100字范文 > 光混沌 optical chaos英语短句 例句大全

光混沌 optical chaos英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-30 20:36:39


光混沌 optical chaos英语短句 例句大全

光混沌,optical chaos

1)optical chaos光混沌

1.After considering the actually recombination mechanism of the carrier in the semiconductor,the variation of the carrier lifetime with the time has been obtained,the characteristics of the semiconductoroptical chaos system have been investigated numerically,and the obtained results have b.人们在分析半导体光混沌系统的工作特性时 ,通常假定激光器中的载流子寿命为一常数 (本文称为常数载流子寿命近似 (CCLA) )。


1.Synchronization and Modulation of Chaotic Communication with Optical Feedback激光混沌通信系统同步及调制的研究

2.Theoretical Investigation on the Chaos and Chaos Synchronization Based on Semiconductor Lasers;半导体激光器光混沌和同步的理论研究

3.Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of Fiber Channel on Optical Chaotic Secure Communication;光纤信道对激光混沌保密通信影响的理论研究

4.Chaotic Parallel Synchronization of Optoelectronic Feedback Semiconductor Lasers基于光电反馈的激光混沌并联同步系统研究

5.Study on the Chaotic Dynamic of Laser and Its Chaos Control and Chaos Synchronization;激光器的混沌动力学及其混沌控制与同步研究

6.Chaos Control and Generalized Synchronization in Electric-optical Bistable Systems电光双稳系统的混沌控制与广义混沌同步

7.Chaos and Chaotic Synchronization in Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser;单环掺铒光纤激光器的混沌及其同步

8.Chaos and Chaos Synchronization of Semiconductor Lasers and Its Applications in Secure Communication;半导体激光器混沌特性以及混沌同步在保密通信中的应用

9.The Transmission of Two-dimensional Messages and the Preference of Chaotic Synchronization in Chaotic Lasers;混沌激光中两维信息的传输和混沌同步的优先选择

10.Synchronization between two different chaotic systems using the single-mode laser Lorenz system利用单模激光Lorenz系统实现异结构混沌系统混沌同步

11.Study on Chaotic Control of Bragg Acousto-Optic Bistable System;Bragg声光双稳系统混沌的控制研究

12.Chaotic Intensity and Phase Synchronization in Four Single-Mode Lasers;四台单模激光的混沌强度和位相同步

13.Chaos characteristics of the semiconductor laser with double external cavity optical feedback双反馈半导体激光器的混沌特性研究

14.Control and Synchronization and Application of Hyperchaotic System Combined Electronics with Optics;电光混合系统超混沌控制、同步与应用研究

15.Schweizer-Smital chaos and Ruelle-Takens chaosSchweizer-Smital混沌与Ruelle-Takens混沌

16.Influences of the Strong Light Injection on the Chaotic Carrier Fundamental Frequency of VCSELs with Optical Feedback;强光注入对光反馈VCSELs混沌载波基频的影响

17.Chaos Synchronization in Semiconductor Laser with Optical Feedback;全光学反馈半导体激光器混沌同步研究

18.Chaotic Dynamics of Nondegenerate Cascade Two-Photon Lasers;非简并级联双光子激光器的混沌动力学


chaotic light beam混沌光束

1.Based on an ideal micro-model provided forchaotic light beam,light distribution and visibility of Young s interfenrece fringes ofchaotic light beam were derived by using statistical method.提出了混沌光的一种理想的微观模型,在此基础上运用统计方法推出了混沌光束杨氏干涉条纹的强度空间分布及可见度,给出了一幅从微观到宏观的清晰物理图像。

3)optoelectronic chaos光电混沌

1.Optical secure communication at high bit rate with synchronizedoptoelectronic chaos;光电混沌同步在高速光保密通信中的应用

4)chaotic laser混沌激光

1.Range finding withchaotic laser train generated from semiconductor lasers with optical feedback is investigated.研究了利用类噪声混沌激光的相关特性实现目标距离的测定方法。

5)laser chaos激光混沌

6)optical field chaos光场混沌

1.The problem ofoptical field chaos in a storage ring free-electron laser oscillator has been discussed by using a phenomenal model.用唯象理论模型讨论了储存环型自由电子激光振荡器的光场混沌问题。

2.The problem ofoptical field chaos in a storage ring free-electron laser oscillator hasbeen discussed, by using a phenomenal model.用唯象理论模型讨论了储存环型自由电子激光振荡器的光场混沌问题,通过理论分析和数值模拟发现,当激光共振腔内存在对增益的弱周期调制时,光场强度随时间的变化既可以是周期的,又可以是混沌的,相应的最大Lyapunov特征指数分别随时间的增大而趋于一个负实数与一个正实数,进一步的讨论还给出了随着增益调制参数的变化,系统经过倍周期分叉进入混沌状态的过程。


