100字范文 > 内置窗帘 built-in curtain英语短句 例句大全

内置窗帘 built-in curtain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-26 13:54:10


内置窗帘 built-in curtain英语短句 例句大全

内置窗帘,built-in curtain

1)built-in curtain内置窗帘

1.It consists of the outer window, inner window andbuilt-in curtain.它由外层窗、内层窗和内置窗帘构成,具有结构简单、经济耐用、节能效果显著等特点,是一种很值得大力推广的环保型高效节能窗户。

2)curtain rod arm uncoupling apparatus窗帘卷放装置


1.Effects of a down-to-floor windowcurtain on radiator heat emission;落地窗帘对散热器散热量影响的初步研究

2.Simultaneous dyeing and finishing process of nonwovens forcurtain;窗帘用非织造布同步染色与整理加工工艺

3.Several different weaves were selected to tentatively weave some samples ofcurtain,some analysis on them was also carried out.选用这三种竹节纱开发了窗帘织物。


1.casement cloth细棉布(作窗帘或门帘用)

2.loop up [back] a curtain将窗帘 (拉开) 以帘环束紧

3.The windows were curtainless, only the tops were covered with valances.窗上没有窗帘,只有顶部的窗帘框。

4.a rift in the clouds [curtains]云缝 [窗帘的间隙]

5.The windows were draped with costly hangings.窗上全挂着贵重的窗帘。

6.She hung the window with curtains.她给窗子挂上窗帘。

7.clip, of base metal, for curtains, blinds or portieres窗帘,百叶窗或门帘夹,贱金属制

8.fitting ,of base metal, for curtains, blinds or portieres窗帘遮、遮阳篷或门帘配件,贱金属制

9.Draw is commonly used to mean `open/close curtains/blinds".draw常用以指`拉开[拉上]帘子[窗帘]'.

10.Curtain--A Complexity of Diversified Grace and Feature;一帘幽梦——家居窗帘卷起万种风情

11.This curtain bunches up.这块窗帘布皱起来了。

12.The curtain is thick and you can"t see through.窗帘挺厚,你看不透的。

13.curtain loop of textile materials窗帘用环纺织材料制

14.polyester-viscose mixed nacre window holland涤粘交织珠光窗帘布

15.What adorable curtains!多么吸引人的窗帘!

16.He drew back the curtain;it was day.他拉起窗帘,是白天了。

17.The curtains do not match with the decoration.窗帘与室内装璜不相配。

18.The curtain ripped from top to bottom.窗帘被从上至下撕开了。


curtain rod arm uncoupling apparatus窗帘卷放装置


1.Effects of a down-to-floor windowcurtain on radiator heat emission;落地窗帘对散热器散热量影响的初步研究

2.Simultaneous dyeing and finishing process of nonwovens forcurtain;窗帘用非织造布同步染色与整理加工工艺

3.Several different weaves were selected to tentatively weave some samples ofcurtain,some analysis on them was also carried out.选用这三种竹节纱开发了窗帘织物。

4)window curtain窗帘

1.Proposed that adopting multi layer window,window curtain, sealed insulating glass, air exchange unit of energy saving and improving air tightness are the effecti.在实验、研究的基础上,文中提出了窗的多层化、加窗帘、加强气密性、采用节能换气装置、采用中空玻璃等是窗的保温节能的有效措施,并定量地给出了采用不同方法所能获得的节能效果。




