100字范文 > 竞速结构 competitive velocity structure英语短句 例句大全

竞速结构 competitive velocity structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-07 06:30:08


竞速结构 competitive velocity structure英语短句 例句大全

竞速结构,competitive velocity structure

1)competitive velocity structure竞速结构

1.Through making analysis on testing data of Chinese elite male canoeist,this paper put forwards that the turning points of oar frequency curve are exactly the boundaries ofcompetitive velocity structure.通过对我国优秀皮划艇运动员测试数据的分析,提出了基于桨频曲线转折点的皮划艇500 m比赛竞速结构划分方法;根据全程桨频和船速的变化特点,对每个阶段重新命名,更准确地反映了皮划艇500 m竞速规律;冲刺阶段桨频的增加并不一定意味着船速的提高,船速是否增长取决于平均桨力,它才是船速的最终决定因素;对世界大赛中分段成绩的进行对比分析;以我国划艇运动员杨文军参加世界大赛成绩为例,说明了竞赛策略的重要性。


1.Study on Competitive Velocity Structure and Strategy of Man s K-1 500 m;单人皮划艇500m竞速结构与竞赛策略研究

2.The Elite Chinese WK1\MK1 and MC1 Canoeists Competitive Velocity Structure of 1000m;中国优秀皮划艇WK1、MK1和MC1选手1000m的竞速结构

3.Study on the Psychological Construction of Sense of Speed of Race Walking Athletes关于竞走运动员“速度感”心理结构的研究

4.The Impact of Learning Speed on Innovation Under the Monopoly Structure:From Patent Races to Learning Races;垄断结构下具有学习速度的专利竞赛研究

5.Product Market Competition, Ownership Structure and Capital Structure;产品市场竞争、股权结构与资本结构

6.Structure of Auditing Market:Free Competition or Monopoly Competition审计市场结构:自由竞争抑或垄断竞争


8.Design of resonant cavity of petal-shaped accelerator花瓣形加速器加速腔结构的优化设计

9.The Development of Theories of Athletic Space-Structure and "4G(Globe)";运动员竞技空间结构理论的发展与“4G结构模型”

10.Application of Porter s Competition Model in the Studying to the Structure of Competition in the Knowledge Industry;知识产业竞争结构研究中波特竞争模型的应用

petition in Medical Care: Market Structure, Competitiveness and Effects;医疗服务竞争:市场结构、竞争强度及其作用分析

12.Building the centralized competitive capacity among highway enterprises with characteristics of fast freight transportation;公路快速货运企业核心竞争力及其构建

13.On the Competitiveness of Human Resource Management in Construction Enterprise快速构筑建筑企业人力资源管理竞争力的思考

14.On the Market Structure and Competitive Strategies of China s Newspaper Industry;试论中国报业的市场结构与竞争战略

15.Market Competition, the Structure of Property Right and the Development of Chinese Banks;市场竞争、产权结构和中国银行业发展

16.Core Competence Management Based on Organizational Structure;基于企业组织结构的核心竞争力管理

17.Chengdu-Chongqing Dual Nuclei Spatial Structure and Competition-Cooperation Research;成渝双核型空间结构及竞合关系研究

18.The Study on the International Competence of China s Industrial Structure in the New Period;新时期中国产业结构国际竞争力研究


competitive structure竞争结构

1.Study on the Influence of Service Outsourcing on the Competitive Structure in Household Appliances Industry in China;服务外包对我国家电行业竞争结构的影响研究

2.The article analyzes the presentcompetitive structure of Electric Resistance Welding(ERW) market in China on the basis of Porter s Theory of Competitive Structure.本文运用波特的竞争结构理论,分析了我国直缝焊管市场的竞争结构,直缝焊管的行业竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代品竞争者、供应商、客户这五种竞争力量对焊管市场的影响,论述了直缝焊管企业现阶段的战略选择问题。

3.Based upon the competitive theory by Michael Porter,studies are undertaken on private brandcompetitive structure which retail business is confronted with,and references are provided to help successfully implement private brand strategies.波特的竞争理论,分析零售商实施自有品牌战略面临的竞争结构,为其成功实施自有品牌战略提供参考。

3)bidding frame竞价结构

4)competition structure竞争结构

1.Analysis of surplus product and development incompetition structure;产业生产过剩在竞争结构中的演变及其分析

2.The matrix of five powers(the Structure Analysis of Industry Competition Porte supplied)is very useful to is analyzing thecompetition structure of traditional industry and helps the company to choose the industry it will stay in and select the competitive strategy.美国哈佛大学商学院教授迈克尔·波特认为 ,企业的赢利潜力是由其所处行业的吸引力及其在行业中所处的竞争地位决定的 ,他提出的行业竞争结构分析的五种作用力模型为分析传统工业企业竞争结构 ,帮助企业选择行业和制定相应的竞争战略做出了贡献。

3.In order to study the influence of high grade products market on thecompetition structure of dairy industry,and to discuss the evolvement principles of dairy industry\"s competition,this thesis establishes a game model of dairy industry\"s competition,which concludes demand driven stage,excessive competition stage and upgrading stage.为了研究高端市场启动对乳业竞争模式的影响,探讨乳业的竞争规律,本文采用博弈论的研究方法,构筑了一个市场竞争条件下乳业竞争的三阶段博弈模型,从需求拉动、过度竞争和产品升级三个发展阶段分析乳业竞争结构的演进规律。

5)operation strategies"竞合"结构

6)contest architecture竞赛结构


