100字范文 > 公民社会组织 civil society organization英语短句 例句大全

公民社会组织 civil society organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 01:59:54


公民社会组织 civil society organization英语短句 例句大全

公民社会组织,civil society organization

1)civil society organization公民社会组织

1.The Cultivation of the Civil Society Organizations of China and the Development of Socialist Democracy;中国公民社会组织的培育和社会主义民主的发展

2.In China,as a special organizational institution rather than the government,market or family,thecivil society organization is showing its value and function in promoting social harmony and development.在我国,作为处于政府、市场、家庭之间的一种特殊组织结构,公民社会组织在社会的协调与发展中已经初显其价值与作用。


1.The Tentative Probe of Chinese Civil Society Organization on the Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下的中国公民社会组织初探

2.The Cultivation of the Civil Society Organizations of China and the Development of Socialist Democracy;中国公民社会组织的培育和社会主义民主的发展

3.Construction of Political Participation of the Civil Society Organization in China;论中国公民社会组织政治参与的建设问题

4.The Function and Developmental Approaches of Civil Society Organization in Building a Harmonious Society;公民社会组织在构建和谐社会中的作用及其发展途径

5.Civil Society Organizations and Anti-risk Mechanism;公民社会组织与风险抵御机制——某大枣协会个案研究

6.The Rise of Social Organizations and Governance Cooperative Networks in Singapore;新加坡公民社会组织的兴起与治理中的合作网络

7.A Research on Dalian Social Organizations" Participation in the Construction of the Modern School System大连市公民社会组织参与现代学校制度建设的调查研究

8.Effect of Employee In-Organization Social Captial on Organizational Citizenship Behavior;员工组织内社会资本对组织公民行为的影响

9.Relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors,social capital and organizational performance;组织公民行为、社会资本与组织绩效的关系

10.View on construct NGOs and development the Civil Society;论非政府组织建设与公民社会的发展

11.History,Development and Trends of Social Organizations in China:Towards a Civil Society走向公民社会——我国社会组织发展的历史及趋势

12.Civil Society under the Ken of Economics and Organization Theory经济学和组织学交叉视野下的公民社会

13.Government Transformation,Civil Society and the Orientation of Intermediary Organizations;政府转型、公民社会与中介组织功能定位

14.The Non-governmental Organization and Its Legal Regulations in the Civil Society公民社会中的非政府组织及其法律规范

15.The Rise of the Civil Society and the Construction of the Basic Organization of the Communist Youth League公民社会的兴起与共青团基层组织建设

16.An Empirical Study on the Influence Process of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior:A Social Exchange Perspective;基于社会交换的组织支持对组织公民行为影响过程研究

17.Study of the Mechanism of Characteristics of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behavior企业社会责任特征对员工组织承诺及组织公民行为作用机制研究

18.Volunteer Organization and Citizen Society Construction志愿组织与公民社会的构建——兼论中国志愿组织发展


civil society organizations公民社会组织

1.The improvement ofcivil society organizations are the core of the construction of Socialist harmonious society and the foundations of a harmonious and soldiery society.健全的公民社会组织是构建和谐社会的重心所在,它不仅是民主政治的基础,也是社会和谐与团结的基础。

3)Social public welfare Civil society organization社会公益性民间组织

4)Social Folk Organizations社会民间组织

1.We should establish a nation and social relationships of "powerful nation and powerful society" and started with building superior culture, transforming the function of government, nourishing social folk organizations and administering country according to law.我们应当构建一个“强国家—强社会”的国家与社会关系模式,并从塑造强势文化、转变政府职能与培育社会民间组织、建设法治社会等方面入手。

5)civil social organizations民间社会组织

6)social public organizations社会公共组织

1.Based on the orientation ofsocial public organizations, this article points out that fosteringsocial public organizations is an inexorable trend of the reform of political structure in our country; besides, only bringing the disputes betweensocial public organizations and their members in the exercise of public functions into administrative proceedings, can mak.本文在对社会公共组织进行定位的基础上 ,指出培育社会公共组织是我国政治体制改革的必然趋势 ;同时 ,只有将社会公共组织在行使公共职能时与其成员之间的纠纷纳入行政诉讼中来 ,才能最终在国家、社会、个人之间建立起政治生态平衡。

2.No matter the New Public Management in the 1970s, or the association revolution in the 1990s, all demonstrate that thesocial public organizations are developing.不论是20世纪70年代以来的新公共管理运动,还是20世纪90年代兴起的社团革命,都毫无疑问的揭示了非政府的社会公共组织的兴起与发展。


