100字范文 > 幼女 Infantile英语短句 例句大全

幼女 Infantile英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 06:22:43


幼女 Infantile英语短句 例句大全



1.ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of hysteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vaginal discharge in infantile and young girls.目的探讨阴道内镜在幼女阴道异常分泌物诊治中的临床应用价值。


1.statutory rape【律】强奸幼女(罪)

2.When I turn and see my younger daughter With the tears running down her cheek.归来视幼女, 零泪缘缨流。

3.rape several women or have sexual relations with several girls强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的

4.rape a woman or have sexual relations with a girl and when the circumstances are odious强奸妇女、奸淫幼女情节恶劣的

5.Retention or Abolition of the Crime of Whoring Jurisprudence对嫖宿幼女罪存废的法理思考——以维护幼女合法权益为视角

6.a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession.在(婚宴)持花队伍中的年幼女孩。

7.Her younger daughter was mentally retarded.她的幼女是一个弱智儿童。

8.those forcing young girls under the age of 14 into prostitution;;强迫不满十四周岁的幼女卖淫的

9.Nursing of dissocution trentment 60 cases infantile adhesion of labia minora60例幼女小阴唇粘连松解术的护理

10.Lawyers are also arguing over the paternity of Smith"s baby girl.律师们也在继续争论史密斯幼女生父的问题。

11.Joe: You must have been devastated when you discovered that your little girl was deaf.乔:你们当初发觉幼女失聪,一定苦恼得很。

12.suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages in the four seasons.适合男女老幼四季穿着

13.abduction of female infant or any young person or child拐带女幼年人、任何少年人或儿童

14.100% cotton clothes are suitaBle for wear By men and women of all ages at all seasons.全棉服装,适合男女老幼四季穿着。

15.Socks are commonly worn by people, by men and women, old and young.一般说来,男女老幼各种人都要穿短袜。

16.All the inhabitants, men and women, old and young, received equal shares.所有乡村中男女老幼,一律平分。

17.Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or sex.欢迎大家, 无论男女老幼一律欢迎.

18.Men and women, young and old, to give us their time.不管男女老幼 ,请他们贡献时间。


Young Girls幼少女

1.Analysis of 124 Cases of Ovariann Neoplasm inYoung Girls;幼少女卵巢肿瘤的临床特点分析

3)prostituted girls under 14 years old卖淫幼女

4)carnal abuse奸淫幼女

1.Full awareness of the age of a young girl is an essential element of the crime of fornication with an underage girl, which is the original idea of the provision ofcarnal abuse in the criminal law.对幼女的年龄的明知是奸淫幼女成罪的必要要件 ,此乃刑法关于奸淫幼女的规定的本意。

2.The writer of this article holds that this Response sticks to the principle of concordance between subjectivity and objectivity on punishment ofcarnal abuse, which complies with the original intention of leg.笔者认为 ,该批复在处罚奸淫幼女行为问题上 ,坚持了主客观一致原则 ,是符合立法本意的 ,也与相关司法解释的精神相吻合 ,实现了保护幼女的公共政策与保障被告人基本人权之间的平衡。

5)fornication with an underage girl奸淫幼女

1.Re-determination on the rap of thefornication with an underage girl——from the relevant judicial interpretation;“奸淫幼女”行为罪名之再确定——以现行相关司法解释的尴尬为视角

6)carnal knowledge of a child奸淫幼女

1.According to current criminal law, whoever has sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 14 shall be deemed to have committed rape; the criterion to consummation ofcarnal knowledge of a child should be "doctrine of insertion"; and it should be necessary condition of the crime that the actor clearly knows the object of the rape is a young girl.根据我国现行刑法的规定,奸淫幼女构成犯罪的,应定为强奸罪;奸淫幼女既遂的认定标准应采取"插入说";奸淫幼女构成犯罪应以明知奸淫的对象是幼女为要件。

2.In accordance with the traditional criminal theories of China,carnal knowledge of a child is an intentional crime, the defendant can be found guilty and punished only when he is fully aware that the child is under the age of 14.按照我国传统的刑法理论,奸淫幼女是故意犯罪,必须以明知幼女的年龄不满14周岁为条件,在归责原则上适用过错责任,这在理论和逻辑上是没有问题的。


