100字范文 > 人工频率死区 manual frequency dead zone英语短句 例句大全

人工频率死区 manual frequency dead zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 01:44:07


人工频率死区 manual frequency dead zone英语短句 例句大全

人工频率死区,manual frequency dead zone

1)manual frequency dead zone人工频率死区

2)dead band调频死区

1.But now thedead band is usually placed in a digital electro-hydraulic (DEH) system, which decreases the function of PFC during contingencies.一次调频是确保电力系统频率稳定的主要途径之一,但目前采用DEH(数字式电液)控制系统的发电机组,通过调节系统设置较大的调频死区,切除一次调频的控制作用,大大降低了一次调频在突发性事故中稳定电网频率的作用。

2.But the effect of primary frequency control in a digital electro-hydraulic(DEH) system is weakened by settingdead bands or adding PFC into the power system illogically,thus,the effect of PFC for stabilizing grid frequency during accidents is decreased.一次调频是确保电力系统频率稳定的主要途径之一,但目前采用数字电液(DEH)控制系统的机组由于设置了调频死区或者一次调频投入不合理等原因削弱了其作用,大大降低了一次调频在突发性事故中稳定电网频率的效能。

3)frequency dead band频差死区

4)the frequency of death死亡频率

5)dead work space工作死区

6)population death rate人口死亡率

1.This paper proposed to examine the occurrence of exceptional death rate through death rate difference method, and then judge data quality aboutpopulation death rate by province.本文提出了用死亡率的差分来检验、判定调查死亡率异常的发生 ,并用它分析第五次人口普查中全国和各省区人口死亡率的数据质量 ,在此基础上 ,讨论了发生异常的原因。


1.Forecasting Mortality Rates for China with the Lee-Carter Method;运用Lee-Carter方法预测中国人口死亡率

2.Beijing"s birthrate was 6.1 per thousand, death rate, 5.3 per thousand, and the natural population growth rate was 0.8 per thousand, down by 0.1 permillage points.全市人口出生率为6.1‰,人口死亡率为5.3‰,人口自然增长率为0.8‰。

3.In the ethnic-minority areas, both the death rate of the people in general and the mortality rate of infants keep going down.少数民族地区的人口死亡率和婴儿死亡率持续下降。

4.An Analysis of Mortality and Average Life of Several National Monorities in Guizhou Province贵州省少数民族人口死亡率及平均寿命分析

5.Factor Analysis of Multiple Environments for Human Mortality in Shanghai;上海市人口死亡率的综合环境因素分析

6.Prior to 1949, the mortality rate was as high as 20 per thousand, while by the end of the 1970s it had dropped to below 7 per thousand.1949年以前,中国的人口死亡率高达20‰,七十年代末下降到7‰以下。

7.The death rate of the Chinese population decreased from 33 per thousand before 1949 to 6.46 per thousand in 1999.中国的人口死亡率由1949年前的33‰下降到1999年的6.46‰。

8.The Application of Weight Markov Chain in Prediction of Population Death Rate Time Series;权马尔可夫链在人口死亡率时序误差预测中的应用

9.Analysis on the Characteristics of the Distribution of Population Morality in Inner Mongolia and Its Influence Factors;内蒙古人口死亡率的地区分布特征及其影响因素分析

10.The year 1998 saw 19.91 million births with a crude birth rate of 16.03 per thousand, and 8.07 million deaths, representing a crude death rate of 6.50 per thousand.全年出生人口1991万人,出生率为16.03‰;死亡人口807万人,死亡率为6.50‰;

11."When the birth-rate increases and the death rate drops, the population increases."当出生率上升,死亡率下降时,人口就会增加。

pare of Sex on Birth Rate and Death Rate of Population in Jingdezhen city;景德镇市人口出生率与死亡率性别间的比较

13.population explosion( sudden increase in populationresulting from an increased birth-rate and/or a reduced death-rate)人口爆炸(由于出生率上升和[或]死亡率下降而引起的人口急剧增加).

14.Though the number of fatalities is very low in a region with more than one billion people,虽然在这超过十亿人口的地区死亡率仍然偏低,

15.an appalling death rate令人吃惊的死亡率。

16.age-standardized death rate: Death rate corrected so as to allow for the effects of the differences in age structure of a population.年龄标准化死亡率: 根据(一国)人口年龄结构差异的影响修正的死亡率。

17.The percentage of people without safe water will fall by half; infant mortality by a third.使用不安全饮用水人口率将降低一半;婴儿死亡率将降低三分之一。

18.Famine decimated the population.饥饿使人口大批死亡。


dead band调频死区

1.But now thedead band is usually placed in a digital electro-hydraulic (DEH) system, which decreases the function of PFC during contingencies.一次调频是确保电力系统频率稳定的主要途径之一,但目前采用DEH(数字式电液)控制系统的发电机组,通过调节系统设置较大的调频死区,切除一次调频的控制作用,大大降低了一次调频在突发性事故中稳定电网频率的作用。

2.But the effect of primary frequency control in a digital electro-hydraulic(DEH) system is weakened by settingdead bands or adding PFC into the power system illogically,thus,the effect of PFC for stabilizing grid frequency during accidents is decreased.一次调频是确保电力系统频率稳定的主要途径之一,但目前采用数字电液(DEH)控制系统的机组由于设置了调频死区或者一次调频投入不合理等原因削弱了其作用,大大降低了一次调频在突发性事故中稳定电网频率的效能。

3)frequency dead band频差死区

4)the frequency of death死亡频率

5)dead work space工作死区

6)population death rate人口死亡率

1.This paper proposed to examine the occurrence of exceptional death rate through death rate difference method, and then judge data quality aboutpopulation death rate by province.本文提出了用死亡率的差分来检验、判定调查死亡率异常的发生 ,并用它分析第五次人口普查中全国和各省区人口死亡率的数据质量 ,在此基础上 ,讨论了发生异常的原因。


