100字范文 > 食品链 food chain英语短句 例句大全

食品链 food chain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-12 00:44:26


食品链 food chain英语短句 例句大全

食品链,food chain

1)food chain食品链

1.By analysis of the definitions of thefood chain and food traceability and the requirements of standards of international food traceability, the food traceability system infood chain was introduced.本文在对食品链和食品溯源有关标准进行解析的基础上,结合国际食品溯源标准要求,对食品链溯源系统进行阐述和分解。

2.This paper summarized present status of safety of cereal foods,thefood chain,the system of international criterion to provid reference for our country cereal processing.因为,文章着重针对当前我国粮食食品安全现状,食品链的建立及国际上常用的可追溯体系进行探讨,以期为我国粮食产品质量安全带来信息保证。


1.Study on Optimization of the Logistic Process of up Stream Food Chain in Y EnterpriseY公司上游食品链物流流程优化研究

2.The Food Supply Chain Management and Food Safety in China;我国食品供应链管理与食品质量安全

3.Food Safety and Organizational Modes of Agricultural Products" Supply Chain农产品供应链的组织模式与食品安全

4.Research on Food Safety Ensuring System of Food Supply Chain;食品供应链中的食品安全保障体系研究

5.Study on food security mechanisms based on the food supply chain基于食品供应链的食品安全保障机制研究

6.Research on Construction of Our Country Food Cold Chain Logistics Management System;我国食品冷链物流管理体系构建研究

7.Research on the Mode of Food Cold Chain Logistics Based on Internet Framework;基于Internet架构的食品冷链物流模式研究

8.Application of RFID in Securing Food Supply Chain;RFID技术在安全食品供应链中的应用

9.Game Model of Safety Problem Signaling in Food Supply Chain;食品供应链安全问题的信号博弈模型

10.On the Development of Green Foodstuffs Industrial Chain and Improve ment Agricultural Competence;发展绿色食品产业链,提高农业竞争力

11.Research of Food Safety Management Based on Green Supply Chain基于绿色供应链的食品安全管理研究

12.Research on Performance Measurement of the Integrated Food Cold Chain Logistics集成化食品冷链物流的绩效评价研究

13.Understanding and prospect of main links in food cold chain食品冷藏链中主要环节的认识与展望

14.Synergy Research on Food Enterprise Mass Customization Quality Chain食品企业大规模定制质量链协同研究

15.Conformity of Mark & Norm on Food Supply Chain between Fujian-Taiwan闽台食品供应链标章与规范整合研究

16.A Food Supply Chain Management System Based on RFID基于RFID的食品供应链管理系统

17.How to Design a Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on Food Safety基于食品安全的封闭供应链设计初探

18.A Game Analysis between Director Departments of the Government and Food Corporations on Food Safety Supply Chain;食品安全供应链中政府主管部门与食品企业的博弈分析


food cold chain食品冷链

1.Firstly, this paper put forward the definition of cold chain, analyzed the condition of cold chain logistics, and studied the characteristic of Olympicfood cold chain logistics.食品冷链物流是保障食品质量安全的有效手段,考虑到奥运会对于食品安全的严格要求,因此建设高效的食品冷链物流系统是非常必要的。

2.Chinesefood cold chain logistics industry ushered in the great development opportunities,but also exposes their development bottleneck.中国食品冷链物流产业迎来了巨大的发展机遇,同时也暴露出其发展的瓶颈。

3.This paper analyses the distribution modes selection of thefood cold chain for Olympic Games with the method of fuzzy evaluation, and uses AHP to ensure the weight of the index.通过选取了模糊综合评判法对北京奥运会食品冷链配送模式选择进行分析,在综合评判法中采用了层次分析法确定评价指标的权重。

3)food supply chain食品供应链

1.Extendedfood supply chain contract with bidirectional options;基于双向期权的食品供应链三阶段订货契约模型

2.Research on quality safety system of meat industry based onfood supply chain基于食品供应链的肉类工业质量安全体系研究

3.Study on food security mechanisms based on thefood supply chain基于食品供应链的食品安全保障机制研究

4)food cold chain食品冷藏链

1.Developfood cold chain,provide safe and good quality food for the public;发展食品冷藏链,为市民提供安全、优质的食品

2.Understanding and prospect of main links infood cold chain食品冷藏链中主要环节的认识与展望

3.With the development of economy and further demand to food, people lay more and more emphasis on the developmentoffood cold chain.随着国民经济的发展和人民对食品要求的不断提高,食品冷藏链行业的发展越来越受到重视。

5)food supply chain management食品供应链管理

1.The author puts forward that,such 9 elements as customer,core of business,collaboration,cool chain,complementation,contrivance,credit,creation and circulation will be involved in implementingfood supply chain management.文章指出,食品供应链管理实施包括顾客中心、核心业务、合作、冷链、补充、计策、信用、创新、循环等九个要素,即9Cs’要素。

2.In 1996, the idea of "food supply chain management" was proposed by some scholars like Zuurbier and it was successfully applied in countries like France and America which are advanced in agriculture.1996年Zuurbier等学者提出了“食品供应链管理”的思想并成功运用于法国、美国等农业较发达国家,引起了包括中国在内的广大发展中国家相关专家学者的关注,根据供应链中各环节人员力量分布可将供应链划分为四种类型,即哑铃形、T形、对称形及混合型,每个国家根据自身经济发展水平侧重于供应链中不同的环节,形成不同的供应链类型。

6)Ecological chain of food safety食品安全生态链


脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂)药物名称:脂肪乳剂(中链和长链复合物)英文名:Fat Emulsion for Injection(MCT/LCT)别名: 脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂) 外文名:FatEmulsion forInjection(MCT/LCT)药理作用及用途: 胃肠外给药,可补充人体热能,避免必需脂肪酸缺乏。具有易于氧化水解、氧化完全、生酮作用和对肝功能影响较少等特点。 适用于创伤以及肝功能不全病人。 用法及用量: 同长链脂肪乳剂。 不良反应: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 注意事项: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 规格: 注射乳剂 250ml, 500ml类别:肠内、肠外营养药
