100字范文 > 腔长控制 cavity length control英语短句 例句大全

腔长控制 cavity length control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 07:01:27


腔长控制 cavity length control英语短句 例句大全

腔长控制,cavity length control

1)cavity length control腔长控制

1.Application of DDC112 incavity length control circuit of laser gyro;DDC112在激光陀螺腔长控制电路中的应用

2.In order to solve the problems in ring laser gyro s frequency stabilization and assure laser gyro s precision, a new kind of light path andcavity length control mirror has been demonstrated in this paper, adopting the combination ofcavity length control mirror and angle control mirror to control its light path and cavity length.<正>为了解决当前环形激光陀螺中激光器稳频措施存在的问题,保证激光陀螺的精度,设计了一种新型调腔用光路腔长控制镜,采用腔长控制镜和角度控制镜结合的方式同时控制激光陀螺光路及腔长。


1.Study on Cavity Control Technology of Actively Mode-locked Fiber Laser Based on PZT基于PZT的主动锁模光纤激光器腔长控制技术研究

2.Cavity length controlling system for four frequency differential laser gyro based on ADuC812基于单片机ADuC812的四频差动激光陀螺腔长控制系统

3.Wavelength control technology for F-P cavity-based MEMS TOF基于F-P腔的MEMS TOF的波长控制技术

4.Preparation and Quality Control of Clozapine Oral Disintegrating Tablets氯氮平口腔崩解片的制备及质量控制

5.Design of Nonnasality Cure Instrument Control System Based on Predictive Control;基于预测控制的口腔治疗仪控制系统设计

6.Effect of Cavity Decay on the Coherent Control of Atomic Tunneling;腔衰减对于原子隧穿相干控制的影响

7.Continuous Improvement of Infection Control in Stomatolagy Hospital口腔专科医院感染控制持续改进探索

8.Design of Tooth Cleaner Control System Based on SST89E516RD基于SST89E516RD的口腔清洁机控制系统的设计

putation and control of RCS for large open-ended cavities电大尺寸开口腔体的RCS计算和控制

10.A new way of cavity mill by CNC machine tool;长槽形曲面型腔的一种新型数控加工方法

11.Preparation and Quality Control of Granisetron Hydrochloride Nasal Spray盐酸格拉司琼鼻腔喷雾剂的制备及质量控制

12.Preparation and Quality Control of Rapid-disintegrating Oral Tablets of Indometacin吲哚美辛口腔速崩片的制备及质量控制

13.Preparation and Quality Control of Domperidone Orally Disintegarating Tablets多潘立酮口腔崩解片的制备及质量控制

14.Preparation and Quality Control of Andrographolide Orally Disintegrating Tablet穿心莲内酯口腔崩解片的制备工艺与质量控制

15.Controlling Chaos of a Loss-Modulated Nd∶YAG Laser腔损耗调制Nd∶YAG激光器的混沌控制研究

16.Preparation and Quality Control of Levodropropizine Orally Disintegrating Tablets左羟丙哌嗪口腔崩解片的制备与质量控制

17.Preparation and Quality Control of Azithromycin Orally Disintegrating Tablets for Children"s Use小儿用阿奇霉素口腔崩解片的制备及质量控制

18.Treatment of malignant pleural effusion of lung cancer with thorax catheterization经胸腔留置管灌注化疗控制肺癌恶性胸腔积液疗效观察


cavity path length control mirror腔长控制镜

1.A new method was put forward to adjust the cavity by controlling the direction ofcavity path length control mirrors, and a new type of mirror was designed.通过分析传统激光陀螺的调腔方式,提出了激光陀螺应在实际工作条件(具有增益能力状态)下进行调腔的观点,以及通过控制其腔长或光程长来控制反射镜的反射方向的调腔方法,并相应地设计了新的腔长控制镜结构。

3)light path and cavity length control mirror光路腔长控制镜

1.In order to solve the problems in ring laser gyro s frequency stabilization and assure laser gyro s precision, a new kind oflight path and cavity length control mirror has been demonstrated in this paper, adopting the combination of cavity length control mirror and angle control mirror to control its light path and cavity length.<正>为了解决当前环形激光陀螺中激光器稳频措施存在的问题,保证激光陀螺的精度,设计了一种新型调腔用光路腔长控制镜,采用腔长控制镜和角度控制镜结合的方式同时控制激光陀螺光路及腔长。

4)loop length scan腔长调制

1.For the first time, the output characteristics of a fiber optic ring resonator (FORR) withloop length scan are derived.首次从理论上导出了有腔长调制时光纤环形腔的输出特性,腔长调制对腔有效带宽影响的大小呈现出临界特性,得到了腔长调制速率大于临界值时有效带宽与调制速率之间的定量关系。

5)pressure sensing chamber压力控制腔

1.The principle and structure of a two-stage relief valve with apressure sensing chamber are introduced.分析了溢流阀内部的液阻、液容、弹簧刚度、主阀压力控制腔、阀芯端面直径等参数对溢流阀控制压力动态性能的影响。

6)controlled growth控制生长

1.The progress ofcontrolled growth of nanoparticles纳米粒子控制生长的研究进展


