100字范文 > 基因表达谱芯片 cDNA microarray英语短句 例句大全

基因表达谱芯片 cDNA microarray英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-22 22:20:51


基因表达谱芯片 cDNA microarray英语短句 例句大全

基因表达谱芯片,cDNA microarray

1)cDNA microarray基因表达谱芯片

1.Subsequently, the cDNA probes were hybridized to the Mouse40ScDNA microarray and the fluorescent signals .方法NP染毒F0亲代母鼠 ,分别提取NP组和对照组F1子代雄性 2日龄大鼠的脑组织mR NA ,分别用cy5和cy3逆转录标记 ,与Mouse4 0S基因表达谱芯片杂交 ,并对cy3、cy5荧光信号做扫描分析。

2.Objective:To decipher the antitumor mechanisms of Chinese compound Jinlongshe(JLS) granule usingcDNA microarray to identify gene expression changes in MKN-45 human gastric cancer.目的:利用基因表达谱芯片研究金龙蛇颗粒对MKN-45胃癌的分子机制。

3.cDNA microarray is now regarded as being effective for exploring the mechanism of the effect of medicine.针对D-半乳糖造成的小鼠亚急性衰老模型,采用Cy3和Cy5 2种不同的荧光染料,通过逆转录反应将实验组和对照组的小鼠脑组织细胞mRNA分别标记成2种探针,混合后与小鼠基因表达谱芯片杂交,借助计算机分析扫描芯片荧光信号图像,寻找出经人参作用后表达有显著差异的基因,并对这些基因进行了生物信息学分析。


1.Preparation of SH-SY5Y Cell cDNA Microarray and Study on SH-SY5Y Cell Gene Expression Profile;SH-SY5Y细胞基因表达谱芯片的制备及其应用研究

2.Study of Gene Expression Profiles in Renal Transplantation Immunity by Gene Microarray;基因表达谱芯片在肾脏移植免疫中的应用研究

3.Conformation and Primary Application of Expressing Microarray of Human Mitochondrial DNA Genes;人线粒体DNA基因表达谱芯片的研制及初步应用

4.Study on microarray gene expression profiling of Streptomyces avermitilis阿维链霉菌基因表达谱芯片的初步研究

5.Development and conformation of a microarray for human gliomas gene expression profiles人脑胶质瘤基因表达谱芯片的构建和初步验证

6.Screening Differentially Expressed Genes of Gastric Carcinoma and Metastasis-associated Genes for Gastric Carcinoma by Gene Expression Profile Chip;利用基因表达谱芯片筛选胃癌及转移相关差异表达基因的研究

7.Gene chip expression analysis of the human gastric adenocarcinoma BGC823 cells before and after midkine over-expression人胃腺癌BGC823细胞Midkine高表达前后基因表达谱芯片分析

8.Monitoring gene expression profile changes in human bladder transitional cell carcinoma using cDNA microarray;利用基因表达谱芯片技术研究人膀胱癌相关基因

9.Study on Expression Profiles in Tissues of Puncturation from Kidneys with IgA Nephropathy;应用基因表达谱芯片筛选IgA肾病患者肾穿组织相关基因的研究

10.Screening differentially expressed genes in gastric Adenocarcinoma by cDNA microarray;基因表达谱芯片在筛选胃腺癌相关基因中的应用

11.Exploration on resistance-related gene of German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) by gene chip通过基因表达谱芯片检测寻找德国小蠊抗药性的相关基因

12.The study of gene expression profile and the preparation of DNA microarray of K562 cells;K562细胞基因表达谱及基因芯片制备研究

13.The Application of GSEA in Data Analysis of Genome MicroarrayGSEA在全基因组表达谱芯片数据分析中的应用

14.A microarray-based comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in transgenic and wild-type rice全基因组芯片对转基因水稻及其受体基因表达谱比较性

15.Glycosylation-related Gene Expression in Human Liver Cancer Examined by Oligonucleotide Arrays基于基因芯片技术的肝癌糖类相关基因表达谱研究


17.The gene expression spectra after treating by aconitine is tested by gene chip technique.利用基因芯片技术检测乌头碱干预后的基因谱表达。

18.Application of Microarray in the Study on Molecular Diagnosis and Gene Expression Profiles of Viral Hepatitis;基因芯片在病毒性肝炎分子诊断及基因表达谱研究中的应用


gene chip基因表达谱芯片

1.Methods Searching for the alterably expressed genes before or after 10 mg/L sulfide bygene chip in NB4 and testing the results by RT-PCR.方法应用基因表达谱芯片检测NB4细胞在10mg/L硫化砷作用前后的基因表达改变,RT-PCR方法验证基因表达谱芯片结果和检测白血病原代细胞中PNAS2基因的表达情况。

2.Methods Gene chip was employed to detect the genes related to AngRem104 by its over-expressed constructs, which was produced by transfection of the sense- and antisense-AngReml04 into human mesangial cells, and then RT-PCR was used to confirm the up-regulated expression of related genes.结论 应用作为研究基因功能有效手段的基因表达谱芯片技术来筛选新基因AngRem104的功能相关基因,发现AngRem104与FN的表达有关,为其功能研究提供了重要线索。

3)gene expression profile基因表达谱芯片

1.The cDNA obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),was labeled with Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence as probes,and then hybridized with gene chip containing 21522 human 22Kgene expression profile.纯化mRNA,逆转录合成cDNA标记后,与22K人类基因表达谱芯片进行杂交,扫描后筛选出表达差异的基因。

2.The cDNA was obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),and then labeled with fluorescence as probes,which were hybridized with gene chip containing human 22Kgene expression profile.目的利用基因表达谱芯片技术筛选过表达E2F-1的胃癌MGC-803细胞与对照组间差异表达的免疫相关基因,初步探讨E2F-1对胃癌细胞免疫功能影响的机制。

4)Microarray expression profiling基因芯片表达谱

5)expressional profiles microarray表达谱基因芯片

1.Objective Identification of the differently expressed genes on human leukemic K562 cells induced with sodium butyrate(NaB)byexpressional profiles microarray,screening an associated novel gene related with erythroid lineage and investigation the pharmaco-logy effects of NaB.结果表达谱基因芯片结果分析显示:总探针组54675个芯片中,阳性表达数23175(42。

6)cDNA gene chipcDNA基因表达谱芯片


基因表达系列分析基因表达系列分析(sage)是通过快速和详细分析成千上万个est(express sequenced tags)来寻找出表达丰富度不同的sage标签序列。再次访法中,通过限制性酶切可以产生非常短的cdna(10-14bp)标签,并通过pcr扩增和连接,随后对连接题进行测序。sage大大简化和加快了3’端表达序列标签的收集和测序。同dd一样,sage是一个“开放”的系统,可以发现新的未知的序列。在进行标本的比较之前,sage在cdna的产生和处理上需要较多个步骤。由于sage是一个依赖dna测序的基因计量方法,它对基因表达的测定比dd更加量化。由于需要进行大量的测序反应,所以费用因素使大多数研究机构对其广泛应用的主要限制。
