100字范文 > 短行程 Short stroke英语短句 例句大全

短行程 Short stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 11:17:20


短行程 Short stroke英语短句 例句大全

短行程,Short stroke

1)Short stroke短行程

1.Automatic control of loading system for "short stroke" 75 MN aluminum extrusion press;75MN“短行程”铝挤压机上料部分的自动化控制

2.The mathematical models and genetic algorithms have been used to calculate the width variation at head and tail of the strip based on practical data and optimize the parameters of short stroke control for rough rolling.从生产现场的实际情况出发 ,结合现场工艺和实际数据 ,利用数学模型对带钢端部的宽度变化进行了模拟计算 ,并进一步利用遗传算法对粗轧短行程控制进行全程优化。


1.short stroke snubbing unit短行程不压井起下作业装置

2.Application of Optimizing Short Stroke Control of Strip Hot Rolling短行程控制优化在热轧带钢中的应用

3.1580mm Hot rolling short stroke control1580mm热轧带钢立辊轧机的短行程控制

4.Study of Short Stroke Control Model of Shougang Qiangang 2160 Hot Strip Mill迁钢2160热轧短行程控制模型研究

5.L2 Parameter Optimization of Short Stroke Control for Rough Rolling Edger on Hot Strip Mill热连轧粗轧立辊短行程控制二级参数优化

6.a short life; a short flight; a short holiday; a short story; only a few short months.短暂的生命;短程飞行;很短的假期;小故事;仅仅短短的几个月。

7.To make a quick trip, especially in an airplane.(坐飞机)作短程旅行

8.Travel by easy stages, ie only for a short distance at a time分段作短程舒适的旅行

9.One who is taking a short pleasure trip.旅行者,远足者进行的短程愉快旅行的人

10.took the shuttle across town.乘短程穿梭运行车辆穿过城镇

11.A short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure; an outing.短程游览或远足通常为了娱乐的短程旅行或郊游;远足

12.L values differ for long and short trips and for this reason trips have to be stratified by trip cost.L值随行程的长短而异,因此,必须把行程用行程费用来划分。

13.Study on Reducing the First and Final Walk Distance of Transit Trip关于缩短公交出行起始步行路程和最终步行路程的研究

14.a short stick, line, dress, journey短棒、 短线、 短连衣裙、 短途旅行

15.any informal meal eaten outside or on an excursion.所有在外面或短程旅行中吃的非正式的饭。

16.And we had to cut short our time in the city for financial reasons.出于经济原因,我们不得不缩短了在上海的行程。

17.Study on Characteristics and Performance of Short-Cut Denitrifying Dephosphatation;短程反硝化除磷工艺特征及运行效能研究

18.A minor key, scale, or interval.小调音、短音阶或短音程




1.Study ofSSC for Strip Head and Tail Shape on Hot Strip Mill;热轧带钢头尾形状短行程控制研究

2.The basic features of strip width control including automatic width control (AWC), progressive width control (PWC), short stroke control (SSC) of Baosteel 2050 mm rough rolling are analyzed in details.分析了宝钢2050粗轧宽度控制的基本特点,从自动宽度控制、前馈宽度控制、短行程控制等方面对现有的西门子控制系统进行分析、研究,并参照实际系统建立了液压立辊压下装置的动力学模型以及粗轧基础自动化控制策略模型,并用实际生产数据,对数值仿真结果进行验证,结果表明仿真系统计算结果与实际生产结果基本吻合,为粗轧宽度控制系统的在线调定提供了有益的参考。

3.And the model of Short Stroke Control(SSC) was gived to control the shapes of head and tail,by comparing,the new model is effective for the width reduction of head and tail.针对莱钢1500热连轧机组粗轧段立辊侧压调宽轧制的工艺特点,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立了立辊-水平辊轧制的三维弹塑性有限元模型,研究了不同工况下的带钢轧后头尾端变形(失宽)规律,并据此建立了控制头尾端形状的短行程控制模型。

4)short stroke control短行程控制

1.Study ofshort stroke control model of 2050 mm hot mill in Baosteel;宝钢2050热轧短行程控制模型研究

2.Optimization ofshort stroke control for rough rolling on hot strip mill based on a new PSO;基于改进PSO算法的热连轧粗轧短行程控制曲线优化

3.According to the characteristics of semi-endless rolling technology used in slab continuous casting and rolling line ,various measures of automatic width control in rough and finishing rolling were introduced and a new curve ofshort stroke control for rough rolling was particularly described.针对薄板坯连铸连轧半无头轧制工艺的特点,简述了粗、精轧阶段的各种自动宽度控制和短行程控制的策略。

5)short trip eigenvalue短行程特征值

1.The result shows that it is quite feasible to compress a large number ofshort trip eigenvalues reflecting road traffic features into 3 or 4 principal components that represent over 80% of the original data with PCA.研究表明 ,将众多反映道路交通特征的短行程特征值用主成分分析法压缩成代表原始数据 80 %以上信息的 3个或 4个主成分的方法是可行

6)short-distance time of flight短程飞行时间


