100字范文 > 电气控制柜 electric control tank英语短句 例句大全

电气控制柜 electric control tank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-06 15:27:20


电气控制柜 electric control tank英语短句 例句大全

电气控制柜,electric control tank

1)electric control tank电气控制柜

1.Designing and making of DK-100 typeelectric control tank in drilling working;钻探施工中DK-100电气控制柜的设计与制作


1.Electrical control system: electrical control cabinet, sub control station and pneumatic system.电控系统:电气控制柜,分站及气动系统。

2.Study on Training Course of Complete Assembly of Electric Control Set Cabinet成套电气控制柜总装课程实训课题设计研究

3.Experimental Study of Cable Fire Spread in Electric Cabinet电气设备控制柜内电缆火灾实验研究

4.The Pushbutton Panel controls the motorized and pneumatic powered functions of the equipment in the pot area.按钮柜控制锌锅区设备的电机及气动设备。

5.The Discussion of the Emergency Power Supply Control in the Electrical Integrated Control Cabinet on Railway Passenger Cars关于铁路客车电气综合控制柜应急电源控制的探讨

6.The Study of EMC Analysis and Prediction of the Control System Enclose控制系统控制柜电磁兼容分析与仿真研究

7.The VVVF drives in the Driver Panel control the angle motors on the airknife rigs and the horizontal motors in the Elevator/Positioner.传动柜的VVVF驱动器控制气刀架的旋转电机及升降定位机的水平电机。

8."The Motor Control Panel transforms and protects incoming power, feeds power to other panels and contains starters for constant speed AC motors."电机控制柜将输入电源进行保护并供电给其它控制柜,装有定速ac电机的起动装置。

9.The company produces all kinds of Elevator Controller, Control System,and Elevator Electrical Components in specializing.本公司是专业生产各类电梯控制柜、控制系统、电梯电器部件的公司。

10.Study of the Dynamic Examinationg and Fault Diagnosis System for Locomotive Electronic Control Cabinet;机车电子控制柜动态检测与故障诊断系统研究

11.The Operating Principle and Application of Automatic Control Compensation Condenser自动控制补偿电容器柜的工作原理及应用

12.The Application of OPC Technology in Elevator Control Cabinet Type TestingOPC技术在电梯控制柜型式试验中的应用

13.Electrical Towage & Electrical Control电力拖动与电气控制

14.electropneumatic master controller电动气动制动主控制器

15.Maintenance of switch-gear, switch-board, MCC, and plant lighting.变电站设备,马达控制中心,现场配电柜,工厂照明的维护。

16.Research on Mechanics and Electricity of Automatically-Returned Bill Machine and Its Realization;电子回单柜的机电控制与管理系统的研究与实现

17.Research on Control Type Cabinet Electromechanical Products Design Knowledge Reuse Method Oriented to Customization;面向个性化定制的控制类柜体机电产品设计知识重用方法研究

18.electric plant control panel电站控制板电气设备控制板


electrical integrated control cabinet电气综合控制柜

1.The composition and control of the emergency power supply system in theelectrical integrated control cabinet on railway passenger cars are described.介绍了铁路客车电气综合控制柜应急电源系统的构成与控制,分析了存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。

3)electrical comprehensive control cupboard for passenger cars客车电气综合控制柜

4)electronic control cabinet电子控制柜

1.Design of locomotiveelectronic control cabinet on-line monitoring embedded system;机车电子控制柜嵌入式在线监测系统设计

2.It is stated the hardware and software configurations of the computer auto-detection system or locomotiveelectronic control cabinet.介绍机车电子控制柜计算机自动检测系统硬、软件构成,详细阐述了一些关键技术的处理。

5)elevator controller电梯控制柜

1.Design and realization of an automatic test system forelevator controller;电梯控制柜自动检测系统的设计和实现

6)Switch Gear配电控制柜


电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范《电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范》GB50171-92详细内容点击下载,解压密码:下载声明:· 本站提供的所有资料 均来自互联网,资料的版权属于作者本人 。 · 本站提供的所有资料 只供个人学习用,不得非法出版、销售。
