100字范文 > 官绅 officials and gentry英语短句 例句大全

官绅 officials and gentry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-11 11:54:23


官绅 officials and gentry英语短句 例句大全

官绅,officials and gentry

1)officials and gentry官绅

1.In this paper, through the collation of " Nan Yue Er Xian Ci Zhi ", inspect the history of the Yin family of Yongxin and the Nanyue Er Xian Ci, as well as with the Hengshanofficials and gentry both the evolution of the relationship between, with a view to reveal the family since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, officials Gentry between local culture and the creation of the interactive process.本论文通过对《南岳二贤祠志》的整理,考察永新尹氏家族与南岳二贤祠的历史,以及两者与衡山官绅之间关系的演变,以期揭示明清以来家族、官绅与地方文化创造之间的互动过程。


1.On Attitude of HuNan Officials ,Gentries and Populaces against Foreign Religion in 1910;19官绅民在湖南反洋教活动的态度

ments On Officials Making a Book-seeking Trip to Japan in the Qing Dynasty;清代赴日考察官绅日本访书活动初探

3.The cultural factors with regard to the office holders "tolerating Christianity" in the late Qing Dynasty;晚清官绅“容教”论中的文化因素解析

4.A Comparative Study of Overseas Students of Ending Term of Qing Dynasty in Japan and Government officials and Gentry Observing in Japan--The Research Based on Government officials and Gentry of Zhili observing in Japan in the Movement of Constitutionalism;清末留日学生与游日官绅之比较——以立宪风潮中直隶游日官绅为中心的考察

5.On the Historical Role of the Overseas Chinese Students , the Government Officials and Gentry Observing in Japan in the Course of Modernization in Zhili Province(1900-1928);留日学生、东游官绅与直隶省的近代化进程(1900~1928)

6.Study of cultural adjustment of the officials’ mental state in new law education in the late Qing Dynasty晚清官绅新式法律教育心理态势的文化调适

7.Official, Gentry, Common People, the Forces of Church and Their Interactions in the Vision of Missionary Affairs and Cases in Sichuan Province in Late Qing(1860-1911);晚清四川教务教案视野中的官绅民教及其互动(1860-1911)

8.New Official-gentry and Power Structure in Chang an Town of Zhejiang Province;新官绅及乡镇权力结构——以浙江省海宁县长安镇为中心

9.The Reasons Why the Authorities,the Gentry and the Populace OpposedChristianity in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty and Their Interrelationship;试析清季台湾教案中官绅民的反教原因及其关系

10.an Officer and a Gentleman军官与绅士/壮士云霄

11.conduct unbecoming to an officer and a gentleman与官员和绅士身分不相称的行为

12.A Study on the Relation between the Gentry and the Xiangyue Run by the Government during Qing Dynasty in the Northern Part of China;清代北方官办乡约与绅衿富民的关系

13.The Imperial Examination System and the "Official-gentry-civil Structure in the Conventional Society;科考制度与传统社会的“官—绅—民”结构

14."Peace, woman," said the gentleman,"your boy was in possession of all his senses."“住口,婆子,”绅士说道;“你的儿子各种官能全有。”

15.This year within the space of a few months the local tyrants, evil gentry and corrupt officials have all toppled from their pedestals.今年几个月光景,土豪劣绅贪官污吏一齐倒台了。

16.The Authorities,the Gentry and the Populace in Late-Qing s Wuchang Missionary Case;晚清教案中的官、绅、民——1877年武昌教案的个案研究

17.The Relation Evolution between the Local Magistrate and the Gentry in the Grass-Roots of Society Control in the Qing Dynasty;清代基层社会控制中州县官与绅士关系之演变

18.From Local Officials to Gentry: Gao Qizhuo s Bureaucratization of Native Officers;从土官到缙绅:高其倬在云南的和平改土归流


government-gentry relationship官绅关系

3)new offical-gentry新官绅

4)Local officials and gentries of Hunan湖南官绅

5)the gentry of officer官绅阶层

1.In this course,it had fully reflected that in the Chinese societythe gentry of officer h.公元1644年前后,中国社会经历了阶级矛盾与民族矛盾交互作用的巨大转变,汉族官绅阶层的政治态度对大顺军由支持变为反对,对关外清政权由反对变为认同,及清初联合大顺军残余势力再次反对清政权。

6)conflict between the gentry and Political Power官绅斗争


