100字范文 > 离散制造系统 discrete manufacturing system英语短句 例句大全

离散制造系统 discrete manufacturing system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-21 04:16:22


离散制造系统 discrete manufacturing system英语短句 例句大全

离散制造系统,discrete manufacturing system

1)discrete manufacturing system离散制造系统

1.A modification of special CPN model-CMG (cyclic controlled marked graph),which is proposed by Holloway and Krogh,is used to model real-timediscrete manufacturing system.利用CMG(CyclicControlledMarkedGraph)在Holloway等人对离散制造系统反馈控制综合研究的基础上,提出了位置含时间的CMG──TpCMG模型。

2.By the research on the logistics indiscrete manufacturing system of Job-shop ordering type, the paper found its influencing factors among the operational progress and built a mathematic model using the entropy theory.本文主要通过对单件小批订货型离散制造系统物流的研究,找出该类物流系统在运行过程中的影响因素,利用熵理论对其进行数学建模,从而用运行熵模型来评价该系统物流运行好坏,并分析应采取什么对策。


1.The Study on Optimal Scheduling of Stochastic Discrete Production System Based on Simulation;基于仿真的随机离散制造系统优化调度研究

2.Research on Inventory of WIP Control in Discrete Manufacturing System Based on Bottleneck Analysis;基于瓶颈分析的离散制造系统在制品库存控制研究

3.Study on Job-shop Scheduling System of the Discrete Manufacturing Enterprises;离散型制造企业的车间调度系统研究

4.Research of Discrete Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES);离散型制造执行系统(MES)研究

5.A Research for MES Module Architecture in Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise;离散型制造企业MES系统架构的研究

6.The Application of MES Model and Function Design in Discrete Manufacturing Industry离散型制造业应用MES系统模型设计

7.Performance Management System of Machining Platform for Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise;离散制造企业机械加工制造平台绩效管理系统

8.Study and Design of Manufacturing Execution System Applied to Discrete Manufacturing离散制造业制造执行系统(MES)研究与设计

9.Research on multi-agent-based MES structure of discrete manufacturing industry基于多agent的离散制造业制造执行系统框架研究

10.The Study and Application of Productioncontrol Model in Discrete and Customize Manufacture System;离散型定制制造系统生产控制模型研究及应用

11.How to Apply RFID in a Discrete Manufacturing Industry Production Control System;RFID在离散型制造业生产控制系统中的应用研究

12.Research on Discrete Manufacturing Industries-oriented Standard Time Formulation System面向离散制造业的标准时间制定系统研究

13.Research on MES-based Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise Equipment Management System;基于MES的离散型制造企业设备管理系统研究

14.A Solution and System Design for Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise ERP;离散型生产制造企业ERP解决方案与系统设计

15.Research of Job-Shop Scheduling Management Model for Discrete Manufacturing Enterprises and System Implelementation;离散制造企业车间调度管理模型及系统实现

16.Research and Implementation of Quality Costing Model for Discrete Manufacturing;离散制造企业质量成本核算模型及系统实现

17.Research and Implementation of Production Management Information System in Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise;离散制造企业生产管理信息系统的研究与实现

18.Study on Optimization Method of Discrete Manufacture Enterprises Logistics System;离散型制造企业物流系统优化方法的研究


dispersed phase manufacture system离散型制造系统

1.The production mechanism ofdispersed phase manufacture systems is employed to provide an effective plan for enterprises.为了给企业提供真正有效的解决方案,依照离散型制造系统生产机理,从对象维和过程维的二维角度,提出了基于大批量定制生产的通用结构模式,探讨了产品全寿命周期的业务流程优化方向,构建了大批量定制生产的优化数学模型。

3)discrete manufacturing离散制造

1.Annealing variable hybrid genetic algorithm for workload allocations indiscrete manufacturing systems;基于退火因子混合遗传算法的离散制造工作量负载优化方法

2.Multi-layered model for radio frequency identification adoption oriented todiscrete manufacturing enterprise离散制造业射频识别技术导入的多层决策模型

3.BY usingdiscrete manufacturing principle and based on dislodge forming and adding/stackˉing forming,metal die parts were manufactured directly and rapidly.基于零件成型中去除成型与添加/堆积成型方式,采用离散制造原理,直接快速制造金属模具零件。

4)discrete control system离散控制系统

1.The concepts of the structure of the neutral linear variablediscrete control system with multigroup real_delays and perturbation parameters are established.建立了多组实数滞后中立型关联线性时变离散控制系统的结构概念,采用李雅普诺夫频率域等价性分解法,结合复变函数中的路歇(Rouche)定理,给出了无滞后无扰动参数的线性时变离散控制系统的镇定,蕴含了具有扰动结构参数的多组实数滞后中立型关联线性时变离散控制系统的关联镇定,同时给出了扰动参数及滞后界限的估计公式。

2.This paper considered that the traffic network systems confeist of m horizontal road crosses n lenghwise road, the passage capability of this system considered firstly we build up the model of mn - traffic network system, secondly porper transformation pass that the model will transform todiscrete control system,-.本文研究m条横向道路与n条纵向道路交叉而成的交通网络系统,为研究该系统的通行能力,首先建立mn—交通网络系统的模型,其次通过适当变换将模型转换成离散控制系统,最后利用极小值原理研究该系统的最大通行能力。

5)control for discrete-time systems离散系统控制

6)discrete system离散系统

1.On optimal iterative learning control fordiscrete systems;一类离散系统最优迭代学习控制方法

2.Demonstration on decomposing a start - state and response ofdiscrete system;离散系统起始状态分解及其响应可分性的证明

3.Inverse vibration problem for thediscrete system of a rod;杆的离散系统的振动反问题


离散时间周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示 (1)式中χ((n))N为一离散时间周期序列,其周期为N点,即式中r为任意整数。X((k))N为频域周期序列,其周期亦为N点,即X(k)=X(k+lN),式中l为任意整数。从式(1)可导出已知X((k))N求χ((n))N的关系(2)式(1)和式(2)称为离散傅里叶级数对。当离散时间周期序列整体向左移位m时,移位后的序列为χ((n+m))N,如果χ((n))N的离散傅里叶级数(DFS)表示为,则χ((n+m))N的DFS表示为
