100字范文 > 充气搅拌装置 aerating agitation device英语短句 例句大全

充气搅拌装置 aerating agitation device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-24 12:31:59


充气搅拌装置 aerating agitation device英语短句 例句大全

充气搅拌装置,aerating agitation device

1)aerating agitation device充气搅拌装置

1.The refit of FJC16-6 jet floatation machine with the immersedaerating agitation device用浸没式充气搅拌装置改装FJC16-6型煤用喷射式浮选机


1.The refit of FJC16-6 jet floatation machine with the immersed aerating agitation device用浸没式充气搅拌装置改装FJC16-6型煤用喷射式浮选机

2.Application in Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant of FJCA jet flotation machine for coal with submersed aeration-mixing facility带浸没式充气搅拌装置的FJCA型煤用喷射式浮选机在临涣选煤厂的应用

3.lorry fitted with stirring devices for transporting fresh concrete (excl. concrete-mixer lorries)配有搅拌装置的运货卡车(不包括水泥搅拌车),装运新拌水泥用

4.a device for beating eggs or whipping cream.用来打碎鸡蛋或搅拌奶油的装置。

5.Development and Application of New Type Stirring Apparatus in Ash Handling System除灰系统新型搅拌装置的研制与应用

6.Applied Study of New-type Polymer Hydrolyzation Mixer and Numerical Simulation of the Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Stirred Tank;新型聚合物水解搅拌装置应用研究及搅拌流场的数值模拟

7.Research and Design of 200m~3 Air Forced Flotation Machine200m~3超大型充气机械搅拌式浮选机设计与研究


9.Development and Application of Dual Inverter Square Wave Welding Electromagnetic Stirring Device;双逆变方波焊接磁搅拌装置的研制及应用

10.Modal Expriment and Analysis of Vibration of Agitators;机械搅拌装置振动的模态试验研究和分析

11.Agitating Device for High Concentration and Viscous Materials;高浓度粘稠物料搅拌装置的研制与应用

12.Study on the Features of Horizontal Stirring Devices and Design Process新型卧式搅拌装置特性研究与设计开发

13.Deep Sampling Equipment Development and Its Application of Soil-Cement Mixed Pile by Triaxial Stirring Machine三轴水泥土搅拌桩深层取样装置研制及其应用

14.Study on the Blender Equipment of Eccentric Disk with Superfine Grinding Groove超细粉碎槽型偏心圆盘搅拌器装置研究

15.On the exploration in the peddler"s spindle fluctuating oil-covered device搅拌机轴端浮动油封装置设计制造研讨

16.A device that blends or mixes substances or ingredients, especially by mechanical agitation.搅拌器一种混杂或混合成分或配料的,尤指通过力学搅动的装置

17.Numerical simulation of gas-liquid-solid three-phase inner flow in mechanically stirring air-charging floatation machine气液固三相流在机械搅拌充气式浮选机内运动的数值模拟

18.bottom entering mixers agitator倒置式底面混合搅拌器


aeration agitation充气搅拌

1.Flotation time and reagent consumption can be reduced byaeration agitation before zinc flotation.对含磁黄铁矿的银铅锌多金属硫化矿石进行了选矿工艺流程研究,确定采用优先浮选流程,可依次获得铅银精矿、锌精矿、硫精矿,铅浮选前充气搅拌可缩短浮选时间,减少药

2.While copper-sulphur separation is rather difficult in strong alkaline pulps conditioned by lime,the experiments prove that their separation becomes effective by dereagentization andaeration agitation with the addition of extremely small amount of mixed collectors-butyl xanthate and diethyldithiocarbamate.在石灰调成的高碱矿浆条件下,铜-硫分离困难,采用脱药+充气搅拌及添加很少量的混合捕收剂-丁基黄药和乙硫氮,可使钢-硫得以有效的分离。


1.Application of a new type magnetic driving sealagitator in dense phase pulverized coal pneumatic conveying;磁传动密封搅拌装置在浓相煤粉气力输送中的应用

2.Retrofits of the Agitator of a Mixing Tank for Heavy Nitrogen;重氮调和桶搅拌装置的改造

4)mixer instrument搅拌装置

1.Horizontal Titanium clad steel plate pressure reactor(hereafter referred to as "pressure reactor") with 4~5mixer instruments is the key equipment of Nickel refining by hydrometallurgy.带4~5个搅拌装置的钛复合板卧式加压浸出釜(以后简称“加压釜”)是湿法冶金镍精炼的关键设备,设计开发和制造尺寸规格为Φ1800×6800mm、Φ2500×8600 mm、Φ3200×13000 mm、Φ3800×19000 mm等系列国产化钛复合板加压釜,解决了矿粉沉降搅拌、操作工况恶劣、钛加热盘管换热等工艺技术问题,进行了钛复合板加压釜结构设计、钛搅拌装置设计,解决了钛复合板加压釜的制造冷加工成形、焊接、检验等技术难关。

2.Horizontal Titanium clad steel plate pressure reactor ( hereafter referred to as " pressure reactor" ) with 4-5mixer instruments is the key equipment of Nickel refining by hydrometallurgy.带4-5个搅拌装置的钛复合板卧式加压浸出釜(以后简称“加压釜”)是湿法冶金镍精炼的关键设备,设计开发和制造尺寸规格为φ1800mm×6800mm、φ2500mm×8600mm、φ3200mm×13000mm、φ3800ram×19000mm等系列国产化钛复合板加压釜,解决了矿粉沉降搅拌、操作工况恶劣、钛加热盘管换热等工艺技术问题,进行了钛复合板加压釜结构设计、钛搅拌装置设计,解决了钛复合板加压釜的制造冷加工成形、焊接、检验等技术难关。

5)agitating device搅拌装置

1.Development of a semi-automaticagitating device for dialysis fluid;一种半自动透析液搅拌装置的研制


1.Determining and matching of rational parameters of double-row blades mixer;双排叶片搅拌装置合理参数的确定与匹配


