100字范文 > 信息同构 information isomorphism英语短句 例句大全

信息同构 information isomorphism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-11 17:45:53


信息同构 information isomorphism英语短句 例句大全

信息同构,information isomorphism

1)information isomorphism信息同构

1.The deference of visual layout of exchange web page to the traditional one was studied in the aspects of virtual space management,information isomorphism,propagation media,and terminal based on analysis of the visual attributes of web page.以交易型网页视觉属性分析为基础,着重研究视觉编排在虚实空间管理、信息同构、传播载体与终端等方面与传统平面设计视觉编排的差异,尝试将视觉美学与计算机软件科学在界面设计中实现巧妙对接,有利于网页界面设计向更友好、更和谐的方向发展。

2)contract information合同信息

1.By perfecting thecontract information,the information circulation promotes the regular operation of the personal,funds and equipment circulations in our hospital and also improves remarkably the relational basic management of the technology,economy and flow of the equipment.本文阐述了我院通过完善合同信息,以信息流推动人员流、资金流和设备流的规范运行,促进了设备的技术、经济、流程等基础管理。

3)information synchronization信息同步

1.Application of MD5 Algorithm in Information Synchronization in a Hot Dual Redundancy System;MD5算法在双机热备份信息同步中的应用

2.The Research of Information Synchronization in Collaborative Design System in Distributed Virtual Reality and Its Realization in the Parallel Rendering;分布式虚拟现实环境下协同设计系统中的信息同步研究及其在并行绘制中的实现


1.Select a program for synchronizing personal information.\0选择一个程序进行个人信息同步。\0

2.Select a program for synchronizing personal information.选择一个程序进行个人信息同步。

3.A Synchronous Multi-information Acquisition and Analysis System for Fusion Welding Process熔焊过程多信息同步采集及分析系统

4.Synchronous muti-data acquisition system of arc welding process based on VC++ DLL基于VC++的焊接多信息同步采集系统

5.Anti-jamming Strategy for Synchronization Information Transmission of Frequency Hopping Communication跳频通信同步信息传输的抗干扰策略

6.Don"t show ActiveSync errors during synchronization.同步处理时不要显示动态同步错误信息

7.Residual sync results from incomplete removal of the sync information from a video processing channel.剩下的同步信息均是来源于视频处理通道的不完整的同步信息。

8.Synchronize information between my device and this computer, and other information with a server.在设备和此计算机之间同步信息,并且与服务器同步其他信息。

9.Synchronize information between my device and this computer.在设备和此计算机之间同步信息。

10.Don"t show ActiveSync error messages in the future将来请勿再显示动态同步错误信息

11.Select the type of information to synchronize with a server.选择要与服务器同步的信息类型。

12.Information on the Synchronization tab could not be displayed.无法显示“同步处理”选项卡上的信息。

13.Select the type of information to synchronize with a server.\0选择要与服务器同步的信息类型。\0

14.Synchronous Display of Management Information and Real-Time System Data with Network Environment网络环境下实时、管理信息的同步显示

15.On the Infonnational Transparency, Institutional Investors and Stock Price Comovement信息透明度、机构投资者与股价同步性

16.The Synchronous Collaborative Information Retrieval Model and Its Mechanisms Research同步协作信息检索模型及其机制研究

17.Synchronization Scheme for Frequency Hopping Communication System Based on Time of Day一种基于时间信息TOD的跳频同步方法

18.An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize fault tolerant set information.同步容错集信息时,出现了一个不可恢复的错误。


contract information合同信息

1.By perfecting thecontract information,the information circulation promotes the regular operation of the personal,funds and equipment circulations in our hospital and also improves remarkably the relational basic management of the technology,economy and flow of the equipment.本文阐述了我院通过完善合同信息,以信息流推动人员流、资金流和设备流的规范运行,促进了设备的技术、经济、流程等基础管理。

3)information synchronization信息同步

1.Application of MD5 Algorithm in Information Synchronization in a Hot Dual Redundancy System;MD5算法在双机热备份信息同步中的应用

2.The Research of Information Synchronization in Collaborative Design System in Distributed Virtual Reality and Its Realization in the Parallel Rendering;分布式虚拟现实环境下协同设计系统中的信息同步研究及其在并行绘制中的实现

4)information coordination信息协同

1.Weighting calculation and judging method of regional traffic state based oninformation coordination;基于信息协同的子区交通状态加权计算与判别方法

2.There are three main parts of the coordination:information coordination,strategy coordination and coordinated implementation.从子系统功能整合的角度研究城市交通控制与诱导系统协同问题,指出两系统协同的内容主要包括:信息协同,策略协同和协同实施。

3.From the angle of facing application, this paper researches that how to realize the Information Coordination in SCM and then coordinates the operation of the whole supply chain and realizes the aim of SCM.本文主要研究了供应链管理中的信息协同问题,通过对信息协同理论的介绍,系统分析了信息协同对供应链价值产生的影响,同时为供应链信息协同体系的构建提供一定的决策支持。

5)Same source information同源信息

6)information synergy信息协同

1.Based on the analysis of the Enterprise Resource Planning Ⅱ(ERPⅡ) evolution processes, the author, in the paper, studies on the corporateinformation synergy system and the structure of the corresponding ERPⅡ system, and some advices are provided on the enforcing of ERPⅡ in a corporation.在对企业资源计划Ⅱ(ERPⅡ)系统演进过程进行分析的基础上,借鉴协同商务思想和信息系统设计的原理和方法,研究了企业信息协同系统,并在此基础上深入分析了ERPⅡ系统框架体系结构,同时对企业实施ERPⅡ系统提出了相关建议。

2.This paper reviewed researches aboutinformation synergy in supply chain and the application of agent.对有关供应链信息协同及agent在其中的应用研究文献进行了回顾,目的是通过对现状的分析总结提出基于多agent的供应链信息协同的研究方向。


