100字范文 > 亚麻屑 flax residue英语短句 例句大全

亚麻屑 flax residue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-04 20:01:07


亚麻屑 flax residue英语短句 例句大全

亚麻屑,flax residue

1)flax residue亚麻屑

parative study on the preparation of activated carbons fromflax residue activated with zinc chloride and phosphoric acid;磷酸、氯化锌活化亚麻屑制备活性炭过程中的行为对比

prehensive utilization offlax residue can bring high economic value,and study offlax residue by high-tech have broad prospects.亚麻屑可用于生产刨花板、栽培植被、食用菌、造纸,也可用于制造活性炭等,其综合利用可带来很高的经济价值,具有广阔发展前景。

3.Activated carbon was prepared fromflax residue with zinc chloride (ZnCl_2) by microwave radiation.以亚麻屑为原料,采用微波辐射氯化锌法制备活性炭。


1.The Synthesis and Characterization of Superabsorbent Polymer Based on Pouce Cellulose亚麻屑纤维素基土壤保水剂的制备及性能表征

2.Performance of Super Water Absorbent and Retention Resin from Pouce Cellulose利用亚麻屑纤维素制备高吸水保水树脂的性能

3.Coarse broken flax or hemp fiber prepared for spinning.落纤,短麻屑准备用于纺纱的粗的断裂的亚麻或大麻纤维

4.An occupational respiratory disease caused by the long-term inhalation of cotton, flax, or hemp dust and characterized by shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.棉屑沉着病一种因长期吸入棉花丝、亚麻丝或大麻尘埃而致的职业

5.subfeldspathic lithic arenite亚长石质岩屑砂屑岩

6.Sparrows picked at the crumbs.麻雀啄食着面包屑.

7.Cloth woven from this thread.亚麻布亚麻线织成的布

8.Made of flax or linen.亚麻的亚麻布或亚麻制成的

9.Made of or resembling flax.亚麻的亚麻制的或象亚麻的

10.ramie linen cotton mixed grey plai苎麻-亚麻-棉交织坯布

11.ramie linen blended grey plain苎麻-亚麻混纺坯布

12.flax brake=flax breaker)剥麻机, 亚麻碎茎机

13.The string is made of tow.这细绳是由短麻屑纺成的。

14.The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed.亚麻籽亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁

15.bleach cotton, linen, etc漂白棉花、 亚麻等

16.To comb(flax or hemp) with a hatchel.栉梳以麻梳梳理(亚麻纤维或大麻纤维)

17.linen woven fabric,containing less than 85% by weight of flax机织亚麻织物,含亚麻重量低于85%

18.Thread made from fibers of the flax plant.亚麻线从亚麻植物纤维制成的线



3)swing tow亚麻打麻麻屑

4)tow scutching machine; flax tow scutcher亚麻麻屑打麻机

5)flax tow亚麻皮,亚麻屑



