100字范文 > 屏障避孕法 Barrier contraception英语短句 例句大全

屏障避孕法 Barrier contraception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-11 07:39:20


屏障避孕法 Barrier contraception英语短句 例句大全

屏障避孕法,Barrier contraception

1)Barrier contraception屏障避孕法

2)Barrier contraceptive device屏障式避孕器具


1.Effect of intervention for informed choice ofcontraception on technical service s ability and attitude;避孕方法知情选择干预对服务效果的影响

2.Analysis of the Effect on Intervention of Informed Choice of Contraception in Shandong Province;山东省避孕方法知情选择干预效果分析

3.Objective To understand effect of informed choice intervention incontraception on contraceptive knowledge levels of married women of childbearing age.目的了解避孕方法知情选择干预对已婚育龄妇女避孕知识水平的影响。


1.Analysis of Contraceptive Knowledge and Practice among Young Women Seeking Induced Abortion人工流产妇女避孕知识、避孕方法使用现状及避孕失败原因初探

2.The Longitudinal Trends of Contraceptive Behavior among Married People of Reproductive Age in China;我国已婚育龄人群避孕水平及避孕方法使用趋势

3.The Relationship between the Informed Choice of Contraceptive Methods and Induced Abortion;避孕方法知情选择与人工流产的关系

4.Many methods carry health risks; Barrier devices and avoidance of intercourse during the most fertile period are safest.许多避孕方法会损害健康;最安全的方法包括使用阻隔式避孕器以及危险期推算法。

5.Contraception and Influential Factors Among Rural Women农村妇女避孕方法使用及其影响因素分析

6.When they have become sexually active, she needs to be put on birth control.(当他们有性行为时,她需要使用避孕方法。

7.The Influence of Quality of Care on the Acceptability of Contraceptive Methods in Jiangsu,China.计划生育服务质量对避孕方法可接受性的影响

8.Are referral systems in place where options are limited?在避孕方法和服务有限的地区是否有转诊体系?

9.The Contraception of Floating Population in Guangzhou City and the Involved Influential Factors;广州市流动人口避孕方法现状及影响因素

10.The study of the effect on three types of contraceptives on the ferritin三种避孕方法对妇女血清铁蛋白影响的研究

11.The Role of Gender in Contraceptive Awareness,Choice and Decision Making性别在避孕方法认识、选择与决定中的作用

12.Influence of Informed Choice on Induced Abortion避孕方法知情选择对人工流产发生的影响

13.Choice of contraceptive methods by floating married women and its influence factors已婚流动妇女避孕方法选择及影响因素分析

14.We will promote the informed choice of contraceptive measures, conduct public surveys and preventive treatment of women"s diseases.积极推进避孕方法知情选择,开展妇女病的普查和防治。

15.P: An intrauterine device, but I"m told the pill is more effective than other contraceptives.放过避孕环,但我听说口服避孕药比其它方法更有效。

16.Uterine scar of new contraceptive methods and the termination of pregnancy and contraception and unwanted pregnancy-related research瘢痕子宫避孕与终止妊娠新方法和避孕与意外妊娠相关性研究

17.a contraceptive pill, device, drug, etc避孕丸、 避孕器、 避孕剂.

18.Expert Group Meeting on Measuring the Dynamics of Contraceptive Use避孕用具使用动态量度方法专家组会议


Barrier contraceptive device屏障式避孕器具


1.Effect of intervention for informed choice ofcontraception on technical service s ability and attitude;避孕方法知情选择干预对服务效果的影响

2.Analysis of the Effect on Intervention of Informed Choice of Contraception in Shandong Province;山东省避孕方法知情选择干预效果分析

3.Objective To understand effect of informed choice intervention incontraception on contraceptive knowledge levels of married women of childbearing age.目的了解避孕方法知情选择干预对已婚育龄妇女避孕知识水平的影响。


1.Cross-sectional study on relation of anemia among fertile women to contraceptives;不同避孕方法与育龄妇女贫血关系的现况研究

2.Purpose To study the satisfaction degree on contraceptives and its influencing factors in reproductive women of rural area.结果已婚育龄妇女对所用避孕方法的总体满意度高 (98。

5)Contraceptive methods避孕方法

1.Choice of contraceptive methods by floating married women and its influence factors已婚流动妇女避孕方法选择及影响因素分析

6)contraceptive method避孕方法

1.Results The knowledge of traditionalcontraceptive methods,emergency method was very poor among the population studied.结果新疆、安徽省农村地区居民对于传统避孕方法和紧急避孕方法了解甚少,有14。


