100字范文 > 农转非人员 urban residents changed from rural residents英语短句 例句大全

农转非人员 urban residents changed from rural residents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-18 15:50:55


农转非人员 urban residents changed from rural residents英语短句 例句大全

农转非人员,urban residents changed from rural residents

1)urban residents changed from rural residents农转非人员

1.All these standpoints derive from the analysis to the survey questionnaire done by job-seekers and depth-interviews withurban residents changed from rural residents.妥善处理农转非人员的就业安置问题,是统筹亦庄地区城乡劳动力就业和社会保障工作的关键。


1.A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究

2.Empirical Study of the Unemployment of the Land-expropriated Farmers in the Urbanization Process;城市化进程农转非人员就业问题初探

3.Research on Employment of the Agricultural People to be Given Non-agricultural Status in Chongqing High-tech Zone;重庆市高新区农转非人员就业问题研究

4.Study on the Old-age Security of People Whose Household from Rural to Urban after Land Expropriated in Chongqing City重庆市被征地农转非人员养老保障问题研究

5.The net income per capita for rural residents reached RMB3,541, RMB170 higher than that of the previous year.全年新征土地6193亩,办结农转非人员住房安置6623人,安置转非人员1231人。

6.Social Security Policy for Land-lost People in Expropriation of Land in the Process of Rebuilding Village Inside a City重庆“城中村”改造中征地农转非人员社会保障政策研究

7.Social Support-network and the Remarginalization of Peasant-transformed Workers;社会支持网与农转工人员的再边缘化

8.Restraint Factors and Countermeasures of the Increasing Rural Labour Resource s Non-agriculture Transfer;农村增量人力资源非农转移的制约因素与对策

9.Impact of Surplus Rural labor Transfer on Reemployment Problem of Laid-offs;农村剩余劳动力转移对下岗人员再就业的冲击

10.Challenges from Urbanization to the Quality and Education Rural Transferors;城市化对农村转移人员素质的挑战与教育应对

11.The Analysis of the Re_marginalization of Peasant_transformed Workers and Its Influential Factors;农转工人员的再边缘化及其影响因素分析

12.Peasant-Transformed Workers Education Level and Their Adaptation to Work in City;农转工人员的受教育程度与城市工作的适应性

13.A theoretical consideration of the relationship between human capital investment and rural labor transfer for non-agricultural employment人力资本投资与农村劳动力非农就业转移的理论思考

14.The Comparison Research of Human Capital and Non-Human Capital Labour Shift;农村人力资本型与非人力资本型劳动力转移比较研究

15.Are non-cash negotiable securities in the custody of a person other than the one responsible for cash receipts?非现金的可转让证券是否由负责现金收款人外的其他人员保管?

16.Based on the investment amount, some of the relatives or agents of the Taiwan or foreign investors, who are living in the mainland, can be given the preferential treatment of changing rural residenceship into urban residenceship.根据台商、外商的实际投资,其大陆亲属及代理人可享受“农转非”待遇。

17.Changes the Amount Standard for the Personnel Standard--The Village Lowly to Guarantees Standard Determination Model Transformation;变数额标准为人员标准——农村低保标准确定的范式转换

18.From active Marginalization to Passive Marginalization--Research on Peasant-Transformed Workers Behavior of going into City;从主动边缘化到被动边缘化——农转工人员的进城行为研究


people whose household transformed from rural to urban after land expropriated被征地农转非人员

1.9 millionpeople whose household transformed from rural to urban after land expropriated(as follow calls RTU people).其中,1982年至今,重庆市已有被征地农转非的人员90万人,大多数被征地农转非人员的文化程度和劳动技能偏低,土地被征用后,他们失去了最基本的保障资料,进入城市使他们面临更大的生活风险和就业风险。

3)peasant-transformed workers农转工人员

1.However, because thepeasant-transformed workers are influenced by the two constructions of urban and rural areas, their education level is obviously lower than those residents in citi.农转工人员在进城之初不但获得了城市户籍 ,而且还获得了一份由政府安置的相对稳定的工作。

4)rural-to-urban residents农转居人员

5)rural transferers农村转移人员

1.Nowadays,rural transferers have not set up the behavior mode which is like urban s yet.当前,农村转移人员尚未建构起趋同于城市的行为模式,其城市化过程远未完成。

2.The theory of Pierre Bourdieu about cultural capital reproduction,is helpful to us to inquire about the production and the enhancement of cultural capital onrural transferers in China.这一文化资本再生产理论有助于理解当前我国农村转移人员文化资本生成与提高。

6)Non-farm payroll data非农业人员收入数据


