100字范文 > 导尿 urethral catheterization英语短句 例句大全

导尿 urethral catheterization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-28 22:21:20


导尿 urethral catheterization英语短句 例句大全

导尿,urethral catheterization

1)urethral catheterization导尿

1.Approach of preoperative detainingurethral catheterization opportunity of operative patients;手术病人术前导尿管留置时机的探讨

2.Objective To evaluate the effect of lubricative analgesic g lue inurethral catheterizations for patients with prostatic hy-perplasia.目的评价在前列腺增生症患者导尿中应用润滑止痛胶的效果。

3.Objective and methods To examine the different effects of the normalurethral catheterization and the modified method by pouring lidocaine and paraffin liquid into the urethra on blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR ) by comparing the changes of systolic blood pressure (SBP),diastolic blood pressure(DBP) and HR 30 minutes prior to and during the procedure.目的和方法采用常规导尿法和改进的尿道内灌注利多卡因麻醉剂加液体石蜡润滑剂的导尿方法,对30例老年前列腺增生患者在行导尿术前30min和导尿插管过程中SBP、DBP、HR的变化进行实验对照。


1.Treatment of Urethral Stricture by Guiding and Dilating Urethra with Improved Metallic Catheter改良金属导尿导管引导尿道扩张治疗尿道狭窄

paring Study of Simplified Urethral Catheterization with Traditional One简化导尿术与传统导尿术的比较研究

3.Back Urethra Injury Caused by Catheterization气囊导尿管导尿致后尿道损伤经验教训

4.Analysis of Injury of Male Urethra by Balloon Urethral Catheter使用气囊导尿管致男性尿道损伤分析

5.On Factors and Preventive Measures of urethra InfectionCaused by the Cauterization;导尿引起尿路感染的因素及预防措施

6.Analysis of Nursing of Emergency Urethral Catheterization in Elder Urinary Retention Male Patients老年男性尿潴留患者急诊导尿的体会

7.Study on time of changing urine bag for patients accepting detaining urinary catheter留置导尿过程中集尿袋更换时间研究

8.Objective To evaluate the effect of silicon and latex urinary catheters on urinary mucosa.目的探讨不同材料导尿管留置导尿对尿道黏膜的影响,以其指导临床合理选择导尿管。

9.Treatment of anterior urethral injury by putting urethral catheter per urethra with ureteroscope经尿道输尿管镜下置导尿管治疗前尿道损伤临床分析

10.Why to remain buy way for catheter? Answer: It is to be after catheterization, catheter reservation is inside bladder, drainage gives the method of uric fluid.何为导尿管留置法?答:是在导尿后,将导尿管保留在膀胱内,引流出尿液的方法。

11.Application of central venous catheter for refractory urinary retention in children:a report of 7 cases深静脉导管在小儿困难导尿中的应用

12.A study of the connection between urinary tract infection following urethral catheterization and stages of labor in 281 cases of cesarean section281例剖宫产导尿后尿路感染与产程的关系

13.Oiling method urethral catheterization in male catheterization application.尿道注油法置管在男性导尿术中的应用

14.Causes Analysis of Urinary Tract Infection with Association of Catheter and Countermeasures导尿管相关尿路感染的原因分析及对策

15.Analysis of the Risk Factors for Catheter-related Urinary Tract Infection in the Primary Hospital基层医院导尿相关尿路感染的危险因素分析

16.Treating 11 Cases Urine Retention Caused by Spinal Injury with Acupuncture and Intermission Urethral Catheterication针灸配合间歇导尿治疗脊髓损伤性尿潴留11例

17.The Effect of Intraurethral Irrigation with Honeysuckle Water-Decoction on Preventing the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections金银花水煎液尿道冲洗防治导尿管相关性尿路感染的临床研究

18.UTI with Foley catheter insertion has relevance80%.而且泌尿道感染的成因与导尿管放置有其相关性,其中约有80%导尿管有关。



1.A survey of lidocaine with liquid paraffin used for male urinary catheterization;利多卡因加液体石蜡用于男性导尿的观察

2.Objective To explore the effect of Shutai used in patients with prostate proliferation who needed catheterization.目的探讨舒泰在前列腺增生患者导尿中的应用效果。

3.Objective To survey the effect of lidocaine and liquid paraffin used in urinary catheterization for patients with hyperplastic prostate.目的观察利多卡因、石腊油用于前列腺增生患者导尿的临床效果。

3)urinary catheterization导尿

1.Methods One hundred and ninety-eight patients in the wards of general surgery who needed preoperativeurinary catheterization were divided into a ward group and an operation group, with each group having 99 subjects.目的了解术前导尿环境对手术患者心身状况的影响,为实施人性化护理提供理论依据。

4)cath. (catheter)导管,导尿管

5)Urinary catheter导尿管

1.Patients in Group A were implanted double-lumen balloon urinary catheter via chest wall.目的在改良胸腔套管针引导下,胸腔内置入可冲洗引流管治疗脓胸,并与双腔球囊导尿管相对照,评价其疗效及安全性。

2.Objective:To observe the clinical effects in preventing infection of urinary tract by using the air bulb urinary catheter retained for one way washing after colonrectal carcinoma surgery.目的 :观察单向冲洗式气囊导尿管在预防留置尿管伴随性尿路感染的临床效果。

3.Objective To study the proper time of urinary catheter continuous traction after prostatectomy, so as to reduce complications, and increase patient s comfort degree of patients.结论 前列腺摘除术后导尿管牵引 8 h即可达到止血的目的,且膀胱痉挛的发生率明显降低,患者舒适感增加,肛门排气时间提前,住院天数缩短。

6)Indwelling urethral catheterization留置导尿

1.Objective To optimize the catheterization procedures and reduce the infection rate of indwelling urethral catheterization.目的规范留置导尿及其护理过程,降低留置导尿感染率。

2.Indwelling urethral catheterization was done for patients in the control group in the ward before anesthesia, and indwelling urethral catheterization was conducted for patients in the experiment group after peridural anesthesia, and heart rate, blood pressure, degree of pain and suc.目的:探讨麻醉前后留置导尿对手术患者的影响。


