100字范文 > 马氏距离算法 Mahalonabis distance英语短句 例句大全

马氏距离算法 Mahalonabis distance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-19 04:43:46


马氏距离算法 Mahalonabis distance英语短句 例句大全

马氏距离算法,Mahalonabis distance

1)Mahalonabis distance马氏距离算法

2)Mahalanobis distance score method马氏距离得分法

3)Mahalanobis Distance马氏距离

puter Program Based on theMahalanobis Distance for Image Division of Lichee Pictures;基于马氏距离的荔枝图像分割设计方法

2.Mahalanobis distance algorithm to separate objective picture based on color characteristic and color clustering;基于颜色特征和聚类的马氏距离图像分割法

3.Missing value estimation for gene expression data based on Mahalanobis distance;基于马氏距离的缺失值填充算法


1.Application of Mahalannobis Distance Method in the Road Service Performance Evaluation;马氏距离在路面使用性能评价中的应用

2.The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on SIFT Algorithm and Mahalanobis Distance基于SIFT算法和马氏距离的无人机遥感图像配准

3.Algorithm Based on Mahalanobis Distance for Soft Faults Detection of Analog Circuits一种基于马氏距离的模拟电路软故障检测算法

4.Improved kNN algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance and gray analysis基于马氏距离和灰色分析的缺失值填充算法

5.A Method of Flight Missing Data Estimation based on Mahalanobis Distance基于马氏距离的飞行缺失数据估计方法

6.The Dynamic Time-limited Condition Negotiation Framework Based on Mahalanobis Distance基于马氏距离的动态限时协商模型研究

7.Research on the application of Mahalanobis distance in catastrophic faults detection of analog circuits马氏距离在模拟电路硬故障检测中的应用研究

8.The Processing and the Application of Stream Sediment Data with Mahalanobis Distance in Sangou Area, Hebei Province河北三沟地区水系沉积物数据马氏距离处理与应用

9.Fabric"s Filling Bar Defect Detection Based on Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Robust Mahalanobis Distance基于灰度共生矩阵和稳健马氏距离的织物横档类疵点检测

10.Some Improvements of Mahalanobis Distance Method and Its Application in Tourist Information Recommender System;马氏距离判别法的若干改进及其在旅游信息智能推荐系统中的应用

11.WEIGHTED MAHALANOBIS DISTANCE AND THE WEIGHT-DETERMINING METHOD--The Arithmetic of Tourism Information Recommender System;加权马氏距离判别分析方法及其权值确定——旅游信息服务系统的智能推荐

12.The Convergence of Two Problem and the Application of Maximum Model Distance Algorithm in HMM;隐马氏模型中两类问题的收敛性及最大模型距离算法的应用


14.Application of Gradient Method to the Model of Euclidean Metric Location Selection梯度法在欧氏距离选址模型中的应用

15.A Study on Optimum Classification Character Based on the Distributive Entropy of Euclidian Distance基于欧氏距离分布熵的特征优化研究

16.Finally, weighted Euclidean distance classifier was utilized in recognition.最后利用加权欧氏距离分类器进行识别。

17.Research based on euclid distance with weights of clustering method一种基于加权欧氏距离聚类方法的研究

18.Integrated Dynamic Radio Resource Management Based on Euclidean Distance Metric基于欧氏距离度量的综合动态无线资源管理


Mahalanobis distance score method马氏距离得分法

3)Mahalanobis Distance马氏距离

puter Program Based on theMahalanobis Distance for Image Division of Lichee Pictures;基于马氏距离的荔枝图像分割设计方法

2.Mahalanobis distance algorithm to separate objective picture based on color characteristic and color clustering;基于颜色特征和聚类的马氏距离图像分割法

3.Missing value estimation for gene expression data based on Mahalanobis distance;基于马氏距离的缺失值填充算法

4)mahalanobis distance map马氏距离图

1.According to skin color distributing in YCbCr color space,a novel concept region hybrid projection was proposed,andmahalanobis distance map of image was set up.肤色信息是人脸的重要特征,根据肤色信息在YCbCr空间分布特点,提出区域混合投影概念,构造了图像的马氏距离图,在马氏距离图上用区域混合投影检测和定位人眼,确定可能的人脸区域。

2.A YUV skin color model is con-structed, which detects skin parts in a color image and figures outmahalanobis distance map to skin color.首先构造皮肤YUV颜色模型,检测彩色图像中的皮肤区域,并计算出该区域相对于皮肤的马氏距离图;根据其马氏距离图利用主成分分析法构建特征脸子空间;构造出径向基概率神经网络,以马氏距离图在各特征脸子空间的投影系数为网络的输入,计算出该区域是否是人脸图像。

5)Mean Mahalanobis distance平均马氏距离

6)weighted Mahalanobis distance加权马氏距离

1.This study analyzes the issue of multi-response product design using the method ofweighted Mahalanobis distance and points out a problem with this method.分析了用加权马氏距离法进行多响应产品设计的问题,指出了该方法应用过程中存在的问题,并且提供了这种问题的数学解释;同时提出了一个简单的避免方法,这种方法还可以辅助进行权值的设定,能够在一定程度上减少权值确定中的主观因素。


