100字范文 > 人力资本集聚 Concentration of human capital英语短句 例句大全

人力资本集聚 Concentration of human capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-09 20:00:09


人力资本集聚 Concentration of human capital英语短句 例句大全

人力资本集聚,Concentration of human capital

1)Concentration of human capital人力资本集聚


1.Industrial Clusters Based Learning of the Human Capital Agglomeration of Fujian Province;基于产业集群的福建省人力资本集聚研究

2.On the Concentration of Human Capital and Promotion of the Industrial Competitiveness in the County Area人力资本集聚与县域企业竞争力提升的研究

3.The Research of the Mode and Route of the Human Resource Convergency of City High-Tech Development Zone;城市高新技术开发区人力资本集聚模式及路径探析

4.Regional Economy Development Mode Base on Idiosyncratic Human Capital Assembly;基于异质型人力资本集聚的区域经济发展模式研究

5.Analysis of the Human Capital Value of Technological Talent Aggregation科技型人才聚集的人力资本价值分析

6.A Study on the Influence of Spatial Gathering of Human Capital on Industrial Cluster Development:Taking Shandong Province for Example;人力资本空间集聚对产业集群发展的影响

7.The Study on the Process, Mechanism and Effect of Human Capital Spatial Gather;人力资本空间集聚过程、机理及效应研究

8.Regional Industrial Agglomeration Research Based on Human Capital;基于人力资本视角的区域产业集聚研究

9.Literature Review on Human Capital Mobility and Agglomeration;关于人力资本流动与聚集的认识与评述

10.Study on the mechanism of spatial gather of human capital--take Shandong as an example;人力资本空间集聚机理研究——以山东省为例

11.Industrial Agglomeration and Human Capital Investment--With Yangtze Delta and Pearl Delta as Examples;产业集聚与人力资本积累——以珠三角、长三角为例

12.The Function of Human Capital in Economy Gathers and the Regional Industrial Structure Development;人力资本在经济聚集及区域产业结构演进中的作用

13.The Expansion and Application of Technology Diffusion Model through Human Capital and Trade Agglomeration;人力资本与贸易集聚对技术扩散模型的拓展与应用

14.The Entrepreneurial Conduct of Human-Capital Employees and the Form of Industrial Cluster;人力资本型员工的创业行为与产业集聚生成机制

15.Human Capital and Industrial Agglomeration in High-tech Industry;人力资本与高技术产业集聚——以京津、长三角、珠三角为例的分析

16.Research on the Relation between Human Capital and Industrial Cluster-The Case of Dress Industrial Cluster in Zhejiang Ningbo;人力资本与产业集群发展的关系研究

17.Research on the Governance Problems of Human-captial-intensive Firms人力资本密集型企业的治理问题研究

18.An Empirical Study on the Regional Agglomeration Effect of the Science and Technology Human Resource;科技人力资源区域集聚效应的实证研究


human capital assembling pattern人力资本集聚模式

1.With combination of practice,this paper does research in the ralationships betweenhuman capital assembling pattern and regional economy devolopment mode,and discusses on mutual transformation betweenhuman capital assembling pattern and regional economy devolopment mode.以此为基础,结合实际,对人力资本集聚模式与区域经济发展模式之间的关系进行了研究,并就人力资本集聚模式与区域经济模式的转化进行了探讨。

3)spatial gathering of human capital人力资本空间集聚

1.As has been demonstrated,spatial gathering of human capital has exerted a great influence on industrial cluster.人力资本空间集聚是一个十分复杂的时空变动过程,是区域经济快速发展的基础和前提;产业集群是一种新型的生产组织方式,能带动区域经济的快速发展。

4)human capital intensity人力资本密集

5)aggregation of personnel人力资本积聚

6)centralizing of the capital资本集聚


人力1.人的劳力,人的力量。 2.劳动力。指从事劳作的人。 3.仆役。
