100字范文 > 成本法 cost method英语短句 例句大全

成本法 cost method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-15 01:22:14


成本法 cost method英语短句 例句大全

成本法,cost method

1)cost method成本法

1.Uniformly approximated analysis on appraisal result of road toll right with income method andcost method;收益法和成本法评估公路收费权结果的趋同性分析

2.Explore the change of long-term equity investment from thecost method to equity method--deliberate with the author of the appointed teaching material about examination of chartered accountant;长期股权投资由成本法转权益法会计处理初探——与注册会计师考试指定辅导教材作者商榷

3.This paper introduces the initial measurement of the long-term equity investment under the new accounting standard, expounds the applicability, accounting methods and mutual transformation of thecost method and equity method, and probes into the depreciation processing method for the long-term equity investment.介绍了新企业会计准则中长期股权投资的初始计量,阐述了成本法和权益法的适用范围、核算方式及其相互转换,探讨了长期股权投资的减值处置方法。


1.Study on Cost Planning --Comparing with Operation Cost Method and CostManagement Method used by Handan Steel Corporation;成本企划与作业成本法、邯钢成本法的比较

parison research on activity cost and cost of manufacture;制造成本法与作业成本法的比较研究

3.Analysis on the Influence of the Activity Costing Method on the Traditional Costing Method;作业成本法对传统成本法的影响分析

4.Probe into the Combination of the Activity-based Costing and the Standard-based Costing;作业成本法与标准成本法的结合探析

5.A Comparative Study on Activity-Based Costing and Traditional Costing;作业成本法与传统成本法的比较研究

6.The innovation of cost management --continent - based cost management;成本管理方法的创新——板块成本法

7.Activity Based Costing: an Advanced Costing Computing Approach;作业成本法:一种先进的成本核算方法

8.On the Comparison of“the Quota Cost Method”and “the Norm Cost Method”;“定额成本法”与“标准成本法”的比较

9.A Superficial Thought about the Integrated Application of Manufacture Cost Law and Duty Cost Law;制造成本法与责任成本法的结合应用

10.The Applying of Activity-based Costing in Logistics Cost Management;作业成本法在物流成本管理中的应用

11.The Study about Quality Costs Management Based on Activity-Based Costing;基于作业成本法的质量成本管理研究

12.The Commercial Bank s Cost Management Based on ABC;基于作业成本法的商业银行成本管理

13.Study on the Cost Driver Based on ABC;作业成本法有关成本动因问题的研究

14.ABC Cost-Measuring System Design Research;作业成本法的成本核算体系设计研究

15.Telecom Cost Management Research Based on Activity-Based Costing;基于作业成本法的电信成本管理研究

16.Enterprise logistic cost budget based on operation cost;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本预算

17.Logistic company cost management based on activity-based cost;基于作业成本法的物流企业成本管理

18.Discussion on Application of Operational Cost Method in Drilling Cost Accounting;作业成本法在钻井成本中的应用探讨


cost approach成本法

1.The general formula and formation of depreciationcost approach are introduced.阐述了成新率成本法评估资产的一般公式及其构成,对公路资产重置全新价格的选取,以及物理成新率、技术成新率和经济价值波动系数的测算方法作了具体分析和实例操作。

2.On the basis of the concepts of forest-age groups and time value of money, by adoptingcost approach and market approach, we get the assets value of ecological forest for public benefit in Qinghai Province.在分林龄组和考虑货币时间价值的基础上,采用成本法和市场法评估,得到青海省研究区域内生态公益林林木资产的价值。

3.Based on analysis of cost compositions of real estate productions and principle of parameter determination forcost approach in real estate appraisal, a method suitable for parameter determination is introduced.在对房地产估价成本法的房地产价格构成、成本法参数确定原则进行分析之后 ,提出了成本法参数确定的方法 ,增强了成本法在房地产估价中的可操作性和实用性 。

3)cost of capital method资本成本法

1.Based on the measurable theory of fair value,this paper illustrated thecost of capital method for the calculation of market value margin,and suggested its application in the case of property insurance policies.本文以公允价值的计量理论为基础,提出资本成本法这种风险价值边际的核算方法,并以财产险保单为例探讨该方法的应用。

4)Law-abiding cost守法成本

5)illegal cost违法成本

1.A Study on the Illegal Cost in Chinese Security Market;我国证券市场违法成本研究

2.Based on analyzingillegal cost and illegal income, this study has raised the relevant solutions according to the cause which is determined by following factors: the existence of economic law, the ratelevel of being charged, the chance for realizing illegal behavior and lawbreakers bias to the risk of law.经济违法行为产生的原因有多种 ,本文从经济学的成本收益角度分析了经济违法行为存在的经济根源 ,在对违法成本和违法收益比较分析的基础上分析了影响经济违法行为的诸因素 ,并提出了相应的对

6)method of total cost总成本法


