100字范文 > 虚拟正交试验 virtual orthogonal experiment英语短句 例句大全

虚拟正交试验 virtual orthogonal experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 15:35:03


虚拟正交试验 virtual orthogonal experiment英语短句 例句大全

虚拟正交试验,virtual orthogonal experiment

1)virtual orthogonal experiment虚拟正交试验

1.Optimal design of technological parameters for hot-pushing pipe-bending based onvirtual orthogonal experiment基于虚拟正交试验的热推弯管工艺参数优化设计


1.Optimal design of technological parameters for hot-pushing pipe-bending based on virtual orthogonal experiment基于虚拟正交试验的热推弯管工艺参数优化设计

2.EDA Virtual Laboratory Based on Internet;基于Internet的EDA虚拟试验室

3.Application of Orthogonal Testing for Numerical Simulation of Front Wing Sheet Metal Forming;正交试验法在前翼子板成形数值模拟中的应用

4.A New Method of Fault Diagnosis for Analog Circuit Based on Crossing Experimentation基于正交试验法的模拟电路故障诊断新方法

5.Optimizing the Injection Molding Process Parameters Based on Orthogonal Test and MoldFlow基于正交试验及MoldFlow模拟优化注塑工艺参数

6.Application of Orthogonal Design in Numerical Simulation of U-shape Parts Springback正交试验法在U形件回弹数值模拟中的应用

7.Study on Virtual Test Technology in Tractor Test虚拟试验技术在拖拉机试验中的研究

8.Correlation Analysis between Virtual and Real Vibration Test虚拟振动试验与真实试验相关性分析

9.Analysis of Artillery Virtual Prototype Technologies and its Laboratories浅谈火炮虚拟样机技术及虚拟样机试验室

10.Application of Virtual Instrument Technology in Friction System;基于虚拟仪器的摩擦试验机测试系统

11.Design of interactive virtual laboratory about Universal Gear Measuring Instrument万能测齿仪交互式虚拟实验室的设计

12.Using Script to Realize Interaction and Control in Virtual Experiments运用script扩展虚拟实验中的交互与控制

13.Modal Experiment Analysis of Electronic Cabinet Based on Virtual Instrument Test System基于虚拟仪器试验系统的电子机柜模态试验

14.Study on the Virtual Test System of Automobile AMT Electronic Control Unit;汽车AMT电控单元虚拟试验系统的研究

15.The Study of Vehicle Handling-Stability Virtual Experiment System;汽车操纵稳定性虚拟试验系统的研究

16.Virtual Experimental Modal Analysis of Railway Car Body;铁路客车车体“虚拟模态试验”技术研究

17.Virtual Tests and Improvement of Automobile Chassis s Handling;汽车底盘操纵性虚拟试验评价与改进

18.The Virtual Instrument Apply for Automible Gearbox Gearshift Test;虚拟仪器在汽车换档试验台上的应用


quasi-orthogonal experiment拟正交试验

1.This paper proposed a forecast method of product design time based onquasi-orthogonal experiment and support vector machines.针对产品设计时间预测问题,提出了一种基于拟正交试验与支持向量机的设计时间预测新方法,将产品特征和设计者的设计能力作为影响因素进行综合考察。

3)Virtual test虚拟试验

1.Design of a closed loop control virtual test for vehicle handling stability;汽车操纵稳定性闭环控制虚拟试验设计

2.Virtual test of electro hydraulic power steering based on AMESim and ADAMS电动液压助力转向系统的协同仿真虚拟试验

3.Research on the Fuze Virtual Test System Based on Simulation Grid基于仿真网格的引信虚拟试验研究

4)Virtual experiment虚拟试验

1.Uncertainty analysis approach based on predictive model in virtual experiment;基于预测模型的虚拟试验不确定性分析方法

2.The Model Design of Automobile Virtual Experiment;汽车电器虚拟试验模型设计

3.Development of software platform for virtual experiment on handling and stability of vehicle based OpenGL;利用OpenGL开发汽车操纵稳定性虚拟试验软件平台

5)virtual testing虚拟试验

1.In this paper the birth background ofvirtual testing technology and its latest research progress in the application to automotive engineering are introduced and the application prospect is forecasted.介绍了汽车虚拟试验技术的产生背景、发展现状和国内外的应用研究情况,展望了虚拟试验技术的发展前景。

2.This paper discusses the concept ofvirtual testing and verification and validation(V&V).提出了虚拟试验及验证的概念,在战斗部研制过程中引入了虚拟试验与验证技术。

3.Based on the detailed instruction ofvirtual testing technique, avirtual testing system of hard target penetration fuse for terminal effect is erected.在对虚拟试验技术详细介绍的基础上 ,构建了面向终点效应的硬目标侵彻引信虚拟试验系统 ,并通过两个具体的算例对该虚拟试验系统的技术途径进行了详细说明 ,计算结果表明该系统有效而且实

6)virtual front-crash test虚拟正面碰撞试验

1.This paper aims to introduce the authors research on the frontal crash safety of the new designed body structure through analyzing its passive safety strength to see whether it is strong enough to meet the national passive safety regulations by utilizing the so-calledvirtual front-crash test.本文采用虚拟正面碰撞试验方法,研究经过改进后的燃料电池轿车的半承载式车身是否满足国家被动安全法规,并通过与第1代燃料电池轿车的整车碰撞模拟结果的对比,分析车身结构改进对正面碰撞安全性的影响,从而为进一步的结构改进提供有价值的建议。


