100字范文 > 大断面矩形煤巷 large section and rectangular shape coal roadways英语短句 例句大全

大断面矩形煤巷 large section and rectangular shape coal roadways英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-04 08:29:22


大断面矩形煤巷 large section and rectangular shape coal roadways英语短句 例句大全

大断面矩形煤巷,large section and rectangular shape coal roadways

1)large section and rectangular shape coal roadways大断面矩形煤巷


1.Study on Numerical Simulation of Bolt Support Parameters of Large Section and Rectangular Shape Coal Roadways大断面矩形煤巷锚杆支护参数数值模拟研究

2.Deformation and Broken Rule and Supporting Countermeasure of Coal Roadway with Large Section大断面煤巷变形破坏规律与支护对策

3.Studying on Deformation Features of Surrounding Rock of Large Sectional Roadway in Coalmines and Supporting Parameters大断面煤层巷道围岩变形特征与支护参数研究

4.Bolt Roadway Combined Support Technology in Large Section Coal Drift大断面煤巷全锚杆巷道联合支护技术

5.Research on Technology of Pre-stressed Anchor in Big Cross Section Coal Lane of Zaoquan Coal Mine;枣泉煤矿大断面煤巷预应力锚固技术的研究

6.Study on the Roof Bedding Separation and Anchoring Effect of Extremely Thick Coal Seam Large Section Roadway;特厚煤层大断面煤巷顶板离层及锚固效应研究

7.Numerical and Physical Simulation Study of Anchorage Parameter on the Gig Cross Section Gate;大断面煤巷锚固参数的数值与物理模拟研究

8.Popularization and Application of Combined Support with Anchor Network and Cable in Coal Roadway with Large Section锚网索联合支护在大断面煤巷中的推广应用

9.Transverse dimensions of rectangular tunnels have great influence on electromagnetic waves propagation.矩形巷道截面尺寸对电磁波的传播特性有很大的影响。

10.Slab: rectangular in cross-section, with rounded corners and more than 5cm in thickness.大板坯--横断面为矩形,圆角,厚度在5cm上。

11.The surrounding rocks of arched roadways are much more stable than that of rectangular roadways.圆弧拱巷道围岩稳定性要远大于矩形巷道。

prehensive field investigation and control analysis on roof fall at heavy section drift of Yangchangwan Coal Mine羊场湾煤矿大断面巷道冒顶现场综合调查与控制分析

13.Study on Key Techniques of Fully-mechanized Fast Driving for Large Cross Section Coal Roadway;大断面煤巷综掘锚杆支护快速掘进关键技术研究

14.The truss cable support technology at the large cross-section set-up room with thick and broken coal roof大断面厚层破碎煤顶综放切巷桁架锚索支护技术

15.Code for design of roadway section and junction lf coal mine煤矿矿井巷道断面及交叉点设计规范

16.Deformation Mechanical Mechanism and Coupling Support Design for Deep Large-Section-Soft-Rock Roadway深部大断面软岩巷道变形力学机制及耦合支护设计

17.Gateway Support Modes and Parameter Optimization of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face in Soft and Thick Seam软厚煤层综放工作面巷道支护形式与参数优化

18.Practice Entry Protection Technology on Full Mechanized Working Face Heteromorphism Coal-pillar Condition综放工作面异形煤柱条件下的护巷技术


large-cross-section coal drifts大断面煤巷

3)rectangular shape coal roadway矩形煤巷

1.The numerical simulation software of ANSYS is adopted to model the broken rock zones aroundrectangular shape coal roadways.采用数值计算软件ANSYS ,对矩形煤巷的围岩松动圈进行了数值计算 ,得出矩形煤巷围岩松动圈的形成、发展机理及松动圈的形状 。

4)large sectional pipe-jacking大断面矩形顶管

5)large rock-gateway大断面岩巷

1.achieved the footage above 1200m/a inlarge rock-gateway shingle-entry developing in ,which put down a base for steady development of mine.开滦(集团)有限责任公司实现了大断面岩巷单头掘进年进尺超过1200m的水平,为矿井的稳步发展奠定了基础。

2.Achieved the footage above 1200m/a inlarge rock-gateway shingle-entry developing in , whick put down a base for steady development of mine.开滦(集团)有限责任公司实现了大断面岩巷单头掘进年进尺1200m的水平,为矿井的稳步发展奠定了基础。

6)large-scale roadway大断面巷道

1.Hybrid evaluation onlarge-scale roadway s stability under complex and cracked condition;复杂破碎围岩状态下大断面巷道稳定性综合分析


异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)special section steel,一、u以uu、’“飞豆on gQngC01异形断面钢材(speeial Seetion steel)见异形断面型材。
