100字范文 > 枫香种源 maple provenance英语短句 例句大全

枫香种源 maple provenance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 13:13:26


枫香种源 maple provenance英语短句 例句大全

枫香种源,maple provenance

1)maple provenance枫香种源


1.Response Difference of NRA,Shoot/Root Ratio and Biomass of Maple Provenances to Different Nitrogen Supplies枫香种源生物量和NRA对供氮水平的响应差异

2.Effects of N Rate on Seedling Growth and Uptake and Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Different Provenances of Liquidambar formosana Hance供氮水平对枫香种源幼苗生长及氮、磷吸收利用的影响

3.Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Liquidambar, such as the sweet gum.枫香树一种枫香树属的落叶树木,如枫香树

4.Effects of phosphorus stress on the growth and nitrogen and phosphorus absorption of different Formosan sweet gum provenances磷胁迫对不同种源枫香生长及氮、磷吸收利用率的影响

5.wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum.各种产胶树的木材,尤指香枫。

6.Research on the productivity of fungus planted on Liquidambar pedigree枫香栽种木耳优良菇木家系选择研究

7.Studies on Tissue Culture of Liquidambar Formosana, Liquidambar "Variant", Altingia Gralilipes and Semiliquidambar Cathayensis枫香、枫香“变异体”、细柄阿丁枫、半枫荷的组培研究

8.Research on the Spatial Pattern and Dynamic of Liquidambar Formosana Hance. on Yuelu Mountain;岳麓山枫香种群空间分布格局及动态研究

9.The Collection and Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Pterocarya Stenoptera Resources in Hubei Province;湖北省枫杨种质资源的收集及遗传多样性分析

10.Studies of Water Stress on the Physiological Characteristic of Pterocarya Stenoptera Seedlings from Different Provenances水分胁迫下不同种源枫杨幼苗生理特性的研究

11.any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum.各种各样产树胶的桉属植物或枫香树的任意一种。

12.Any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus, Liquidambar, or Nyssa that are sources of gum.胶橡树一种桉树属、枫香树属或柴树属中生产树胶的树木

13.Natural Regeneration of Chinese Sweet gum (Liquidambar formasana) Population in Southeast Hilly Region of Hubei Province鄂东南低山丘陵区枫香种群的天然更新方式与特征

14.Koo- ka- bur- ra sits in the old gum tree.笑翠鸟站在枫香树上。

15.a North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap.一种枫香树属的产于北美洲的树,有多刺的球形果实串和芳香的树汁。

16.There are several species of maple trees that are tapped.产枫浆的枫树有好几个品种。

17.We distinguish several kinds of maple.我们区分出了几种枫树。

18.aromatic exudate from the sweet gum tree.香枫树流出的芬芳的分泌物。


Liquidambar formosana枫香

1.The optimization of ISSR-PCR conditions ofLiquidambar formosana;枫香ISSR-PCR扩增条件的优化

2.A study on soil organic and humic carbon in mixed plantations ofLiquidambar formosana and Cunninghamia lanceolata,L.formosana and Pinus massoniana;枫香与杉木、马尾松混交林土壤有机质和腐殖质碳的研究

3.Responses of seedling leaf anatomical structure ofLiquidambar formosana,a deciduous broadleaf tree,to different light regimes;不同光环境下枫香幼苗的叶片解剖结构

3)Liquidambar formosana Hance枫香

1.Hierarchy selection of the ideal mixed pattern ofLiquidambar formosana Hance in South China;南方枫香混交模式的层次选择

2.Genetic Variation of the Half-sib Progeny ofLiquidambar formosana Hance;枫香半同胞子代遗传变异研究

3.Bacteriostatic Effect of Tannin Extracted from the Leaves ofLiquidambar formosana Hance on Pepper Black Spot;枫香叶提取物对辣椒黑斑病菌防效作用研究

4)sweet gum香枫

5)Uncinuliella liquidambaris var.guiyangensis枫香小钩丝壳贵阳变种

6)Toona sinensis provenances香椿种源


枫香枫香介绍 枫香 (Liquidambar formosana (For-mosangum))科属: 金缕梅科 枫香树属别名: 路路通形态特征: 落叶大乔木。高40m,树干通直,树形广卵形,树皮在老树有纵裂;叶三裂,幼叶有时五裂,边缘有细锯齿,先端渐尖,叶宽达15cm,秋季日夜温差变大后叶变红、紫、橙红等,增添园中秋色;花单性同株,雄花排成茅荑花序,无花瓣,雄蕊多数,顶生,雌花圆头状,悬于细长花梗上,生于雄花下叶腋处;子房半下位2室,头状果实有短刺,花柱宿存;孔隙在果面上散放小形种子分布与习性:分布于我国黄河以南至西南及广东、广西各地,台湾也有。种子有隔年发芽的习性,故播种后要善于管理,才能得到优质苗木。不耐寒,黄河以北不能露地越冬,不耐盐碱及干旱,在南方湿润肥沃土壤中大树参天十分壮丽。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:果实落地后常收集为中药,名路路通。木材有商品价值,园林中为良好庇荫树种,尤其南方的秋景主要为枫香树的红叶。也有充作行道树的。图片:
