100字范文 > 活埋 bury alive英语短句 例句大全

活埋 bury alive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 19:24:06


活埋 bury alive英语短句 例句大全

活埋,bury alive

1)bury alive活埋


1.I just can"t grab people and bury them alive."我只是不能抓人去活埋。”

2.You wouldn"t like to be buried alive.你不会喜欢被人活埋。

3.They were buried alive by the enemies.他们被敌人活埋了。

4.a morbid fear of being buried alive.对于活埋的病态恐惧。

5.The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.矿坑坍塌时, 矿工被活活埋在里面了.

6.If they could not find these men, they buried their families.如果找不到本人,便活埋他们的家属。

7."How dare you say I"m buried alive!""你怎么敢说我被活埋了呢!"

8.but if some villagers caught him, at very least he would be buried alive!教村中的人们捉住,至少是活埋!

9."Gracious Creator of day! To be buried alive for eighteen years!"“白昼的慈祥的创造者呀!活埋了十八年

10.Charge the Stereotyped Gender Class;被“活埋者”的控诉——关于小说《蓝调石墙T》

11.Why did you kill yourself? Bury me alive beside you,为什么你要自杀呢?将我活埋在你身边吧,”

12.They were finally subdued and burried alive under Mount Aetna.后来他们都被打败了并被活埋在埃特纳山下。

13.The donkey later came back, and bit the shit out of the farmer who had tried to bury him.驴子后来回来,把企图活埋它的农夫咬个半死。

14.Very often they buried alive men who had engaged in the struggle for reduction of rents.他们经常是把那些参加过减租斗争的人活埋。

15.He gave himself up to all kinds of sports.他埋头于各种体育活动。

16.Overview of Landfill Gas Generation Models生活垃圾填埋场填埋气产生量估算模型

17.She" s always bitching about the people at work.她总是埋怨正在干活儿的人.

18.Many people are still buried alive after the earthquake.在地震过後, 仍有很多人被活生生埋着.


fear of being buried alive活埋恐怖

3)To Bury the ringleader alive活埋祸首

4)be buried alive被活埋

5)work silently without publicity埋头干活

6)deep buried active fault深埋活断层


