100字范文 > 社会分层 social stratification英语短句 例句大全

社会分层 social stratification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-09 11:41:18


社会分层 social stratification英语短句 例句大全

社会分层,social stratification

1)social stratification社会分层

1.Does hukou still matter? The household registration system and its impact onsocial stratification and mobility in China;户口还起作用吗?——户籍制度与社会分层和流动(英文)

2.The impact of family background on the access to quantity and quality of higher education——fromsocial stratification perspective;家庭背景对高等教育数量和质量获得的影响——社会分层的视角

3.Review of five oversea mainstream theories about correlations between "sports participation" and "social stratification";国外“体育参与”与“社会分层”关系的五大理论流派述评


1.Viewing the Stratification of China s Society from the Perspective of a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视域中的中国社会分层研究

2.Reform and Open Up 30 Years:Socia Stratification and Social Harmony改革开放30年:社会分层与社会和谐

3.The Research on the Relation of Social Stratification and School Stratification;社会分层与学校分层的对应关系研究

4.Occupational Status:Indicator of Social Stratification,A study on social strata with hierarch in Shanghai职业地位:社会分层的指示器——上海社会结构与社会分层研究

5.Social Estate in Harmonious Society From Sociological Perspective--Taking Xi an City as A Sample;从社会学视角探析和谐城市的社会分层——以西安社会分层为例

6.Social Transformation & Social Stratification;社会转型与社会分层 ——四论当代中国社会的阶层分化

7.A Research into the Senior High School Students Social-class-delamination and Education Acquisition;高中阶段的社会分层和教育机会获得

8.Impaction of the Social Stratification to Admission Opportunities of Higher Education社会分层对高等教育入学机会的影响

9.Religion and Social Class in Pre-modern Society --On Weber s Sociological Theory in Religion;前现代社会的宗教与社会分层——韦伯宗教社会学理论分析

10.Resource of Power and Stratification of Society:A Study on Social Stratification of the Middle Cities in China;权力资源与社会分层:一项对中国中部城市的社会分层研究

11.From Social Stratification to Social Conflict--An Analysis of Chinese Social Stratifrication;从社会分层到社会冲突——基于我国阶层现状的分析

12.About the Pressure of Establishing the Social Security System for Lost-land Farmers--Based on social classification perspective;从社会分层谈失地农民社会保障建设的紧迫性

13.Application of the Stratified Society Theory in Constructing the Harmonious Society;社会分层理论在构建和谐社会中的运用

14.Survey the Higher Education Disharmonies from Social Fluxion and Social Stratification;从社会流动和社会分层看高等教育中的不和谐

15.The Role of Today s Chinese Social Insurance Institution in Social Stratification;当前中国的社会保险在社会分层中的作用

16.How the Social Stratum and its Flow Affect Preschool Education in Chinese Country;社会分层、社会流动与农村幼儿教育小学化

17.Higher Education, Social Stratification and Social Justice in Transformational China;转型中国的高等教育、社会分层与社会公平

18.The Research on the Sports in Small Towns and Social Stratification and Security;对小城镇体育与社会分层和社会保障的研究


social classification社会分层

1.About the Pressure of Establishing the Social Security System for Lost-land Farmers——Based onsocial classification perspective;从社会分层谈失地农民社会保障建设的紧迫性

2.Analysis ofsocial classification theory of Marxism;马克思主义社会分层理论辨析

3.The weak group, which is an outcome ofsocial classification, requires legal protection based on the value of justice and order.弱势群体是社会分层的结果,对其进行保护是法律追求正义与秩序的必然要求,具体途径为通过法律再分配社会性资源,缩小强弱差距,保护弱势群体的正当权益。

3)social stratum社会分层

1.Expressed in the theory of stratum,this reform is shown to adjustsocial stratums.改革就是对政策、法规和体制的调整,这种调整最终体现为人们利益关系的变化,用分层理论表述则最终体现为调整社会分层结构。

2.Remarkable changes in the structure ofsocial stratum have taken place ever since the reform and the open policy.但社会转型期的社会分层具有明显的两重性,既有积极影响,又有消极影响。

4)social delamination社会分层

1.The issue will study development above the inner mechanism of sport for country on the viewpoint ofsocial delamination from sociology and history,if managing to promote the ben.通过社会学、历史学从社会分层的观点对我国农村体育发展的内在机制进行研究,若要促进"农民的体育需求"和"需求不断被满足"的良性循环,需要国家必须逐步改变目前中国的"二元社会";改善农民的经济状况;改变农民在社会结构中的底层地位;改变农民被歧视的身份地位。

2.Nowadays,thesocial delamination is the focus of Chinese to attention,and is also the hotspot of academia to discuss.社会分层是当今中国社会关注的焦点,也是理论界探讨的热点。

3.There was the especial framework ofsocial delamination in Dong-people traditional society,put up a point of non-gradational delamination.侗族传统社会存在着社会分层的特殊结构,表现出非阶级分层的特点。

5)the social stratification社会分层

1.The Social Stratification and Studies with Consumer Behavior;社会分层与消费行为研究

2.There are three kinds of main pattern theory ofthe social stratification : functionalism theory,conflict theory and coordination theory.社会分层理论有三种主要模式,即功能主义理论、冲突主义理论、协调论。

6)On Social Stratification社会分层论


