实验观测与研究

9.Study on Sample Integral Theory and Photon Counting Theory in OTDR;取样积分与光子计数在OTDR中的技术研究

10.Image performance of photon-counting imaging detector with wedge-and-strip anode楔条形阳极光子计数探测器成像性能的检测

11.Properties of Germanium Thin Film and Its Application in Photon Counting Imaging SystemGe薄膜特性及其在光子计数成像系统中的应用

12.Method of Improving the Detectability of Photon Counting System Based on PMT提高PMT光子计数系统探测灵敏度的方法

13.The structure and principle of photon counter are clarified, and it was calibrated particularly.讨论了光子计数器在小型米散射激光雷达信号探测系统中的应用。

14.electron-photon shower counter电子光子簇射计数器

15.Optical Sensor with High Counting Efficiency in Airborne Particle Counter for 28.3 L/min高计数效率28.3 L/min尘埃粒子计数光电传感器

16.Development and Application of File Format for Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer原子荧光光度计数据格式的研究与应用

17.We count the number of photos arriving at D1 without the mirror.我们对没有放入镜子时达D1的光子进行计数。

putation of temporal aberration coefficients of electrostatic concentric spherical electron optical system静电同心球电子光学系统时间像差系数的计算


photon counting光子计数

1.Estimating the best discrimination voltage in single-photon counting system;确定单光子计数系统中最佳甄别电压的实验研究

2.Design and application of time-resolvedphoton counting system;时间分辨光子计数系统的研究和应用

3.Based onphoton counting mode,a multi-channel continuous-wave(CW) diffuse optical tomography(DOT) system is designed for galactophore inspection.基于光子计数原理,研发了一套用于乳腺检测的多通道连续光(CW)扩散光学层析成像(DOT)系统。

3)γ ray photon numbersγ光子数

1.25MeV γ ray of 60Co is used in rectilinear irradiating;we have acceptedγ ray photon numbers in scattering γ ray and in the different solid angle of plume-line,It is found that there is very different linear relation between counting numbers of scattering γ ray and thickness of paraffin.25M eV平均能量的γ射线垂直入射,以一定的散射角和不同的探测立体角接收散射γ光子数,发现散射γ计数与被测石蜡厚度之间存在不同的线性关系。

4)photon number states光子数态

1.The superposed states,which are composed of the SU(2)′s odd and even q-coherent states and q-deformedphoton number states |0〉_q and |1〉_q,are constructed.构造了SU(2)q-形变奇、偶相干态和q-形变光子数态0〉q和1〉q的相干迭加态,用数值计算的方法讨论了迭加系数、变形参数对非经典效应的影响。

5)photon counter光子记数管;光子计数器

6)photon counter光子计数器

1.Using home made highly sensitive fluorescence detection system with Hg-lamp as excitation source and aphoton counter as detector in microchip capillary electrophoresis, a sensitive, rapid and accurate method for the analysis of dopamine, histamine were accomplished by precolumn derivatization.本文以汞灯为激发光源,利用自组装的高灵敏芯片毛细管电泳荧光光子计数器检测系统,NDA柱前衍生检测神经递质多巴胺和组胺。


