100字范文 > 创新型国家 innovative country英语短句 例句大全

创新型国家 innovative country英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-08 00:19:40


创新型国家 innovative country英语短句 例句大全

创新型国家,innovative country

1)innovative country创新型国家

1.Buildinginnovative country:The choice of national strategy in new time;建设创新型国家——新时期国家战略的选择

2.Social capital:the social structural base ofinnovative country论创新型国家的社会结构基础——为创新积累社会资本

3., this paper discusses the important position and the pushing function of the literature information in constructing theinnovative country.从培养高层次人才、提高论文质量等方面论述了文献信息在建设创新型国家中的重要地位和推动作用。


1.Construction of an Innovative Nation and Innovation of Chinese Adult Education;建设创新型国家与中国成人教育创新

2.Analysis on French History in Innovation for the Creation of Innovative Country of China法国创新历史对我国创新型国家创建的启示

3.Enhancing the Independent Innovation Competence and Building an Innovational Country;增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家

4.Building of an Innovative Nation and Universities Innovative Policies of Science and Technology;创新型国家建设与大学科技政策创新

5.Strengthening Innovation Capacity and Building up Innouation-Typed State;增强自主创新能力 建设创新型国家

6.An Analysis on Fiscal Policies Promoting Autonomous Innovation in Typical Innovative Countries;典型创新型国家自主创新激励的财税政策

7.Review of China s Science and Technology Lnnovation Policies to Build an Innovation oriented Country;我国建设创新型国家的科技创新政策研究综述

8.New mission of university in innovative nation;论高校在建设创新型国家中的新使命

9.Building innovative country:The choice of national strategy in new time;建设创新型国家——新时期国家战略的选择

10.A Research on the Relationship Between Innovative Nation and Innovative Region in the Innovation Process;创新型国家与创新型区域在创新过程中的关系研究

11.The subject of tech-innovation is the carrier in the construction of innovating countries.技术创新主体是建设创新型国家的载体。

12.Researches on Postgraduate Innovative Education in Innovative National Construction;基于创新型国家建设的研究生创新教育研究

13.Promoting Enterprises Independent Innovation to Speed up the Building of An Innovative Nation;大力推动企业自主创新 加快建设创新型国家

14.The Policy of Innovation-typed State and Independent Innovation Capacity of Enterprises;创新型国家政策与企业自主创新能力探讨

15.On independent innovation as the core and essence in building an innovative country;自主创新是建设创新型国家的核心和根本

16.On Technological Innovation of Enterprises under the Background of Counstructing an Innovative Country;论建设创新型国家背景下的企业技术创新

17.Research on the Role of Institutional Innovation in the Construction of Innovational Nation;制度创新对创新型国家形成的作用研究

18.Deng Xiaoping s Thought on Innovation and Constructing a Country of Innovation;邓小平的创新思想与创新型国家的建设


innovation-oriented country创新型国家

1.Building aninnovation-oriented country in China in the view of globalization;全球视野下的我国创新型国家建设

2.Information services industry is the key power in building aninnovation-oriented country and in realizing independent innovation.信息服务业是建设创新型国家和实现自主创新的关键力量。

3.From the perspective of institutional innovation,the foundation of establishing aninnovation-oriented country is the cultivation of the innovational spirit of the whole society and the comprehensive improvement of people s quality.从制度创新的角度来看,创新型国家的建立基础是全社会创新精神的培养和全体公民素质的全面提升。

3)innovative nation创新型国家

1.Discussion of human resource management and the building up of aninnovative nation;论人力资源的科学管理与创新型国家建设

2.A Survey on the Situation of How Academicians Participate in the Construction of the "Innovative Nation"院士参与创新型国家建设状况调查

3.The strategy ofinnovative nation,opportunity and challenge in front of Shenhua Group创新型国家战略及神华面临的机遇与挑战

4)innovation country创新型国家

1.This paper compared the index of "innovation country" about china and the other countries,discovered the disparity and the insuf.近年来,我国已充分认识到科技创新的重要性,并于“十一五”规划中明确提出了建设“创新型国家”的发展战略,把提升科技创新能力作为今后国家经济和产业发展的核心。

2.The proposition of theinnovation country puts the enhancing of country s ability of competition to an especial important state and asks a higher quality of research universities.随着创新型国家概念的提出,大学对提升国家竞争力的特殊意义正日益凸显,同时社会也对研究型大学本身提出了更高要求:不仅应创造出满足战略需求、具有重大意义的创新科技成果,而且应将成果积极转化为现实生产力,推动国家和地区经济的发展。

3.This paper puts forward points for consideration towards the building ofinnovation country after brief analysis on the Canadian innovation strategy and its related programs.客观介绍加拿大创新战略的主要内容,并就加拿大创新战略的执行情况进行了深入分析,在解剖几个典型项目的基础上,提出了中国建设创新型国家的几点建议。

5)innovational country创新型国家

1.Enhancing the Independent Innovation Competence and Building an Innovational Country;增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家

2.The basic purpose of constructing aninnovational country is to improve people s benefit from the development of science and technology.建设创新型国家的根本目的就是要让科学技术充分惠及亿万人民群众。

3.So it has irreplaceable effect in the important strategy of constructinginnovational country.所以说,在建设创新型国家的重大战略中具有不可替代的作用。

6)building of an innovation nation建设创新型国家

1.Now regular higher education institutions(HEIs)undertake the fundamental task of producing qualified professionals and creative people for thebuilding of an innovation nation.高校在建设创新型国家中担负着培养高素质专门人才和创新人才的根本任务。


