100字范文 > 流动人口子女学校 Migrant children schools英语短句 例句大全

流动人口子女学校 Migrant children schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 21:37:58


流动人口子女学校 Migrant children schools英语短句 例句大全

流动人口子女学校,Migrant children schools

1)Migrant children schools流动人口子女学校


1.An Investigation & Analysis on School Education of Migrant s Children;流动人口子女学校教育的调查和分析

2.The Situation and Countermeasures of Migrant Children School流动人口子女学校的办学现状与对策研究

3.An Evaluation on Two Approaches of Floating Population Children s School Education;对流动人口子女学校教育两种途径的评价

4.The Ability and Influencing Factors for Children of Floating Population to Adapt to Public Schools流动人口子女公立学校适应性及影响因素研究

5.Investigation and Interventing Measures for the Condition of Flowing Children s Learning Disabilities in the Junior Middle School of Suzhou;苏州初中校流动人口子女学习困难状况调查及其干预措施

6.Parents’Cognition and Willingness: the Children of the Transient Population Entering the Public Schools in Cities and Getting Involved in the New Environment from the Prospective of Sociology家长认知与意愿:流动人口子女融入城市公立学校视角

7.A Study of English Learning on the Migrant Children in Rural Primary School;乡镇小学中流动人口子女的英语学习研究

8.A Study on Perceived Social Support and Academic Help-Seeking of Migrant Children;流动人口子女领悟社会支持与学业求助的研究

9.Research on the Education Problems of Left-behind Children Based on the Institutional Theory;制度学视角下流动人口子女教育问题研究

10.Integration or Isolation? An Empirical Study of Social Distance between the Migrant Children and Urban Students in Public Schools融入还是隔离?——公立学校流动人口子女与城市学生社会距离实证研究

11.Research on the Interactive Types of the Northwest Floation Children with Their Classmates;西北流动人口子女在校同辈群体互动模式的比较研究

12.A Study on Teacher-student and Peer Relationships of Migrant Children;流动人口子女师生、同伴关系的研究

13.Studies of Path Choice of Migrant Children s Compulsory Education in Cities;流动人口子女义务教育路径选择研究

14.A retrospect of the education of the children of the mobile farmers;流动人口子女教育问题:现状与反思

15.Children of Migrant Population and Their Education: Conceptual Analysis of the Term;流动人口子女及其教育:概念的辨析

16.Children s School-Entering Status and Social Integration Survey on Child-bearing aged Migration in Developed Cities;发达地区育龄流动人口子女入学与社会融合调查

17.The Census Report of Floating Populations Family Education in Fuzhou;福州市子女在学的流动人口家庭教育情况调查报告

18.The Correlation of Floating Population Children s Parental Rearing pattern and Learning Environment Adaptability;流动人口子女父母教养方式与学习环境适应性的关系


migrant workers children流动人口子女

1.What is the appropriate way out formigrant workers children after they completed compulsory education become a new problem with the accelerating pace of urbanization.流动人口子女义务教育后的出路问题是我国城镇化步伐加快形势下产生的新问题。

3)migrant children流动人口子女

1.The key on resolving the compulsory education problem ofmigrant children is to reform the current way of appropriating funds.解决流动人口子女义务教育问题的关键是改革目前基础教育经费的拨款方式。

2.Nowadays, with the system of the compulsory education being perfected, more and moremigrant children enter the public schools.目前,随着义务教育制度的完善,大量流动人口子女进入流入地的公办学校学习,随之而来的是流动人口子女教育问题日益突出。

3.The problem concerning the education of themigrant children is the target of the thesis.而在每年的小学毕业考试中,流动人口子女的英语学科表现与本地儿童差距甚远。

4)children of floating population流动人口子女

1.The Ability and Influencing Factors for Children of Floating Population to Adapt to Public Schools流动人口子女公立学校适应性及影响因素研究

2.Children of floating population living in the city, though.在目前尚未消除的城乡壁垒隔离下,城市儿童享有优先占有优质教育资源的特权,即使在国家正规学前教育机构中,城市儿童与流动人口子女之间,也存在着难以逾越的鸿沟。

3.The education problem forchildren of floating population has always been the focus of concern for society.流动人口子女的就学教育问题一直是社会所关注的焦点。

5)children of the floating population流动人口子女

1.The paper aims at discussing society s misunderstanding on thechildren of the floating population.社会对城市流动人口子女在认识上存在的误区,主要表现在整体评价、社会角色与心理认同评价、犯罪评价等方面;造成认识误区的原因是多方面的,任其发展将会造成政府决策失误、增加城乡人民融合难度、影响流动人口子女发展;应坚持正确的舆论导向,社会各个方面应齐抓共管,认真解决好流动人口子女教育问题。

6)education of rural migrant workers children流动人口子女教育


