100字范文 > 文品与人品 literary achievements and personalities英语短句 例句大全

文品与人品 literary achievements and personalities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-04 14:20:04


文品与人品 literary achievements and personalities英语短句 例句大全

文品与人品,literary achievements and personalities

1)literary achievements and personalities文品与人品

1.They presented for us a lady full of love,a perfect epitome ofliterary achievements and personalities,kindness and wisdom,and a human bridge connecting oriental and occidental civilizations.美国费城的赛珍珠故居以及故居博物馆的陈列物品,从不同侧面阐述了夫人一生在文学创作和社会公益事业上所做出的贡献,向人们展示了一个充满爱心的女性,一位文品与人品高度融合、善良与智慧完美统一的伟大作家,"一座沟通东西方文明的人桥"。

2)character and article style人品与文品


1.Evolution of the Theories of ‘Moral Quality and Literary Quality in Ancient China;中国古代“人品与文品”理论的衍变

2.Cultural Personality and Literary Quality--Taking Mengzi s Prose as the Starting Point;文化人格与文学品格——从孟子散文说起

3.Human-Machine and Humanism--Discussion of Humanity in Product Design人机与人文——产品设计的人性化探讨

4.Mutual effects of literal assessment and literal concept of fianian scholars;建安文人的文学品评与文学观念的相互影响

5.Primary Exploration on Campus Cultural Savour, Humanistic Environment and Cultural Quality Education;校园文化品位、人文环境与文化素质教育初探

6.An Analysis of the Theme and Characters in "The Destructors";作品《破坏者》的主题与人物分析(英文)

7.The Human Geography and Drug Traffic across the Golden Triangle;缅甸“金三角”的人文地理与毒品贸易

8.Enhancing the Cultural Grade of Zhejiang Tourist Economy & Excavating the Cultural Legacy;浙江旅游经济文化品位提升与人文遗产挖掘

9.On the Relations between Mr.Zhou"s Theory of Prose and the Origin of the Essays in the Late Ming Dynasty试论周作人散文理论与晚明小品文的渊源

10.The Study of Pan Yue"s Character and His Work Character从“知人论世”看潘岳的人品及文品

11.It"s so rare to find someone who"ll bring" genre" and underground literature into comparison with the received canon.很少有人拿“风格化”的作品以及地下文学作品与公认的标准相比较。

12.Humanism and English Literature--Humanism in ShakesPeare s Works;人文主义与英国文学——论莎士比亚作品中的人文主义

13.On "Qing""s Development from Person Evaluation to Poetic Criticism论“清”从人物品藻到诗文品鉴的流变

14.museum pieces, archives and object d"art珍品、文献、艺术品

15.The Research of Northern Song Dynasty Commodity Economy and Writers Ci s Value Orientation Relation;北宋商品经济与文人词价值取向关系之研究

16.On the Cultural Background of the Love Stories between Human and the Heterogeneous in Tang Story;唐传奇中人与异类相恋作品的文化底蕴

17.On the Relationship of the Character Judge and the Literature Criticism in Wei and Jin Dynasty;魏晋南北朝时期人物品鉴与文学批评的关系

18.On Personality Quality of Ancientry Author and Ancientry Literature of Gansu;甘肃古代作家人格品质与甘肃古代文学


character and article style人品与文品

3)characters of the personality and painting人品与画品

4)authors and works人与作品

5)commodity and people商品与人

6)cultural quality人文品质

1.This paper, by analyzing thecultural quality problems on urban human settlement environment at persent, expounds its importance of culture guildline in urban human settlement environment construction .本文通过分析当前城市人居环境建设的人文品质问题,阐述了在城市人居环境建设中进行人文引导的重要性。

2.Taking Shapingba district in Chongqing as the case, this paper analyzed thecultural quality problems, such as the consciousness of culture and management on urban human settlement environment at present,and also discussed orientation the basic of cul.随着城市化进程的加速,在经济快速发展的条件下,城市人居环境建设已普遍为人们所关注,特别是其人文品质,对人们精神的塑造更有着直接影响。


文品1.文官的品阶。 2.文章的品级。 3.文章的格调。
