100字范文 > 民族关系 Ethnic relations英语短句 例句大全

民族关系 Ethnic relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 07:36:51


民族关系 Ethnic relations英语短句 例句大全

民族关系,Ethnic relations

1)Ethnic relations民族关系

1.Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Regional Ethnic Relations Research;宁夏回族自治区民族关系研究

2.Ethnic relations which are synthetically affected by their own factors and the social factors,natural factors,international factors of nations existence,possess their own inherent requirements,and they also have their own laws of development under the total laws of social development.民族关系是在民族自身因素和民族存在的社会因素、自然因素、国际因素综合作用下,具有自身的内在规定性,在社会发展总规律下具有自身的发展规律。

3.Ethnic relations not only posses the features of historical succession and continuity,but also own the features of reflection on reality,refraction on the balance and rationality of interests,and etc.民族关系中的核心问题是民族利益、民族权利和民族发展,这些是民族关系的焦点、热点和主题。


1.On the Relations of Ethnic Group Relationship,National Relationship and Social Relationship;关于族群关系、民族关系与社会关系的关系

2.On nationalities policies and the nationalities relations in the multi-nationality country;多民族国家民族政策与民族关系发展远景


4.Strengthen National Work in the City Community and Construct the Harmonious National Relation;加强社区民族工作 构建和谐民族关系

5.New Idea about "National Issue" and "Matter of Ties between Nationalities;民族问题"与"民族关系问题"的再认识

6.The national housing pattern and the national relation in WuluMuQi;乌鲁木齐市民族居住格局与民族关系

7.Factors That Influence National Relations--Research V on Theories of National Relations;民族关系影响因素——民族关系理论研究之五

8.Central Problems of Ethnic Relations--Research VI on Theories of Ethnic Relations;民族关系核心问题——民族关系理论研究之四

9.Essential Features of Ethnic Relations--Research III on Theories of National Relations;民族关系本质特征——民族关系理论研究之三

10.Laws of Development in Ethnic Relations--Research VI on Theories of Ethnic Relations;民族关系发展规律——民族关系理论研究之六

11.On the Essence of Nationality Relations and It s Present-Day Key Problems;论民族关系的实质与当代民族关系的核心问题

12.Influence of the Northwest Immigration on Ethnic Relations;当代西北少数民族地区移民对民族关系的影响

13.Probe into the National Relations in the Regional Autonomy of the Tibetans in Qinghai;当前青海藏族自治地区民族关系探析

14.Lotus as Medium: Ethnic Relation Study of Shezu and Hanzu in Liucheng Shezu Town花为媒:柳城畲族镇畲汉民族关系研究

15.Interethnic Relationship and Interaction Between the Zhuang in China and the Nung in Vietnam;中国壮族与越南侬族的民族关系与交流

16.A Preliminary Comment on the Relationship among Kam-Tai Family,Baiyue and Austronesian Family侗台语民族、百越及南岛语民族关系刍论

17.The Survey and Analysis of Nationality Intercourse Mentality and Nationality Relation in Xinjiang;新疆民族交往心理与民族关系调查研究

18.The Ethnic Relations in the Multi-national Areas and their Development;云南民族杂居地区的民族关系及其发展


national relationship民族关系

1.On Developing the Harmonious National Relationship in China关于发展我国和谐民族关系的若干思考

2.Scrutiny on the theory and practice of our country"s socialisticnational relationship我国社会主义民族关系理论与实践考察

3)ethnic relationship民族关系

1.The communitilization of ethnic affair: a kind of view on coordinatingethnic relationship in the period of civilization;民族工作的社区化:城市化进程中协调民族关系的一种视角

2.Multiplex Integration: a piece of historical experience of Yunnanethnic relationship;多元一体——论云南民族关系的历史经验之一

3.In history, the main factors that influenced theethnic relationship of Xinjiang varied in different times and so did their manifestations.历史上,影响新疆民族关系的主要因素在不同的历史阶段是不同的,其表现形式也不一样。

4)national relation民族关系

1.The Important Content and Fundamental Guarantee in the Construction of a Harmonious Society ——On strengthening and improving the socialistnational relation characterized by equality, unity, mutual aid and harmony;构建和谐社会的重要内容和基本保证——谈巩固和发展平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系

2.Investigation on the influence of the minorities" flowing toward the coastal small and medium cities in East China on thenational relation——Taking Weihai of Shandong province as an example少数民族向东部中小沿海城市流动对民族关系产生的影响探析——以山东省威海市为例

3.The harmony ofnational relations depends on different nationalities communication,the national sport is an especial cultural phenomenon in social lives,not only expresses national cultures,but also the national spirit,and is popular.和谐的民族关系有赖于民族间普遍而良性的交往,体育作为一种与人们社会生活密切相关的特殊文化现象,既是民族文化、民族精神的体现,又有着广泛的群众参与基础。

5)National Relations民族关系

1.On DevelopingNational Relations and Constructing Harmonious Society;论发展民族关系与构建和谐社会

2.The Status and Analysis on theNational Relations in Wuling Area;武陵地区民族关系的现状及分析

3.Guangxi Beibu Gulf economic zone construction and Guangxi national relations development广西北部湾经济区建设与广西民族关系的发展

6)ethnic relation民族关系

1.Discussion on the concept and connotation of theethnic relations——Investigation on the symbiotics of the theoretical frame ofethnic relations试论民族关系的概念及内涵——对民族关系理论框架的共生学考察

2.The writer treats the Emin County as a field research point,and through investigating the housing patterns,the workplaces,the entertainments and the modern enterprises,the author studies theethnic relations and analyzes the causes.以新疆额敏县县城作为田野调查点,通过对社区居住格局、工作单位、娱乐场所、现代企业等的调查,来考察当地的民族关系现状,并分析其原因。

3.The paper discusses the purposes of such immigrants,their types and distribution,the Taliu people and the Tunbao people as well as the changingethnic relations in Yunnnan and Guizhou.本文从分析滇黔移民入迁的不同目的及任务入手,探讨由此产生的两地移民种类与分布差异、滇黔民族关系变化中的他留人和屯堡人现象等相关问题。


