100字范文 > 成型支架 molded brace英语短句 例句大全

成型支架 molded brace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 18:53:47


成型支架 molded brace英语短句 例句大全

成型支架,molded brace

1)molded brace成型支架


1.Surface Modification of PLGA/β-TCP Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering;PLGA/β-TCP快速成型支架改性的实验研究

2.The effect of stent structure changes on the hemodynamics and the formation of in-stent restenosis血管内支架构型变化对血流动力学及支架内再狭窄形成的影响

3.Research on Variant Design and Cost Estimating for Hydraulic Support液压支架变型设计与成本估算方法研究

4.Human Ear-shaped Polyurethane Porosity Framework Created by Fused Deposition Modelling and Auricular Cartilage Reconstruction Using This Framework in Vitro and Vivo Study;聚氨酯人耳廓形态支架快速成型及利用软骨细胞/支架复合体构建耳廓形态软骨

5.Bolt, X-member/rear support螺栓,X型构件/后支架

6.heavy type sectionalized shield重型分节式掩护支架

7.Clevis Bracket To Steering KnuckleU型环支架至转向关节

8.Fabrication, Characterization and Preliminary Applications of Biodegradable Tissue Engineering Porous Scaffolds Composed of Biodegradable Polyester;可降解聚酯组织工程多孔支架的成型、表征及初步应用

9.The Designing of the Automatic Molding and Welding Equipment for the Trusses Which Used in Mines" Shoring;矿山支护用桁架自动成型及焊接设备的研发设计

10.Research on Semi-solid Die Casting Processing of Forming AZ91D Magnesium Alloy Kickstand of Generator of the Type of JH70 Motorcycle;AZ91D镁合金半固态高压铸造成形JH70型摩托车发电机支架零件的研究

11.Research on Semi-solid Die Casting Processing of Forming ZL112Y Aluminum Alloy Kickstand of Generator of the Type of JH70 Motorcycle;ZL112Y铝合金半固态高压铸造成形JH70型摩托车发电机支架零件的研究

12.Study on Shaping Manner and Porogen Species for Preparation of Poly L-Lactide/β-Tricalcium Phosphate Porous Scaffold;聚乳酸/β-磷酸三钙复合多孔支架材料成型方法和致孔工艺研究

13.Study on Technology and Equipment of Removable Partial Denture Framework by Laser Rapid Prototyping可摘除局部义齿支架激光快速成型技术与设备研究

14.Research of a New Integrated Pay Business Framework(IPBF) Supporting FMC支撑融合业务的新型电信销账业务集成框架研究

15.The bents supporting the four continuous 工 beam plate girders have a cross section shaped like a box.构架支承着四片工字型板梁,构架的截面为箱型。

16.Design and Selection for Type,Specification and Components of Roof Support液压支架架型、参数及其元件的设计与选择

17.Brief Analysis of Type and Structures of Two-legged and Four-legged Top Coal Caving Hydraulic Powered Support两柱与四柱放顶煤液压支架架型及结构浅析

18.an L-shaped support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf).从墙上突出来的“l”型支架(如用于支撑搁板的)。


Endovascular Stent-Assisted Angioplasty支架成型术

3)support construction支架架型

1.Influence ofsupport construction on roof stability in fully-mechanized top-coal caving face;支架架型对综放顶板稳定性的影响

4)prop assembly支架总成

5)stenting angioplasty血管内支架成型术

6)percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting经皮血管内支架成型术

parative study on hemodynamic change of transcranial Doppler and digital subtraction angiography before and afterpercutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting in the patients with intracal stenosis artery颅内动脉狭窄经皮血管内支架成型术前后血流动力学改变与脑血管造影的对照研究


Z-型支架Z-型支架介入放射学器材。Z-型支架属自胀式支架。包括Gianturco-Z-型支架,改良型Gianturco-Rosch 支架,螺旋型Z-支架,可回收式Z-支架。Gianturco-Z支架系不锈钢丝弯成Z形,然后围成圆柱状。支架的直径、长度可以根据需要而制造。一般钢丝的直径0.25~0.5mm,支架体的长度10~35mm,支架的直径5~30mm。制作工艺比较简单。缺点是单体支架容易移位,多体连接支架连接部的张力不够均匀。
