100字范文 > 胀头 expander probe英语短句 例句大全

胀头 expander probe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-17 09:16:23


胀头 expander probe英语短句 例句大全

胀头,expander probe

1)expander probe胀头

1.The special feature of all kinds ofexpander probe were iscussed in this paper.简要介绍了液压胀管机的性能和使用方法及胀管中应注意的问题 ,讨论了各种不同形式的胀头特点 ,使国内用户更多地了解液压胀的实际操作性


1.Estimation on Multi-Swell Head Expansion Load of Damaged Natural Gas Well多胀头膨胀天然气井套管修复载荷估算

2.addle one"s head搞得头昏脑胀, 绞尽脑汁

3.She was mildly bloated from head to toe.她从头到脚轻微肿胀。

4.expansion gland膨胀接头的填料压盖

5.The long discussion befuddled them.长时间的讨论使得他们头昏脑胀。

6.The whisky got into his head.威士忌使他醉得头晕脑胀。

7.My head spun after doing a cartwheel.做了一个侧手翻后我觉得头昏脑胀的

8.Too much of this sort of work turns your brain.干太多这类的事会把人弄得头晕脑胀。

9.Failure Analysis on Bulging Die of Stainless Steel Elbow with Solid Medium不锈钢弯头软模胀形凹模的失效分析

10.Failure Analysis on Tool Joint Expansion of φ88.9mm×9.35mm G105 Drill Pipeφ88.9mm×9.35mm G105钻杆内螺纹接头胀扣失效分析

11.The hair grows outward from the head.而头发在生长时是以头部为中心向外蓬胀的。

12.If spoilage microorganisms produce gas, both ends of the can will bulge outward to give a swell.如果变质微生物产气,罐头的两端将向外膨胀造成胀罐

13.To this day there is still ongoing controversy about whether to expand first or weld first the tube to tube-sheet joint in heat exchangers.管壳式换热器中管子与管板胀焊结构接头的加工制作,是先焊后胀还是先胀后焊,至今仍有争论。

14.His tongue had swelled to twice its size. His legs were limp.他的舌头一下子胀大了两倍,两腿瘫软无力。

15.The condensation shorts the circuits to your brain, and you get all woozy.湿气凝结导致大脑短路,你开始头昏脑胀。

16.My brain is a bit addled by whiskeyEugene O"Neill)See Synonyms at&b{confuse威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的(尤金 奥涅尔)参见

17.The economy is still growing robustly, but inflation, it seems, is back.经济依然强劲增长,但是通胀似乎有所抬头。

18.Fads breed in empty heads and full purses.流行时尚从空虚的头脑和鼓胀的钱包中产生


fullness in head头胀

3)expansion core膨胀芯头

1.According to the elastic-plastic theory, the calculation method of tangential stress , radial stress of expansion casing both in elastic deformation area and in plastic deformation area is deduced and the minimum critical load betweenexpansion core and casing was determined.根据弹塑性的理论,推导了膨胀套管在弹性变形区和塑性变形区的周向应力和径向应力计算模型,确定了膨胀套管膨胀时在膨胀芯头与套管之间所需的最小接触载荷。

4)expansion body膨胀心头

1.Analysis shows that, under the same working condition, the impellent required in the casing expension with single-stageexpansion body is less than that with multistage expa.根据弹塑性有限元理论 ,建立了膨胀套管和膨胀心头的力学模型。

5)expanding and welding joint胀焊接头

6)blowing extruder head扩胀机头


