100字范文 > 非认知因素 non-cognitive factor英语短句 例句大全

非认知因素 non-cognitive factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-04 06:41:18


非认知因素 non-cognitive factor英语短句 例句大全

非认知因素,non-cognitive factor

1)non-cognitive factor非认知因素

1.Influence ofnon-cognitive factor on working achievements of P.E.school graduates;非认知因素对体育院系毕业生工作效绩的影响

2.By recognizing the course of physical education teaching, combining with the correlation theory on intelligence, the system of modern physical education teaching aims were reestablished with the knowledge and skill, intelligence andnon-cognitive factors as well as ideological and moral education as the main contents.通过对体育教学过程的再认识 ,结合智力的相关理论 ,重新确立了以知识与技能、智力和非认知因素、思想道德教育为主要内容的现代体育教学目标体系 ,并提出了体育教学过程中加强智力培养的相关对策。


1.Influence of non-cognitive factor on working achievements of P.E.school graduates;非认知因素对体育院系毕业生工作效绩的影响

2.Value the Nurture of Non-intelligent Factors Optimize the structure of Mathematical Cognition;注重非智力因素培养 优化数学认知结构

3.Words to the functions of unintelligence variables in metacognition and learning strategy;非智力因素在元认知和策略性学习中的作用


5.The Study of Imaging and Clinical Manifestations and Risk Factors of the Patients with Vascular Cognitiveimpairment with No Dementia非痴呆型血管性认知障碍临床表现、危险因素与影像学的研究

6.Frequency and risk factors of cognitive impairment without dementia(CIND) in Chinese patients with ischemic stroke缺血性脑卒中后非痴呆认知功能障碍的危险因素

7.Knowledge Innovation and Cognitive Factors Under the Framework of Knowledge Management;论知识管理框架下的知识创新与人的认知因素

8.Ambiguity Tolerance( AT) is an important cognitive factor.含混容忍度是一种重要的认知因素。

9.The Cognitive Change among Successful Aging and Correlative Factors;成功老龄认知功能变化及其相关因素

10.A Cognitive Approach to Main Cultural Factors in Foreign Language Teaching;外语教学中主要文化因素之认知探索

11.Diagnose of Cognitive Factors in Mistakes in Senior Chemistry Problem Solving;高中生化学解题错误的认知因素诊断

12.The Cognitive Structure and Influence Factors of Implicit Leadership Theories;内隐领导理论的认知结构与影响因素

13.Study on The Factor Analysis and Modulation of The Doctor-patient Recognition Diversity;医患认知差异的因素分析与调适研究

14.The Writing Ability Structure of Middle School Students;中学生写作(认知)能力的构成因素

15.Negotiation Behavior:Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Issues in Cold and Hot Perspectives;认知、动机、情感因素对谈判行为的影响

16.A Review of Research on Risk Perception;风险认知的结构,因素及其研究方法

17.A study of the medico s test anxiety and cognitive factors;医学生考试焦虑认知因素的调查分析

18.Cognitive features and influential factors of pragmatic acquisition;语用习得的认知特性和影响因素述评


non-recognition psychology factor非认知心理因素

3)cognitive factors认知因素

1.A study of the medico s test anxiety andcognitive factors;医学生考试焦虑认知因素的调查分析

2.The role ofcognitive factors in the representation of L2 mental lexicon——In light of word errors of college English learners;从大学英语学习者词汇错误看认知因素对二语词库表征的影响

3.To reveale the important influences on satisfaction from patientscognitive factors.揭示了患者的认知因素对满意度的重要影响,提出医务工作者应改变仅是从自我做起,提高病人满意度的传统做法,强调要注重从患方入手,既要降低病人不现实的期望值,又要提高病人对医护服务的感知度。

4)cognitive factor认知因素

1.,puts forward the webpage design principles including unification,cohesion,division,comparison and harmony,and then makes a series of studies and discussions oncognitive factors of web page design from the perspective of information design and learners.介绍了教学网页的构成要素,包括教学要素、导航要素、习题管理系统、电子邮件和电子公告板、教学环境等,提出了统一、连贯、分割、对比、和谐的网页设计原则,从信息设计因素和学习者因素对网页设计的认知因素进行了一系列探讨。

2.Specially, thecognitive factors include learning style and learning strategies and the emotional factors include learning willingness and achievement motivation.利用调查问卷法对152名大学生就英语学习中的认知因素(以学习风格和学习策略为核心)和情感因素(以成就动机和学习意愿为核心)对于学习成绩的影响进行了相关研究,继而通过多元回归方法与路径分析技术,探讨了三者之间的因果关系。

3.Phonetic coding ability, as one of the four components of foreign language aptitude, is an importantcognitive factor in foreign language learning.语音解码能力是语言学能倾向的组成要素之一,语言学能倾向是外语学习中一个重要的认知因素。

5)incognitive factor非认知要素

6)metacognitive factors元认知因素

1.This article analyzesmetacognitive factors in reading process.文章首先分析了阅读理解中的元认知因素,然后着重谈了元认知策略在阅读中的应用并介绍了国外的一些较好的具有培养元认知策略的教学方法,并根据元认知理论设计了一个可实施的阅读课堂模式,以培养学生成为自主学习者。


