100字范文 > 传统居住文化 traditional dwelling culture英语短句 例句大全

传统居住文化 traditional dwelling culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-12 14:33:40


传统居住文化 traditional dwelling culture英语短句 例句大全

传统居住文化,traditional dwelling culture

1)traditional dwelling culture传统居住文化

1.Talk about inheritance and development oftraditional dwelling culture from villa design;从别墅设计手法谈传统居住文化的继承与发展

2.An important one concerning its healthy growth is to take into account thetraditional dwelling culture in its construction.其中,如何将传统居住文化应用到民居旅馆的开发建设中,是关系到民居旅馆健康发展的重要问题。


1.On the Application of Traditional Dwelling Culture to the Development of Dwelling Inn;浅谈民居旅馆开发中传统居住文化的应用

2.Culture of Traditional Residence:Courtyard Space in Modern Residential Building探究传统居住文化——谈院落空间在现代居住建筑中的演绎

3.Application of China"s traditional habitation culture in design of villa浅谈中国传统居住文化在别墅设计中的应用

4.A Study of the Relationship between Traditional Living Patterns and Commercial Aspects in Garden Villa Design in Suzhou after the 1990s;二十世纪九十年代之后苏州别墅建筑设计中商业化与传统居住文化的关系研究


6.Exploration of Living Building Design Technique Based on the Traditional Culture;基于传统文化思想的居住建筑设计研究

7.On the thought of ecology living environment in Chinese traditional culture;中国传统文化中的生态居住环境思想探析

8.Study on Traditional Life-care in View of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Residential Environment非物质文化视野下的传统养生与居住环境研究

9.On the Value of Traditional Residential Culture of National Minority in Southwestern China;浅议中国西南少数民族传统住居文化资源的价值

10.The Protection and Inheritance of Dwelling Culture of Development of Dwelling Inn in the Minority Areas少数民族地区民居旅馆居住文化的保护与传承

11.A Study on the Continuation and Changes of the Housing Culturein Xinjiang Minority Communities;新疆少数民族社区居住文化的传承与变迁研究

12.The traditional Chinese vernacular architecture is an epitome of Chinese traditional culture.中国传统民居建筑可谓中国传统文化的缩影。

13.Analysis to the Traditional Residential Culture of Central Plains through KangBaiWan Manors;从康百万庄园透析中原传统民居文化

14.Reflection of Architectural Ornament Culture of Traditional Civilian House in the West of Hunan;对湘西传统民居建筑装饰文化的思考

15.Traditional Cultural Characteristics of Folk Dwellings in the Northeast of Hunan Province;湘东北地区“大屋”民居的传统文化特征

16.Molding Traditional Culture Scenery of Beijing as an Amenity City;塑造北京宜居环境中的传统文化风景

17.Inhabiting in Mountain and Shifting Cultivation: the Essential Feature of the Traditional Culture of Yao;居山游耕:瑶族传统文化的基本特征

18.Folk Custom Culture in Door Decorations of Traditional Chinese Houses中国传统民居大门装饰中的民俗文化


residential culture of Northeast China东北传统居住文化

3)traditional living传统居住

4)residential culture居住文化

1.Discussion onresidential culture in new rural construction;新农村建设中的居住文化浅析

2.It announces organic consolidation between folk dwellings of big house and Chinese traditional architecture in the cultural thought and spiritual essence by analyzing village location,space pattern,residential culture and so on.通过对民居的村落选址、空间布局以及居住文化等方面的分析,论述了湘东北地区大屋民居所蕴涵的传统建筑文化内涵及其生存和发展的居住文化因子,揭示出大屋民居与中国传统建筑在文化思想和精神实质上的有机统一。

5)Inhabitation culture居住文化

1.The former residences of celebrities are important parts in Beijing inhabitation culture,which boast threefold property.北京名人故居是北京居住文化的重要组成部分,它具有属地、属人和属物三重属性。

6)dwelling culture居住文化

1.We should inherit and carry forward the traditionaldwelling culture and combine it with the integrated protection of the famous historical city to reach the unity of protecting the traditional look of old city and improving the human settlements environment in old city renovation, and s.将继承和弘扬传统居住文化与历史名城的整体保护结合,在旧城改造中达到保护旧城传统面貌与改善人居环境的统一,同时以胡同四合院为单位,整治和修缮旧城范围内传统民居。

2.An important one concerning its healthy growth is to take into account the traditionaldwelling culture in its construction.其中,如何将传统居住文化应用到民居旅馆的开发建设中,是关系到民居旅馆健康发展的重要问题。

3.On one hand, Xi an Muslim concentrated area is a historic street block in the old city, on the other hand, it is a Muslim community which has the particulardwelling culture.西安穆斯林聚居区一方面是一个位于旧城中心的历史街区,另一方面,它又是一个回族穆斯林的居住社区,有着独特的居住文化。


