100字范文 > 办学方式 the way of running a school英语短句 例句大全

办学方式 the way of running a school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 18:02:35


办学方式 the way of running a school英语短句 例句大全

办学方式,the way of running a school

1)the way of running a school办学方式


1.Ways of non-governmental university s development from " extensive" to"intensive;实现民办高校办学方式由"粗放型"向"集约型"转变

2."orientation, scale of operation and modus operandi [Hong Kong Sports Institute]"办学方针、营办规模和方式〔香港体育学院〕

3.A Research on the Model of the Nongovernmental Higher Education and the Evaluation Method of the Quality;民办高等教育办学模式及办学水平评估方法研究

4.Furthering the Reform of Educational Management,Adding the Efficiency & Quality;改革高教管理方式、增强办学质量效益

5.The Research and Practice of Running School Pattern in Local Medical Colleges and Universities;地方本科医学院校的办学模式与实践研究

pared Analysis on Public and Private College Students Stress,Coping Strategy and Self-esteem;公办与民办高校大学生压力、应对方式和自尊的比较分析

7.One key to its success has been the use of joint ventures.其成功的秘诀之一是采取合资办学的方式。

8.On Socialization in School-Running Model of Local University;试论我国地方本科高校办学模式的社会化

9.The Development Direction and Education Model of Adult Higher Education;成人高等教育的发展方向及办学模式探索

10.On the Exploration and Practice of the Operating Patterns of Newly Established Colleges and Universities;新建地方本科院校办学模式理论与实践

11.Analysis on College Cooperation in Running School and Choice of Ways of Money Collection;普通高校合作办学与筹资方式的分析与选择

12.Probe into Management Pattern in Newly Built Teachers Colleges;新建地方本科师范院校办学模式创新探索

13.Study and Practice of the Reform of the School-running Pattern and Education Management Pattern in Local Colleges and Universities of Engineering;地方工科院校办学模式与教学管理模式改革研究与实践

14.There are some characteristics in teaching methods, teaching objects and subjects of taking charge of education in college adult education.高校函授教育的教学方式、学对象和办学主体有其特殊性。

15.Approaching Open Model of Running-School and Integrated Plan of Production,Lea rning and Research of Higher Chinese Medical Education;高等中医药教育开放性办学模式与产学研一体化方案初探

16.promote diversification in the school system.促使办学模式多元化。

17.School-running Orientation and Features of OrdinaryLocal Higher Learning Institutions;普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色

18.Research on the Historical Evolution and Reformatory Direction of Our National Rural Compulsory Education;我国农村义务教育办学模式的历史演变及改革方向研究


mode of editing办刊方式

1.In this paper, the author reviews the characteristics of academic journals, analyses the contradiction between market economics and academic journals in themode of editing.在简述学术期刊自身特点的基础上,分析市场经济规律与学术期刊办刊方式之间存在的矛盾,以及市场化经营对学术期刊发展产生的负面影响,提出了如何使学术期刊健康成长的措施。

3)style of establishment兴办方式

4)modus operandi办事方式

5)direction of running school办学方向

1.From the demand of quality education the article suggests how local colleges of engineering face to the economic and constructivedirection of running schools and pay attention to the features of cultivation between the specialities,creative ideas and the spirit of arduous effort,and explore a self developed road with some features combined with the actual case in running schools.本文从素质教育的要求出发 ,结合地方工科院校的办学实际情况 ,提出了地方工科院校如何面向经济建设的办学方向 ,注重专业特色和创新意识与艰苦奋斗精神的培养 ,走出一条具有特色的自身发展的道

6)policy of running schools办学方针


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
