100字范文 > 物理意义 Physical meaning英语短句 例句大全

物理意义 Physical meaning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-08 07:33:47


物理意义 Physical meaning英语短句 例句大全

物理意义,Physical meaning

1)Physical meaning物理意义

1.The physical meaning of the inverse rule when solving the boundary-problem of the electromagnetic field;求解电磁场边界问题时逆规则的物理意义

2.Physical meaning and importance of 1/e in electromagnetism;1/e在电磁学中的重要性及其物理意义

3.Study on the physical meaning for generalized Mandelbrot-Julia sets based on the Langevin problem;基于Langevin问题探讨广义M-J集的物理意义


1.The Physical Significance and Theoretical Calculation of the Fine-structure Constant;精细结构常数的物理意义和理论计算

2.A New Physical Interpret of Function Ψ of Antiparticle and Klein-Gordon Equation;反粒子与Klein-Gordon方程Ψ函数的物理意义

3.From the Physics Meaning of Questions to Discuss the Teaching of Calculus;从问题的物理意义来谈微积分的教学

4.The Mumerical Value Solution and Physics Significance of One Dimensional Landau-lifshitz Equation;一维Landau-Lifshitz方程的数值解及其物理意义

5.Dry Intrusion Index and Its Physical Interpretation干侵入强度指数的表征及其物理意义

6.The Physical Meaning of Irrational Number e in Circuit Basic Theory;无理数e在电路基本理论中出现的物理意义

7.A Talk on the physical Ideas of the Corrective Terms in Van Dar weals state Equation也谈范德瓦耳斯状态方程中修正项的物理意义

8.The Physical Meaning of κDistribution for the System under the External Force Field;在外力场作用下系统κ分布的物理意义研究

9.On Physical Meaning of Gauss Elimination in Analysis of Structural Matrix;结构矩阵分析中高斯消元法的物理意义

10.Something empty of meaning or sense.无意义的事没有意义或情理的事物

11.In physics, the term is used in a very specific sense.在物理学中,这个词具有特定的意义。

12.Theoretical Basis of Traditional "Relationship Between Mind and Material" and Its Practical Significance;传统“心物论”的理论建树及其践行意义

13.An Investigation on Social Physics: Methods and Significance;关于社会物理学的意义及其方法讨论

14.Theory of "Living Things Co-existence" and its Practical Meaning;“生物共生”理论及其在实践上的意义

15.Discussion on the meaning of the Real Right Law unveil to district property management浅析物权法的出台对小区物业管理的意义


17.On Brentano"s Distinguishing of Psychological Phenomenon and Physical Phenomenon in the Field of Consciousness and Its Significance试析布伦塔诺在意识领域区分心理现象与物理现象及其意义

18.Physiology of Root Excretions and Its Significance in Agriculture植物根系的分泌生理及其在农业上的意义


physical significance物理意义

1.On the relations between the normal distribution curve and the taiji image and theirphysical significance;论正态分布曲线与太极图的联系性及物理意义

2.Thephysical significance of fiber excess length was illuminated and a case study based on the typical construction of loose tube layer strnded cables was made.本文对光纤余长的概念作了完整的阐述,给出了光纤余长的明确定义,阐明了光纤余长的物理意义。

3.This article introduces the origin of fine-structure constant,and discusses itsphysical significance,and theoretical calculation.本文介绍原子物理学中重要的无量纲常数之一的精细结构常数的由来,讨论它的物理意义和理论计算。

3)physics meaning物理意义

1.This text passes to introduce the "entropy" ofphysics meaning,and the relation of the entropy and environmental protection,in order to build up people proceeding environmental protection with air of tension,enhancing people"s concept of taking good care of with environmental protection,along continuable development roadway.通过介绍"熵"的物理意义及熵与环境保护之间的关系,旨在增强人们进行环境保护的责任感和紧迫感,强化人们爱护和保护环境的意识,走可持续化发展道路。

2.Then thephysics meanings of obvious and concealed circles of gravity center of human body are probed, and the principle mentioned above is extended.根据显、隐式总重心圆的物理意义,对人体总重心圆原理进行了延拓,并指出了运动环节和不动环节重量矩的应用。

3.It is generally believed that only circuit value of electro-magnet vec tor-potential A hasphysics meaning while value A on each point does not.通常人们认为电磁矢势A的环量才有物理意义,而每点上的A值是没有直接的物理意义。

4)geophysical significance地球物理意义

1.Wavelet multiscale analysis andgeophysical significance of the spontaneous potential of oil and gas reservoir;油气藏自然电位小波多尺度分解及其地球物理意义

5)geometry and physical meanings几何物理意义

6)Biogeographic implication生物地理学意义

1.A new species of Ypsilandra (Liliaceae) is firstly described and illustrated, and its biogeographic implication is discussed.报道了云南东南部金平县五台山丫蕊花属 (百合科 )一新种 ,并讨论了其生物地理学意


物理学危机(见物理学革命)物理学危机(见物理学革命)crisis in physics谜幂咪革命奋一(c ris始inphysics)见漪理学
