100字范文 > 军体教学 military PE teaching英语短句 例句大全

军体教学 military PE teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-27 22:28:02


军体教学 military PE teaching英语短句 例句大全

军体教学,military PE teaching

1)military PE teaching军体教学


1.Innovating Teaching Methods of Military PE Procedures and Enhancing the Soft Strength of Military PE Teaching创新军事体育程序教学法 提高军体教学软实力

2.A Research on the Combination of Military and Physical Training Teaching Model in Military Academies军事院校军事与体育合训互动教学模式的研究

3.Developing trend of P.E. in military schools and considerations on the quality of P.E. teachers;新世纪军校体育教学的发展趋势与军体教员素质的思考

4.Adaption to the War Demand in Future,Setting up the New Mode of the Teaching and Training of the Military Athletics适应部队建设需要,创新军事体育教学

5.The Construction of the System of Military Teaching Quality Evaluation in Colleges and Universities;高校军事课教学质量评估体系的构建

6.Deepening the Education Reform in the MilitaryAcademy by Stimulating Cadets Initiation in Study;军校教育改革须以学员主体性为核心

7.A Tentative Probe into Stereo Teaching Mode of Military Theory Courses in Universities高校军事理论课立体化教学模式初探

8.On construction of in-service education curriculum system军医大学任职教育课程体系构建研究

9.Language Art of Teaching Method of Explaining in Military Physical Education论军事体育教学中讲解法的语言艺术

10.The Review of the Military Bayonet-Fencing Teaching in PLA Institute of Physical Education军体院刺杀教学训练历程回顾与启示

11.The Application of Feedback Method in Military Physical Education Teaching & Training;反馈教学法在军事体育教学训练中的运用初探

12.Research on Mental health Education of First Grade Students in Military University;军校新学员军体教育中渗透心理健康教育的探析

13.Research on the System and Standard of Appraisal of Military P. E. in Military University;军校军事体育课教学质量评价体系与标准的研究

14.Build Up the Discipline System of Professional Education of Military Medicine Adaptable to the Military Transformation with Chinese Characteristics;构建适应中国特色军事变革的军事医学任职教育学科体系

15.The Comparison Study of Physical Education Teaching System between Military and Common Institute;军队院校与地方高校体育教学体系的比较研究

16.On the Teaching of Physical Education in Military School and the Training of Students Self- exercise;论军校体育课教学与学员自我锻炼能力的培养

17.Research on Strengthening Students" Mind Quality of Training in Military Sports军事体育教学中加强学员心理素质训练探讨

18.A number of comrades have suggested that colleges and universities should employ military sports instructors, but only a limited number are needed.大家提到,大专学校设军体教员,这方面名额有限。


Military Physical Education军事体育教学

1.Language Art of Teaching Method of Explaining inMilitary Physical Education论军事体育教学中讲解法的语言艺术

3)military teaching军事教学

4)military college education军校教学

5)Military physic军体教育

6)Military college P.E teaching军队院校体育教学


