100字范文 > 垃圾焚烧厂 waste incineration plant英语短句 例句大全

垃圾焚烧厂 waste incineration plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-19 12:12:29


垃圾焚烧厂 waste incineration plant英语短句 例句大全

垃圾焚烧厂,waste incineration plant

1)waste incineration plant垃圾焚烧厂

1.I through waste incineration-the architectural design ofcogeneration projects,I will briefly describe the essential relating to the architectural design of thewaste incineration plant as below based on the project practice: project design considerations,planning and layout,principle construction outlines,fire-fighting measures,architectural design features.结合实际工程情况从工程的背景与定位、规划与布局、核心建筑概述、消防设计、建筑设计特点等几个方面对垃圾焚烧厂建筑设计要点作简明的阐述。

2.Awaste incineration plant provides waste disposal services for the whole city,which is bound to have certain bad effects on the quality of the local environment.垃圾焚烧厂在为整座城市提供垃圾处理服务的同时必然会对当地的环境质量造成一定影响,新建项目其选址变得越来越困难,已建成项目周边居民对其投诉屡屡发生,甚至发生堵塞垃圾运输道路事件。

monly used construction modes ofwaste incineration plants at present were introduced,including parallel contract,design-construct lump-sum contract,and design-construct combo contract.介绍了目前常用的3种垃圾焚烧厂建设模式,平行承发包项目管理模式,设计和施工总分包项目管理模式,设计和施工联合体承包项目管理模式,对CM(Construction Managemen)t模式与其他常见模式进行了分析比较,指出了CM模式的优越性及其适用范围。


1.Study on the Treatment Processes for Landfill and Incineration Plant Leachates;垃圾填埋场和垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液处理工艺研究

2.Such projects as Gao"antun Garbage Burning Plant and Jiaojiapo Garbage Burying Ground will be completed.建成高安屯垃圾焚烧厂、焦家坡垃圾填埋厂等工程。

3.Research on Biotechnologial Treatment of Leachate from Refuse Dump in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant;城市垃圾焚烧厂垃圾储坑渗滤液生物处理技术研究

4.Study on Water Quality of Leachate from Garbage Landfill Site and Garbage Incineration Plant in Chongqing s Main City Zone;重庆市主城区垃圾焚烧厂和垃圾填埋场渗滤液水质研究

5.Research on Treatment of Leachate from MSW Incineration Plant by UASB-Biotrickling Filter-Coagulation-Flocculation;UASB-滴滤池—混凝工艺处理垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液研究

6.Study on the Treatment of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant;生活垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液处理工艺的研究

7.Flue Gas Cleaning System and Relevant Standards of MSW Incineration Plants城市生活垃圾焚烧厂烟气净化系统及标准分析

8.Property Analysis of Secondary Pollutants in Shanghai Jiangqiao Domestic Waste Incineration Plant上海江桥生活垃圾焚烧厂二次污染物性质分析

9.Application Prospect of CM Mode in Waste Incineration Plant Construction浅析CM模式在垃圾焚烧厂建设中的应用前景

10.Study on the treatment of the leachate by combined process垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液处理的一种组合工艺的研究

11.Discussion on refuse pretreatment technique for refuse incineration power plants垃圾焚烧电厂垃圾预处理工艺设计探讨

12.Guangzhou Likeng Waste-to-energy Power Plant;《案例》:广州市李坑生活垃圾焚烧发电厂

13.Research on Lixivious Toxicity of Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration to Energy Plant;垃圾焚烧发电厂飞灰浸出毒性的研究

14.Design of Centralized Control System for WTE Power Plant垃圾焚烧发电厂集中控制系统的设计

15.Seismic response of main building structure of refuse incinerating power plant垃圾焚烧工程主厂房的地震反应分析

16.Design of Treatment Engineering of Leachate from Waste Incineration Power Plant垃圾焚烧发电厂渗滤液处理工程设计

17.Discussion on the Urban Consumer Waste Incineration Power Plants General Layout of Site Area in the Future城市生活垃圾焚烧发电厂厂区总布置探讨

18.Research and Design of Automatic Start-up/Shutdown of Incineration of Waste Power Plant垃圾焚烧发电厂焚烧线顺控自启停的研究与设计


solid waste combustion垃圾焚烧厂

1.Coagulation treatment and mathematic model of effluent from biological treatment ofsolid waste combustion leachate;垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液生化出水混凝处理及其模型的建立

3)municipal solid waste incinerator生活垃圾焚烧厂

1.Leachate from refuse storage pit(LRSP) of amunicipal solid waste incinerator(MSWI) located in Shanghai was treated by vacuum evaporation process.结果表明:生活垃圾焚烧厂贮坑沥滤液中含有高质量浓度的挥发性污染物,低碳醇和碳原子数不大于7的挥发性有机酸(VFA)约占沥滤液中有机碳质量浓度的50%;沥滤液直接蒸发可将原液转化为原液量的84%,不含氨氮,有机物质量浓度为原液的21%,且90%以上为VFA及低碳醇的冷凝液,以及有机物质量浓度浓缩了4。

4)refuse incineration power plant垃圾焚烧发电厂

1.Secondary pollutions control inrefuse incineration power plant;垃圾焚烧发电厂中各种二次污染的控制

5)refuse incineration power plant垃圾焚烧电厂

1.Discussion on refuse pretreatment technique forrefuse incineration power plants垃圾焚烧电厂垃圾预处理工艺设计探讨

6)Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (MSWI)城市垃圾焚烧厂


