100字范文 > 人权教育 human rights education英语短句 例句大全

人权教育 human rights education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-03 05:16:16


人权教育 human rights education英语短句 例句大全

人权教育,human rights education

1)human rights education人权教育

1.Human rights education in the primary and secondary school is the trend ofhuman rights education and the demand of human rights development in the world.人权教育是促进人权实现的一个根本因素,在中小学开展人权教育是世界人权教育的发展趋势和人权事业发展的必然要求。

2.Writing the human rights into the constitution provideshuman rights education political and legal basis.尊重和维护人权是中国21世纪发展的重要任务,人权入宪为人权教育带来了政治法律依据。

3.Having based on the people-oriented educational doctrine,human rights education aims to popularize the human rights culture through transmission of human rights knowledge,instruction of human rights skills and cultivation of human rights attitude.人权教育是多元民主国家公民教育发展中凸显出的一种全新的教育理念,是当代国际教育研究中的一个崭新领域。


1.United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995- 1995-联合国人权教育十年

2.Programme in Human Rights Education for Cambodia柬埔寨人权教育方案

monwealth Conference on Human Rights Educatio英联邦人权教育会议

munity Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects人权教育活动资助计划

5.Human Rights Education and Reconciliation Fund人权教育与和解基金

6.Penetrate the idea of human rights guide students how to be a good person--Talking about the human rights education in elementary education;渗透人权教育理念,引导学生学会做人——谈基础教育中的人权教育

7.The Education of Human Rights: an Urgent Task in the Rural Education Reform;人权教育:农村教育改革中的紧迫课题

8.On the Development of Universal Human Rights Culture and the Promotion of Human Rights Education in China普遍人权文化的建立与中国人权教育的开展

9.On the Implementation of Human Rights Education in the Nine-Year Schooling of Compulsory Education人权教育纳入中小学九年义务教育体系探论

10.United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education,1995-1995-联合国人权教育十年

11.Plan of Action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995- 1995-联合国人权教育十年行动计划

12.Trust Fund for the Programme in Human Rights Education for Cambodia柬埔寨人权教育方案信托基金

13.United Nations voluntary fund for human rights educatio联合国人权教育自愿基金

14.United Nations Trust Fund for a Human Rights Education Programme in Cambodia联合国柬埔寨人权教育方案信托基金

15.THE EDUCATED RIGHT STUDIED;受教育权研究——从人权的视角透视受教育权

16.Congress on Education for Human Rights and Democracy人权和民主教育大会

17.Freedom,Equality and Human Rights:An Interpretation of the Attributes of the Right to Education自由、平等、人权:受教育权属性解读

18.A guardian of the person is entitled to regulate his education.人身监护人有权安排他的教育。


education of human rights人权教育

1.Recessive psychological education among university students through theeducation of human rights has its psychological theory foundation of behaviorism and humanism.通过人权教育实施大学生心理健康隐性教育具有行为主义、人本主义心理学理论基础。

2.Nowadays,the farmers have little knowledge and sense of human rights for lack of theeducation of human rights in the rural areas.目前在我国的广大农村地区,人权教育极度缺失,致使农村人的人权知识、人权意识严重不足,侵权行为时有发生,而人权教育恰恰是促进农村走向现代文明的必由之路,在当前的农村教育改革中加强人权教育,提升农村人的人权素养已成为一个十分紧迫的课题。

3)educational human rights教育人权

4)the education of human rights人权观教育

1.On influence of the internet tothe education of human rights;论网络对人权观教育的影响

5)Civil Liberties Education Division人权教育课

6)Human Rights and Education人权与教育


