100字范文 > 返流 reflux英语短句 例句大全

返流 reflux英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-26 12:17:52


返流 reflux英语短句 例句大全



1.OBJECTIVE To assess the CDFI chareacters of normal femoral veinreflux.目的应用彩色多普勒评价正常受检查者股静脉返流情况。

2.It considers esophageal and gastric pH, and, combination of amplitude and shape of pH waveform for determining thereflux criterion.该算法的特点是:综合考虑了食道pH值与胃pH值;结合pH值波形幅值和波形形态来确定返流判据;兼顾自适应方法与定阈值方法。

3.Objectives To explore the effects of different positions and methods of tube feeding onreflux and aspiration of traumatic coma patients to seek proper feeding methods and prevent aspiration.目的 探讨不同床头高度、卧位、鼻饲速度及鼻饲量对返流及误吸的影响找出创伤后昏迷病人适宜的体位与鼻饲方式,从而减少误吸的发生。


1.Two patients underwent mitral valve replacement.结果成形者中术后二尖瓣无返流6例,轻度返流9例,中度返流1例。

parative Study of Flow Convergence Region and Jet Sizes on Evaluation of Mitral Regurgitation血流会聚区大小与返流束大小评估二尖瓣返流程度的对比研究

3.So,the reflux happens at filling stage means that the anti-reflux structure is damaged more severely than that happens only at voiding state.充盈期出现返流,提示抗返流结构存在严重的缺陷。

4.A Study of Physiological Mitral Regurgitation by Color Doppler二尖瓣生理性返流的彩色多普勒研究

5.The maximum velocity of regurgitation was 1.46~2.51M/S.其最大返流速度为1·46~2·51M/S;

6.Clinical left ventricular enlargement with secondary mitral regurgitation?临床上有否左心室扩大伴二尖瓣返流?

7.Factor Extraction and Expression of Regurgitation in Echocardiogram心动图返流束特征提取及表示方法

8.Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows.返回一系列现金流的内部返还比率。

9.I feel I can"t tear myself away from it.我感到我流连忘返了。

10.Ordinary Chinese are also fascinated by Singapore as a tourist spot.民间访客流连忘返。

11.Should the current be cut, the coil would return to its original position.如果电流切断,线圈就返回到原来位置。

12.Programme in Favour of Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees援助流离失所者、难民和回返者方案

13.He is a nighthawk, always hanging around in the night clubs.他是个夜游神,常在夜总会流连忘返。

14.The Great Buddha at the Temple of Heaven in Hong Kong is a great attraction.香港的天坛大佛使人流连忘返。

15.The West Lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.杭州西湖使游客流连忘返。

16.The west lake In hangchow be a magnet for visitor杭州西湖使游客流连忘返

17.They returned in turn to bury the burnt luxuries.他们轮流返回来埋藏烧毁的奢侈品。

18.an ageing pop star trying to make/stage a come-back年事已高的流行曲歌星,打算重返歌坛.



1.Objective To study the ability of draining bile and the function of anti regurgitation of two operative models of internal chloedochoenteral drainage.目的研究两种胆肠内引流术术后抗返流及通畅排泄胆汁的功能 ,并进行比较。


4)negative flowrate expansion返流膨胀

5)reversal flow折返流

1.Areversal flow bristle assembly classifier is a novel two-stage mechanical classifier, in which bristle assemblies activate a rotary flow, a pored canister is used to distribute gas and particles peripherally, a taper to accelerate particles downwards, and particles are collected in two step in different cabinets.折返流针轮转子分级器是一种新型离心两级分级技术。

6)recirculation rate返料流量

1.Model for the calculation ofrecirculation rate was established.研究内返料内分级喷浆造粒于燥机的返料流量。


